Unverified Commit 14f8be11 authored by Niels Lohmann's avatar Niels Lohmann

Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/nlohmann/json into hedley14

parents 411fc324 b9d76516
......@@ -44,5 +44,13 @@ workflows:
version: 2
- build_stable
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# -Wno-documentation-unknown-command: code uses user-defined commands like @complexity
# -Wno-exit-time-destructors: warning in json code triggered by NLOHMANN_JSON_SERIALIZE_ENUM
# -Wno-float-equal: not all comparisons in the tests can be replaced by Approx
# -Wno-keyword-macro: unit-tests use "#define private public"
# -Wno-missing-prototypes: for NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE
# -Wno-padded: padding is nothing to warn about
# -Wno-range-loop-analysis: items tests "for(const auto i...)"
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cp info.plist nlohmann_json.docset/Contents
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$(MAKE) build -C ../mkdocs
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# patch CSS to hide navigation items
echo "\n\nheader, footer, navi, div.md-sidebar--primary, nav.md-tabs--active, a.md-content__button { display: none; }" >> nlohmann_json.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/assets/stylesheets/main.b5d04df8.min.css
# fix spacing
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# remove "JSON for Modern C++" from page titles
find nlohmann_json.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents -type f -exec gsed -i 's| - JSON for Modern C++</title>|</title>|' {} +
# clean up
rm nlohmann_json.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/hooks.py
rm nlohmann_json.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/sitemap.*
# generate index
sqlite3 nlohmann_json.docset/Contents/Resources/docSet.dsidx < docSet.sql
rm -fr nlohmann_json.docset
# docset
The folder contains the required files to create a [docset](https://kapeli.com/docsets) which can be used in
documentation browsers like [Dash](https://kapeli.com/dash), [Velocity](https://velocity.silverlakesoftware.com), or
The docset can be created with
make nlohmann_json.docset
The generated folder `nlohmann_json.docset` can then be opened in the documentation browser.
This diff is collapsed.
#include <iostream>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
using json = nlohmann::json;
int main()
// an invalid JSON text
std::string text = R"(
"key": "value without closing quotes
// parse with exceptions
json j = json::parse(text);
catch (json::parse_error& e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
// parse without exceptions
json j = json::parse(text, nullptr, false);
if (j.is_discarded())
std::cout << "the input is invalid JSON" << std::endl;
std::cout << "the input is valid JSON: " << j << std::endl;
<a target="_blank" href="https://wandbox.org/permlink/2TsG4VSg87HsRQC9"><b>online</b></a>
\ No newline at end of file
[json.exception.parse_error.101] parse error at line 4, column 0: syntax error while parsing value - invalid string: control character U+000A (LF) must be escaped to \u000A or \n; last read: '"value without closing quotes<U+000A>'
the input is invalid JSON
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
serve: prepare_files
venv/bin/mkdocs serve
build: prepare_files
venv/bin/mkdocs build
# create files that are not versioned inside the mkdocs folder
prepare_files: clean
# build Doxygen
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# create subfolders
mkdir docs/images docs/examples
# copy images
cp -vr ../json.gif ../images/range-begin-end.svg ../images/range-rbegin-rend.svg docs/images
cp -vr ../json.gif ../images/range-begin-end.svg ../images/range-rbegin-rend.svg ../images/callback_events.png docs/images
# copy examples
cp -vr ../examples/*.cpp ../examples/*.output docs/examples
# adl_serializer
template<typename, typename>
struct adl_serializer;
Serializer that uses ADL ([Argument-Dependent Lookup](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/adl)) to choose
`to_json`/`from_json` functions from the types' namespaces.
It is implemented similar to
template<typename ValueType>
struct adl_serializer {
template<typename BasicJsonType>
static void to_json(BasicJsonType& j, const T& value) {
// calls the "to_json" method in T's namespace
template<typename BasicJsonType>
static void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, T& value) {
// same thing, but with the "from_json" method
## Member functions
- **from_json** - convert a JSON value to any value type
- **to_json** - convert any value type to a JSON value
# basic_json::accept
// (1)
template<typename InputType>
static bool accept(InputType&& i,
const bool ignore_comments = false);
// (2)
template<typename IteratorType>
static bool accept(IteratorType first, IteratorType last,
const bool ignore_comments = false);
Checks whether the input is valid JSON.
1. Reads from a compatible input.
2. Reads from a pair of character iterators
The value_type of the iterator must be a integral type with size of 1, 2 or 4 bytes, which will be interpreted
respectively as UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32.
