1. 12 May, 2015 3 commits
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      inbound/outbound handlers · 555213ca
      James Sedgwick authored
      Much less copypasta this time around. I wonder if the getters and setters for write flags and read buffer settings are necessary in the new handler types, or even if they belong in the bidirectional handler
      I'm all ears for more suggestions on reducing copypasta
      I'm going to reorg the code (inl headers etc) in a subsequent diff once this is in - easier to review this way
      Test Plan: existing unit, thinking about tests for these changes
      Reviewed By: davejwatson@fb.com
      Subscribers: fugalh, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2026522
      Tasks: 6836580
      Signature: t1:2026522:1430346145:bd7f7770eddce0470e2ac72440fc001cf128df08
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      moar CRTP to minimize copypasta for inbound/outbound handlers · dded9096
      James Sedgwick authored
      I think this is the best I can do to minimize whjat must be copied for InboundHandler, InboundHandlerContext, InboundContextImpl, outbound equivalents, etc
      Test Plan: unit
      Reviewed By: davejwatson@fb.com
      Subscribers: fugalh, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2025612
      Tasks: 6836580
      Signature: t1:2025612:1430346200:bc06162711bbc52b17574297a3569736f7973a7c
    • Nicholas Ormrod's avatar
      struct/class consistency · b44cacfd
      Nicholas Ormrod authored
      This diff is based on https://github.com/facebook/folly/pull/95
      by gitbug user mikekap.
      It changes the struct/class naming of forward declarations to match
      their definitions.
      Test Plan:
      fbconfig -r folly && fbmake runtests
      Reviewed By: markisaa@fb.com
      Subscribers: fugalh, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2032995
      Tasks: 6783581
      Signature: t1:2032995:1430339337:79193fd8409b73e8a9155133f326b7cee534244d
  2. 29 Apr, 2015 13 commits
    • Andrii Grynenko's avatar
      Bump version to 37:0 · 31928396
      Andrii Grynenko authored
    • Dave Watson's avatar
      fix unittest break · de6b9a78
      Dave Watson authored
      Summary: It looks like the ubuntu version of gtest complains about this?
      Test Plan:
      Will watch jenkins fbthrift and proxygen builds
      previous jenkins break:
      Reviewed By: bmatheny@fb.com
      Subscribers: doug, folly-diffs@, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2032761
      Tasks: 6913742
      Signature: t1:2032761:1430337624:ec65b26cf8da7d0d8c7e449f235de7147d4f17d6
      Blame Revision: D2029802
    • Andrii Grynenko's avatar
      Move Singleton out of folly/experimental into folly/ · d58181e6
      Andrii Grynenko authored
      Test Plan: contbuild
      Reviewed By: chip@fb.com
      Subscribers: wormhole-diffs@, trunkagent, hphp-diffs@, jan, simpkins, configerator-diffs@, fbcode-common-diffs@, chaoyc, bill, search-fbcode-diffs@, agallagher, nli, marcelo, ckwalsh, mcduff, hitesh, mshneer, unicorn-diffs@, vighnesh, fugalh, andreib, bmatheny, tw-eng@, tanmoyc, zhuohuang, rvm4, antonl, acampi, alikhtarov, hdoshi, rsethi, panin, folly-diffs@, lins, kennyyu, hannesr, jsedgwick, dominik, yfeldblum, songhao, raghavpi, labrams, lyang, chalfant, #preselection, macsyz, nimishshah
      FB internal diff: D2012267
      Tasks: 5676394
      Signature: t1:2012267:1430334667:eaad0262b35ffbfae86df5bdb45bf057ac62c51b
    • Alex Landau's avatar
      Shave off 1.3s of THeader.h compile time · 124877d3
      Alex Landau authored
      THeader.h went from 1.8s to 0.5s.
      Total build of sample project doing thrift client and server stuff went
      down 1.5-3% from
      (run 1)
      real    5m25.059s
      user    130m30.853s
      sys     10m18.642s
      (run 2)
      real    5m29.483s
      user    129m12.209s
      sys     10m14.762s
      (run 1)
      real    5m23.292s
      user    125m44.318s
      sys     10m7.103s
      (run 2)
      real    5m20.999s
      user    127m4.969s
      sys     10m10.118s
      Test Plan:
      fbmake --distcc off --ccache off dbg
      Will also watch contbuild, since some files might be missing includes
      Reviewed By: haijunz@fb.com
      Subscribers: jmarg, anca, reachfrequency-eng@, jhunt, yanli, jgeller, chaoyc, search-fbcode-diffs@, net-systems@, zeus-diffs@, vikas, jcoens, unicorn-diffs@, ldbrandy, jteller, atlas2-eng@, everstore-dev@, leis, benj, laser-diffs@, zhguo, jying, wanghuan, jeremyfein, dbolcioni, jacekm, maxwellsayles, osmith, pallotron, fbcode-common-diffs@, davejwatson, andrewcox, marcelo, ckwalsh, mcduff, hitesh, mshneer, fugalh, alandau, bmatheny, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, haijunz, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2029911
      Signature: t1:2029911:1430261056:9ae688c50585a6454479f810d80b2c1c79b60e04
    • Hans Fugal's avatar
      Move this `reduce` to `helpers.h` · dd00fd81
      Hans Fugal authored
      Summary: just a lowly non-erroring semantic merge conflict
      Test Plan: builds
      Reviewed By: jsedgwick@fb.com
      Subscribers: trunkagent, exa, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2029593
      Signature: t1:2029593:1430319785:2cd96927b9080fe18b168ab95ad201afc4f00857
    • Blake Matheny's avatar
      get_or_throw and get_optional · f0901aec
      Blake Matheny authored
      Adds get_or_throw map helper (get a value, or throw with the specified
      exception type) and get_optional (get an Optional<Value>). This is a folly
      backport of some util helpers in experimental.
      Test Plan: Unit tests
      Reviewed By: wez@fb.com
      Subscribers: folly-diffs@, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2029802
      Tasks: 4332480
      Signature: t1:2029802:1430280249:3efbb2fb9394e31b3fbe6d5bd209d12ebb7ed587
    • Rushi Desai's avatar
      An IOExecutor that executes under mapped fiber context. · f3e177a5
      Rushi Desai authored
      This should help executing sync thrift handlers on fibers. This allows the handler methods to achieve concurrency by awaiting.
      Test Plan: Chimera unit tests (which also accesses running FacebookBase methods in fiber context!)
      Reviewed By: davejwatson@fb.com
      Subscribers: trunkagent, hannesr, andrii, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, haijunz, yfeldblum, alandau, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2015886
      Signature: t1:2015886:1430156870:a84499e0e781f5e6e77f48f1f3063f53d0968698
    • Woo Xie's avatar
      Dynmaic load shedding · 37624c1f
      Woo Xie authored
      add a free system memory limit to Load Shed Configuration for dynamic shedding
      Test Plan:
      tested on edge241.01.ams3, works as expected. Once the free memory is less than 23G (picked on purpose for testing),  new connections are shedded.   But the shedding rate is totally wrong.  I will explain and address it in another diff.
      Reviewed By: afrind@fb.com
      Subscribers: trunkagent, fugalh, bmatheny, nimishshah, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant, xning, alexkr
      FB internal diff: D2026477
      Tasks: 4604893
      Signature: t1:2026477:1430176828:65eadd82efa3189a1bebcb8518efaf56cd36beed
    • Hans Fugal's avatar
      Promise::setValue() for Unit · ef0137ce
      Hans Fugal authored
      Summary: Unit is a bit special because it's just something special to use instead of `Promise<void>`, so let's offer the same sugar that `Promise<void>` has (`p.setValue()` instead of `p.setValue(Unit())`)
      Test Plan: New unit tests. Look, a pun!
      Reviewed By: jsedgwick@fb.com
      Subscribers: exa, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant, davejwatson, hannesr
      FB internal diff: D2014139
      Tasks: 6847876
      Signature: t1:2014139:1430159950:1484ee420c6d7f0f794a546b78ef1601c2eec45c
    • Giuseppe Ottaviano's avatar
      Fix default arguments for orderBy() · 0cfa7e4b
      Giuseppe Ottaviano authored
      Summary: Calling `folly::gen::orderBy()` without arguments causes a compilation error because the first template argument cannot be deduced. This diff fixes it.