Unlike the [`parse`](parse.md) function, this function neither throws an exception in case of invalid JSON input
(i.e., a parse error) nor creates diagnostic information.
## Template parameters
: A compatible input, for instance:
- an `std::istream` object
- a `FILE` pointer
- a C-style array of characters
- a pointer to a null-terminated string of single byte characters
- an object `obj` for which `begin(obj)` and `end(obj)` produces a valid pair of iterators.
: a compatible iterator type
## Parameters
`i` (in)
: Input to parse from.
`ignore_comments` (in)
: whether comments should be ignored and treated like whitespace (`#!cpp true`) or yield a parse error
(`#!cpp false`); (optional, `#!cpp false` by default)
`first` (in)
: iterator to start of character range
`last` (in)
: iterator to end of character range
## Return value
Whether the input is valid JSON.
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
Linear in the length of the input. The parser is a predictive LL(1) parser.
## Notes
(1) A UTF-8 byte order mark is silently ignored.
## Examples
??? example
The example below demonstrates the `accept()` function reading from a string.
--8<-- "examples/accept__string.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/accept__string.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 3.0.0.
- Ignoring comments via `ignore_comments` added in version 3.9.0.
# basic_json::array
static basic_json array(initializer_list_t init = {});
Creates a JSON array value from a given initializer list. That is, given a list of values `a, b, c`, creates the JSON
value `#!json [a, b, c]`. If the initializer list is empty, the empty array `#!json []` is created.
## Parameters
`init` (in)
: initializer list with JSON values to create an array from (optional)
## Return value
JSON array value
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
Linear in the size of `init`.
## Notes
This function is only needed to express two edge cases that cannot be realized with the initializer list constructor
([`basic_json(initializer_list_t, bool, value_t)`](basic_json.md)). These cases are:
1. creating an array whose elements are all pairs whose first element is a string -- in this case, the initializer list
constructor would create an object, taking the first elements as keys
2. creating an empty array -- passing the empty initializer list to the initializer list constructor yields an empty
## Examples
??? example
The following code shows an example for the `array` function.
--8<-- "examples/array.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/array.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::array_t
using array_t = ArrayType<basic_json, AllocatorType<basic_json>>;
The type used to store JSON arrays.
[RFC 7159](http://rfc7159.net/rfc7159) describes JSON arrays as follows:
> An array is an ordered sequence of zero or more values.
To store objects in C++, a type is defined by the template parameters explained below.
## Template parameters
: container type to store arrays (e.g., `std::vector` or `std::list`)
: the allocator to use for objects (e.g., `std::allocator`)
## Notes
#### Default type
With the default values for `ArrayType` (`std::vector`) and `AllocatorType` (`std::allocator`), the default value for
`array_t` is:
basic_json, // value_type
std::allocator<basic_json> // allocator_type
#### Limits
[RFC 7159](http://rfc7159.net/rfc7159) specifies:
> An implementation may set limits on the maximum depth of nesting.
In this class, the array's limit of nesting is not explicitly constrained. However, a maximum depth of nesting may be
introduced by the compiler or runtime environment. A theoretical limit can be queried by calling the
[`max_size`](max_size.md) function of a JSON array.
#### Storage
Arrays are stored as pointers in a `basic_json` type. That is, for any access to array values, a pointer of type
`#!cpp array_t*` must be dereferenced.
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::at
// (1)
reference at(size_type idx);
const_reference at(size_type idx) const;
// (2)
reference at(const typename object_t::key_type& key);
const_reference at(const typename object_t::key_type& key) const;
// (3)
reference at(const json_pointer& ptr);
const_reference at(const json_pointer& ptr) const;
1. Returns a reference to the element at specified location `idx`, with bounds checking.
2. Returns a reference to the element at with specified key `key`, with bounds checking.
3. Returns a reference to the element at with specified JSON pointer `ptr`, with bounds checking.
## Parameters
`idx` (in)
: index of the element to access
`key` (in)
: object key of the elements to remove
`ptr` (in)
: JSON pointer to the desired element
## Return value
1. reference to the element at index `idx`
2. reference to the element at key `key`
3. reference to the element pointed to by `ptr`
## Exceptions
1. The function can throw the following exceptions:
- Throws [`type_error.304`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error304) if the JSON value is not an array;
in this case, calling `at` with an index makes no sense. See example below.
- Throws [`out_of_range.401`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptionout_of_range401) if the index `idx` is out of
range of the array; that is, `idx >= size()`. See example below.