      Test Plan:
      fbconfig -r folly && fbmake runtests
      Reviewed By: philipp@fb.com
      Subscribers: folly-diffs@, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2025789
      Signature: t1:2025789:1430167404:02fde7287b015d9dcbf398e8dc84cde7d74b4a5b
    • Yedidya Feldblum's avatar
      BenchmarkSuspender::dismissing. · f8147e89
      Yedidya Feldblum authored
      [Folly] BenchmarkSuspender::dismissing.
      Pass a lambda to it, and the lambda will be executed while the benchmark-suspender is dismissed. Just a bit of sugar around `BenchmarkSuspender::dismiss` and `BenchmarkSuspender::rehire`.
      BENCHMARK(name_void, iters) {
      BenchmarkSuspender braces;
      # benchmark timer is suspended
      braces.dismissing([&] {
      # benchmark timer is running
      # benchmark timer is suspended
      BENCHMARK(name_value, iters) {
      BenchmarkSuspender braces;
      # benchmark timer is suspended
      auto value = braces.dismissing([&] {
      # benchmark timer is running
      return doSomething();
      # benchmark timer is suspended
      Test Plan:
      Unit tests:
      * `folly/test/BenchmarkTest.cpp` (actually a benchmark)
      Reviewed By: njormrod@fb.com
      Subscribers: net-systems@, folly-diffs@, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2024166
      Signature: t1:2024166:1430163281:24df0ac98cbe36372f780372ee8f7dd3722b7868
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      Handler::getContext() when possible · dda97e8e
      James Sedgwick authored
      Only allow this if the handler is only ever attached to a single pipeline once. i.e. only ever associated with one Context
      Test Plan: unit, thrift unit
      Reviewed By: davejwatson@fb.com
      Subscribers: fugalh, alandau, bmatheny, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2024007
      Tasks: 6836580
      Signature: t1:2024007:1430157264:efcf70ca3531c10eec5d458c9e9d6cda60c507c3
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      fix detachPipeline/attachPipeline ordering · 9eed30dd
      James Sedgwick authored
      detachPipeline always goes bottom to top
      attachPipeline always goes top to bottom
      now we can attachReadCallback in AsyncSocketHandler::attachPipeline()
      not sure of the implications for TAsyncTransportHandler... looks like Cpp2Channel still wants to attach/detach cb manually
      Test Plan: unit
      Reviewed By: davejwatson@fb.com
      Subscribers: fugalh, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2023982
      Tasks: 6836580
      Signature: t1:2023982:1430157500:e09a4103550a3e5721effaa1b28ac5bed071fa67
  3. 27 Apr, 2015 24 commits
    • Alecs King's avatar
      Bump version to 36:0 · 03ec96f3
      Alecs King authored
    • Nicholas Ormrod's avatar
      README: Fixed typo, formatted code, and linked to docs · 0887b7ac
      Nicholas Ormrod authored
      (from @njormrod) This changes the READMEs to be .md,
      appropriate for github. I viewed the docs on github, and they looked
      WAY better as .md files.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarNicholas Ormrod <njormrod@fb.com>
      Test Plan: view on github
      Reviewed By: markisaa@fb.com
      Subscribers: fugalh, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D1999531
      Tasks: 6783581
      Signature: t1:1999531:1429220432:68c6d8dc70806d993c83cacce6369cb7e6e964c8
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      Manage handlers with shared_ptrs, introduce StaticPipeline · 4f7459c3
      James Sedgwick authored
      A few things:
      - Eliminate HandlerPtr by managing all handlers with shared_ptrs instead of keeping them inline in the pipeline
      - Kill recursively templated ChannelPipeline accordingly
      - Introduce StaticPipeline to retain the flexibility of zero-alloc pipelines
      - Introduce notion of an "owning handler" to avoid destruction order issues
      Test Plan: unit (will add more), thrift unit
      Reviewed By: davejwatson@fb.com
      Subscribers: fugalh, alandau, bmatheny, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2023976
      Tasks: 6836580
      Signature: t1:2023976:1430159578:e50e8a149e549a40670d093fb65987a4843cdd8d
    • Hans Fugal's avatar
      rearrange Future.h · abdd128c
      Hans Fugal authored
      Summary: Move boring preamble stuff to `Future-pre.h` and `folly::futures` and `makeFuture` and pals to `helpers.h`.
      Test Plan:
      tests still build and pass
      Reviewed By: jsedgwick@fb.com
      Subscribers: exa, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant, hannesr, davejwatson
      FB internal diff: D2014330
      Signature: t1:2014330:1429941589:1e2c336136f3375f9b96e5df8c06ca5820ba6aeb
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      strip Channel from all class names · 3444ffba
      James Sedgwick authored
      Summary: as above. Only got a little messy when components within folly::wangle typedefed things to Pipeline
      Test Plan: unit tests
      Reviewed By: davejwatson@fb.com
      Subscribers: wormhole-diffs@, fugalh, alandau, bmatheny, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2022181
      Tasks: 6836580
      Signature: t1:2022181:1430157032:df0bdfb9ca0d76b86d52c55c4ad41ea953a18cb4
    • Andre Pinto's avatar
      Fix oss build · da10a8e6
      Andre Pinto authored
      Summary: Fixing oss build
      Test Plan: Visual analysis.
      Reviewed By: pavlo@fb.com
      Subscribers: folly-diffs@, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2023889
      Signature: t1:2023889:1430144784:e58fe9e1f1193d71527ba5f5f2c2efb60bce7a2d
      Blame Revision: D2022859
    • Hans Fugal's avatar
      Introducing Unit! · 0b46dda4
      Hans Fugal authored
      Summary: title
      Test Plan: tests
      Reviewed By: hannesr@fb.com
      Subscribers: exa, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2022859
      Signature: t1:2022859:1429920863:0d3afce9779a790baf246de97f98812e23e1574d
    • Yedidya Feldblum's avatar
      IPAddressV6::kToFullyQualifiedSize. · 8ab68e82
      Yedidya Feldblum authored
      [Folly] IPAddressV6::kToFullyQualifiedSize.
      The scenario: One has a string known to be a fully-qualified IPv4 or fully-qualified IPv6 address, but one does not know which of the two it is.
      The dirty but fast solution: just check its size.
      Test Plan: Build. Unit tests.
      Reviewed By: mshneer@fb.com
      Subscribers: folly-diffs@, dougw, yfeldblum, chalfant, brettp
      FB internal diff: D2016634
      Signature: t1:2016634:1429831808:08ecb28eab3060988f9613748ed8dabf3724bf13
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      makeFutureTry -> makeFutureWith · b79405c6
      James Sedgwick authored
      Summary: Similar to Promise::fulfil -> setWith change, this name is a lot clearer
      Test Plan: tests
      Reviewed By: hans@fb.com
      Subscribers: netego-diffs@, fugalh, mwa, jgehring, fuegen, folly-diffs@, tingy, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2013124
      Tasks: 6837405
      Signature: t1:2013124:1429735106:e8861925dfeb6d7f0662c1057cbcf2ad8dcf008c
    • Dave Watson's avatar
      Change ThreadManager interface to Executor · c1ad7544
      Dave Watson authored
      Change ThreadManager interface to more generic Executor interface.  Specific example of supporting fibers.  This diff would replace D1967655
      Test Plan: added several unittests
      Reviewed By: alandau@fb.com
      Subscribers: doug, alandau, bmatheny, mshneer, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant, alikhtarov, andrii, yitingli
      FB internal diff: D1994663
      Signature: t1:1994663:1429640509:d729ce6f020563b680d1d549f9aa273c739eb925
    • Hans Fugal's avatar
      Cleanup Future(Value) ctor · 2aed11df
      Hans Fugal authored
      We don't need to check for void after all, and with perfect forwarding we don't need separate const& and && versions.