2. The function can throw the following exceptions:
- Throws [`type_error.304`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error304) if the JSON value is not an object;
in this case, calling `at` with a key makes no sense. See example below.
- Throws [`out_of_range.403`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptionout_of_range403) if the key `key` is is not
stored in the object; that is, `find(key) == end()`. See example below.
3. The function can throw the following exceptions:
- Throws [`parse_error.106`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptionparse_error106) if an array index in the passed
JSON pointer `ptr` begins with '0'. See example below.
- Throws [`parse_error.109`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptionparse_error109) if an array index in the passed
JSON pointer `ptr` is not a number. See example below.
- Throws [`out_of_range.401`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptionout_of_range401) if an array index in the passed
JSON pointer `ptr` is out of range. See example below.
- Throws [`out_of_range.402`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptionout_of_range402) if the array index '-' is used
in the passed JSON pointer `ptr`. As `at` provides checked access (and no elements are implicitly inserted), the
index '-' is always invalid. See example below.
- Throws [`out_of_range.403`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptionout_of_range403) if the JSON pointer describes a
key of an object which cannot be found. See example below.
- Throws [`out_of_range.404`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptionout_of_range404) if the JSON pointer `ptr` can
not be resolved. See example below.
## Exception safety
Strong exception safety: if an exception occurs, the original value stays intact.
## Complexity
1. Constant
2. Logarithmic in the size of the container.
3. Constant
## Example
??? example
The example below shows how array elements can be read and written using `at()`. It also demonstrates the different
exceptions that can be thrown.
--8<-- "examples/at__size_type.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/at__size_type.output"
??? example
The example below shows how array elements can be read using `at()`. It also demonstrates the different exceptions
that can be thrown.
--8<-- "examples/at__size_type_const.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/at__size_type_const.output"
??? example
The example below shows how object elements can be read and written using `at()`. It also demonstrates the different
exceptions that can be thrown.
--8<-- "examples/at__object_t_key_type.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/at__object_t_key_type.output"
??? example
The example below shows how object elements can be read using `at()`. It also demonstrates the different exceptions
that can be thrown.
--8<-- "examples/at__object_t_key_type_const.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/at__object_t_key_type_const.output"
??? example
The example below shows how object elements can be read and written using `at()`. It also demonstrates the different
exceptions that can be thrown.
--8<-- "examples/at_json_pointer.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/at_json_pointer.output"
??? example
The example below shows how object elements can be read using `at()`. It also demonstrates the different exceptions
that can be thrown.
--8<-- "examples/at_json_pointer_const.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/at_json_pointer_const.output"
## Version history
1. Added in version 1.0.0.
2. Added in version 1.0.0.
3. Added in version 2.0.0.
# basic_json::back
reference back();
const_reference back() const;
Returns a reference to the last element in the container. For a JSON container `c`, the expression `c.back()` is
equivalent to
auto tmp = c.end();
return *tmp;
## Return value
In case of a structured type (array or object), a reference to the last element is returned. In case of number, string,
boolean, or binary values, a reference to the value is returned.
## Exceptions
If the JSON value is `#!json null`, exception
[`invalid_iterator.214`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator214) is thrown.
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
## Note
!!! danger
Calling `back` on an empty array or object is undefined behavior and is **guarded by an assertion**!
## Example
??? example
The following code shows an example for `back()`.
--8<-- "examples/back.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/back.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
- Adjusted code to return reference to binary values in version 3.8.0.
This diff is collapsed.
# basic_json::begin
iterator begin() noexcept;
const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
Returns an iterator to the first element.
![Illustration from cppreference.com](../../images/range-begin-end.svg)
## Return value
iterator to the first element
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code shows an example for `begin()`.
--8<-- "examples/begin.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/begin.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::binary
// (1)
static basic_json binary(const typename binary_t::container_type& init);
static basic_json binary(typename binary_t::container_type&& init);
// (2)
static basic_json binary(const typename binary_t::container_type& init,
std::uint8_t subtype);
static basic_json binary(typename binary_t::container_type&& init,
std::uint8_t subtype);
1. Creates a JSON binary array value from a given binary container.
2. Creates a JSON binary array value from a given binary container with subtype.
Binary values are part of various binary formats, such as CBOR, MessagePack, and BSON. This constructor is used to
create a value for serialization to those formats.
## Parameters
`init` (in)
: container containing bytes to use as binary type
`subtype` (in)
: subtype to use in CBOR, MessagePack, and BSON
## Return value
JSON binary array value
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
Linear in the size of `init`; constant for `typename binary_t::container_type&& init` versions.