      Test Plan: tests still pass
      Reviewed By: jsedgwick@fb.com
      Subscribers: exa, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2014264
      Tasks: 6847876
      Signature: t1:2014264:1429735036:01ac166399ef8d0f2f34adb51e965809022c2b64
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      take collections by reference · 03b14b9c
      James Sedgwick authored
      Summary: This covers the ubiquitous case. If the approach is approved (the task mentioned changing impl to use 'auto for' so this is a bit different) i'll codemod callsites
      Test Plan: unit
      Reviewed By: hans@fb.com
      Subscribers: trunkagent, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2013573
      Tasks: 6779710
      Signature: t1:2013573:1429735631:cfa0d3f6672a8966afc0ea18308307e2153793ce
    • Jun Li's avatar
      Make MIN_WRITE_SIZE configurable for AsyncSSLSocket. · 12f0c056
      Jun Li authored
      MIN_WRITE_SIZE is used to avoid small write calls to SSL_write. If there are
      consecutive small buffers to write, then will be combined together(by being
      copied to a local buffer) until total size exceeds MIN_WRITE_SIZE. This reduces
      number of calls SSL_write, improving performance, and avoiding overhead in OpenSSL.
      Currently, MIN_WRITE_SIZE is hard coded to be 1500 bytes.
      Wormhole could benefit from this, as our average message size is several
      hundreds of bytes. We could get even better throughput with larger
      As discussed with Adam and Alan, there is a good reason to make it
      configurable, though default value is still 1500.
      Test Plan: unit tests
      Reviewed By: simpkins@fb.com
      Subscribers: net-systems@, ssl-diffs@, folly-diffs@, yfeldblum, chalfant, thomasf
      FB internal diff: D1996570
      Tasks: 6784543
      Signature: t1:1996570:1429667035:a661ef30a715dafec3e134a7f6af6f56ada2e8e0
    • Naizhi Li's avatar
      Add support for creating SocketAddress directly from IPAddress object · 6546b7b9
      Naizhi Li authored
      Today it's hard to create SocketAddress from IPAddress
      without converting to strings and back. This change adds this capability.
      Test Plan: build
      Reviewed By: yfeldblum@fb.com
      Subscribers: ps, bmatheny, folly-diffs@, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2011879
      Signature: t1:2011879:1429733811:c05fc2d5ef5e9fdbbbb54ad26b4d1e3c0ad06dfa
    • Dave Watson's avatar
      future / fiber integration · 75aef07c
      Dave Watson authored
      make future::wait() use fiber's baton, so wait works in threads or in fibers.
      Much cleaner than making a new FiberRequest type in thrift
      Test Plan: tests
      Reviewed By: andrii@fb.com
      Subscribers: doug, alandau, bmatheny, mshneer, andrii, folly-diffs@, yitingli, yfeldblum, jsedgwick, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D1996283
      Signature: t1:1996283:1429144165:da5dc6b1f2a053a45efd39877e79169e3fba810c
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      when* -> collect* · 312e7454
      James Sedgwick authored
      Summary: title
      Test Plan: tests
      Reviewed By: hans@fb.com
      Subscribers: laser-diffs@, trunkagent, mhl, rhe, fbcode-common-diffs@, chaoyc, search-fbcode-diffs@, hero-diffs@, zeus-diffs@, vikas, cold-storage-diffs@, rtgw-diffs@, unicorn-diffs@, targeting-diff-backend@, netego-diffs@, apollo-diffs@, everstore-dev@, zhuohuang, zhguo, jying, darshan, apodsiadlo, alikhtarov, folly-diffs@, wch, lins, tingy, jsedgwick, thom, yfeldblum, petchean, iaroslav, qhuang, gus, san, tomasz, pknowles, lyang, chalfant, paggarw, stevenkim
      FB internal diff: D2003300
      Tasks: 6025255
      Signature: t1:2003300:1429659170:e18999cba45e8aa9019aa94f1f29732076a274ad
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      fix collect() for move-only types · 5904c0ae
      James Sedgwick authored
      as above. it never ends.
      Test Plan: added unit
      Reviewed By: hans@fb.com
      Subscribers: folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2011569
      Signature: t1:2011569:1429660210:930cb17682d5c86a11881a23efe0a91f4c6a36b1
    • Hans Fugal's avatar
      then-with-Executor · cd338595
      Hans Fugal authored
      Pass an Executor to `then`, which applies only for that callback. This is on
      the one hand just a convenience method, but it's a major convenience when it's
      needed, because grabbing, storing, and restoring the old Executor in the
      middle of a chain is very inconvenient indeed.
      Test Plan:
      new unit
      docblock comments
      Reviewed By: jsedgwick@fb.com
      Subscribers: folly-diffs@, davejwatson, chalfant, yfeldblum, nkgupta, jsedgwick, exa, robbert
      FB internal diff: D2011542
      Tasks: 6771589, 6838553
      Signature: t1:2011542:1429660204:f5959b1e0b3b36dfb8c3c7091302d19101dde93b
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      fix collect for non-default-constructible types, for real this time · 23bf239f
      James Sedgwick authored
      this was a fun one. Add a specialized implementation that builds up the results in a map with their indices and aggregates them into a vector at the end
      Test Plan: unit tests
      Reviewed By: hans@fb.com
      Subscribers: folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2002444
      Signature: t1:2002444:1429642589:ee5aa5e8c461db97a28642b9887b3158df317813
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      map() · 82e3591a
      James Sedgwick authored
      simple sugary syrup, best used in conjunction with collect/whenAll
      Test Plan: unit
      Reviewed By: hans@fb.com
      Subscribers: trunkagent, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant, cgthayer
      FB internal diff: D1999047
      Tasks: 6045623
      Signature: t1:1999047:1429570631:62361bb43dc5489fe3d4eb31af404faf8a765402
    • Hans Fugal's avatar
      Assume exception when Executor::add throws · df50885c
      Hans Fugal authored
      Rather than crashing spectacularly, if `Executor::add` throws (e.g. because the queue is full), then discard the result we got and assume the exception the executor threw instead.
      Alternatively, we could pass this exceptional Try to the callback (without an executor, as it is here), but not perturb `result_`. This would mean two different world views in these two code snippets:
      auto f1 = makeFuture(42).via(&crappyExecutor);
      f1.value(); // 42 (no callback happened)
      f1.then(...); // would see the executor's exception. Would also be ill-advised to do this after value()
      auto f2 = makeFuture(42).via(&crappyExecutor)
      .then([](int x) { return x * 2; }); // skipped
      f2.value(); // throws executor's exception
      It feels rude to throw away the result, but it feels too potentially dangerous to allow this split view of the world.
      Test Plan: modified unit
      Reviewed By: jsedgwick@fb.com
      Subscribers: exa, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2007729
      Tasks: 5306911
      Signature: t1:2007729:1429627114:b627ce758ce9231298f1b28e203ccc1ee415ed9a
    • James Sedgwick's avatar
      revert D1985475, clang still borked · ad932c32
      James Sedgwick authored
      This reverts commit bb08e2405dc68e6dab1f0066b15faa2821ad3dc7.
      Test Plan: revert-hammer
      Reviewed By: hans@fb.com
      Subscribers: mathieubaudet, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2006283
      Signature: t1:2006283:1429556243:41e6b3189ce2da5a0f1a32a663ff8761628ca574
    • Dave Watson's avatar
      test failure conditions in LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder · a38fa2aa
      Dave Watson authored
      Summary: Moar unittests.
      Test Plan:
      Reviewed By: hans@fb.com
      Subscribers: doug, fugalh, folly-diffs@, jsedgwick, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D1959161
      Signature: t1:1959161:1429292487:b7d10be35c2cf1d0bc1b399f4f523392a138a217
    • Nicholas Ormrod's avatar
      Revert "Revert "Deprecating folly::is_complete"" · 7d1d6185
      Nicholas Ormrod authored
      This reverts commit 95a80fd4cb5a4b31b41b34fd24d591e0fc1b0650.
      Test Plan: n/a
      Reviewed By: andrewjcg@fb.com
      Subscribers: trunkagent, folly-diffs@, yfeldblum, chalfant
      FB internal diff: D2004342
      Tasks: 6804947
      Signature: t1:2004342:1429332777:4dd1c45e22ee4da69e5e84d3c5f67bada263f307
      Blame Revision: D2002345