## Notes
Note, this function exists because of the difficulty in correctly specifying the correct template overload in the
standard value ctor, as both JSON arrays and JSON binary arrays are backed with some form of a `std::vector`. Because
JSON binary arrays are a non-standard extension it was decided that it would be best to prevent automatic initialization
of a binary array type, for backwards compatibility and so it does not happen on accident.
## Version history
- Added in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::binary_t
using binary_t = byte_container_with_subtype<BinaryType>;
This type is a type designed to carry binary data that appears in various serialized formats, such as CBOR's Major Type
2, MessagePack's bin, and BSON's generic binary subtype. This type is NOT a part of standard JSON and exists solely for
compatibility with these binary types. As such, it is simply defined as an ordered sequence of zero or more byte values.
Additionally, as an implementation detail, the subtype of the binary data is carried around as a `std::uint8_t`, which
is compatible with both of the binary data formats that use binary subtyping, (though the specific numbering is
incompatible with each other, and it is up to the user to translate between them).
[CBOR's RFC 7049](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7049) describes this type as:
> Major type 2: a byte string. The string's length in bytes is represented following the rules for positive integers
> (major type 0).
[MessagePack's documentation on the bin type
family](https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack/blob/master/spec.md#bin-format-family) describes this type as:
> Bin format family stores an byte array in 2, 3, or 5 bytes of extra bytes in addition to the size of the byte array.
[BSON's specifications](http://bsonspec.org/spec.html) describe several binary types; however, this type is intended to
represent the generic binary type which has the description:
> Generic binary subtype - This is the most commonly used binary subtype and should be the 'default' for drivers and
> tools.
None of these impose any limitations on the internal representation other than the basic unit of storage be some type of
array whose parts are decomposable into bytes.
The default representation of this binary format is a `#!cpp std::vector<std::uint8_t>`, which is a very common way to
represent a byte array in modern C++.
## Template parameters
: container type to store arrays
## Notes
#### Default type
The default values for `BinaryType` is `#!cpp std::vector<std::uint8_t>`.
#### Storage
Binary Arrays are stored as pointers in a `basic_json` type. That is, for any access to array values, a pointer of the
type `#!cpp binary_t*` must be dereferenced.
#### Notes on subtypes
- Binary values are represented as byte strings. Subtypes are written as tags.
- MessagePack
- If a subtype is given and the binary array contains exactly 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 elements, the fixext family (fixext1,
fixext2, fixext4, fixext8) is used. For other sizes, the ext family (ext8, ext16, ext32) is used. The subtype is
then added as singed 8-bit integer.
- If no subtype is given, the bin family (bin8, bin16, bin32) is used.
- If a subtype is given, it is used and added as unsigned 8-bit integer.
- If no subtype is given, the generic binary subtype 0x00 is used.
## Version history
- Added in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::boolean_t
using boolean_t = BooleanType;
The type used to store JSON booleans.
[RFC 7159](http://rfc7159.net/rfc7159) implicitly describes a boolean as a type which differentiates the two literals
`#!json true` and `#!json false`.
To store objects in C++, a type is defined by the template parameter `BooleanType` which chooses the type to use.
## Notes
#### Default type
With the default values for `BooleanType` (`#!cpp bool`), the default value for `boolean_t` is `#!cpp bool`.
#### Storage
Boolean values are stored directly inside a `basic_json` type.
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::cbegin
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
Returns an iterator to the first element.
![Illustration from cppreference.com](../../images/range-begin-end.svg)
## Return value
iterator to the first element
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code shows an example for `cbegin()`.
--8<-- "examples/cbegin.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/cbegin.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::cbor_tag_handler_t
enum class cbor_tag_handler_t
This enumeration is used in the [`from_cbor`](from_cbor.md) function to choose how to treat tags:
: throw a `parse_error` exception in case of a tag
: ignore tags
## Version history
- Added in version 3.9.0.
# basic_json::cend
const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
Returns an iterator to one past the last element.
![Illustration from cppreference.com](../../images/range-begin-end.svg)
## Return value
iterator one past the last element
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code shows an example for `cend()`.
--8<-- "examples/cend.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/cend.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::clear
void clear() noexcept;
Clears the content of a JSON value and resets it to the default value as if [`basic_json(value_t)`](basic_json.md) would
have been called with the current value type from [`type()`](type.md):
Value type | initial value
----------- | -------------
null | `null`
boolean | `false`
string | `""`
number | `0`
binary | An empty byte vector
object | `{}`
array | `[]`
Has the same effect as calling
*this = basic_json(type());
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
Linear in the size of the JSON value.
## Notes
All iterators, pointers and references related to this container are invalidated.
## Example
??? example
The example below shows the effect of `clear()` to different
JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/clear.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/clear.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
- Added support for binary types in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::contains
template<typename KeyT>
bool contains(KeyT && key) const;
Check whether an element exists in a JSON object with key equivalent to `key`. If the element is not found or the JSON
value is not an object, `#!cpp false` is returned.
## Template parameters
: A type for an object key other than `basic_json::json_pointer`.
## Parameters
`key` (in)
: key value to check its existence.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if an element with specified `key` exists. If no such element with such key is found or the JSON value is
not an object, `#!cpp false` is returned.
## Exception safety
Strong exception safety: if an exception occurs, the original value stays intact.
## Complexity
Logarithmic in the size of the JSON object.
## Notes
This method always returns `#!cpp false` when executed on a JSON type that is not an object.
## Example
??? example
The example shows how `contains()` is used.
--8<-- "examples/contains.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/contains.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 3.6.0.
# basic_json::count
template<typename KeyT>
size_type count(KeyT&& key) const;
Returns the number of elements with key `key`. If `ObjectType` is the default `std::map` type, the return value will
always be `0` (`key` was not found) or `1` (`key` was found).
## Template parameters
: A type for an object key.
## Parameters
`key` (in)
: key value of the element to count.
## Return value
Number of elements with key `key`. If the JSON value is not an object, the return value will be `0`.
## Exception safety
Strong exception safety: if an exception occurs, the original value stays intact.
## Complexity
Logarithmic in the size of the JSON object.
## Notes
This method always returns `0` when executed on a JSON type that is not an object.
## Example
??? example
The example shows how `count()` is used.
--8<-- "examples/count.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/count.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::crbegin
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept;
Returns an iterator to the reverse-beginning; that is, the last element.
![Illustration from cppreference.com](../../images/range-rbegin-rend.svg)
## Return value
reverse iterator to the first element
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code shows an example for `crbegin()`.
--8<-- "examples/crbegin.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/crbegin.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::rend
const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept;
Returns an iterator to the reverse-end; that is, one before the first element. This element acts as a placeholder,
attempting to access it results in undefined behavior.
![Illustration from cppreference.com](../../images/range-rbegin-rend.svg)
## Return value
reverse iterator to the element following the last element
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code shows an example for `eend()`.
--8<-- "examples/crend.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/crend.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::diff
static basic_json diff(const basic_json& source,
const basic_json& target);
Creates a [JSON Patch](http://jsonpatch.com) so that value `source` can be changed into the value `target` by calling
[`patch`](patch.md) function.
For two JSON values `source` and `target`, the following code yields always `#!cpp true`:
source.patch(diff(source, target)) == target;
## Parameters
`source` (in)
: JSON value to compare from
`target` (in)
: JSON value to compare against
## Return value
a JSON patch to convert the `source` to `target`
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
Linear in the lengths of `source` and `target`.
## Note
Currently, only `remove`, `add`, and `replace` operations are generated.
## Example
??? example
The following code shows how a JSON patch is created as a diff for two JSON values.
--8<-- "examples/diff.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/diff.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 2.0.0.
......@@ -4,36 +4,30 @@
string_t dump(const int indent = -1,
const char indent_char = ' ',
const bool ensure_ascii = false,
const error_handler_t error_handler = error_handler_t::strict) const
const error_handler_t error_handler = error_handler_t::strict) const;
Serialization function for JSON values. The function tries to mimic
Python's `json.dumps()` function, and currently supports its `indent`
and `ensure_ascii` parameters.
Serialization function for JSON values. The function tries to mimic Python's `json.dumps()` function, and currently
supports its `indent` and `ensure_ascii` parameters.
## Parameters
`indent` (in)
: If `indent` is nonnegative, then array elements and object
members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of
`0` will only insert newlines. `-1` (the default) selects the most compact
: If `indent` is nonnegative, then array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An
indent level of `0` will only insert newlines. `-1` (the default) selects the most compact representation.
`indent_char` (in)
: The character to use for indentation if `indent` is
greater than `0`. The default is ` ` (space).
: The character to use for indentation if `indent` is greater than `0`. The default is ` ` (space).
`ensure_ascii` (in)
: If `ensure_ascii` is true, all non-ASCII characters
in the output are escaped with `\uXXXX` sequences, and the result consists
of ASCII characters only.
: If `ensure_ascii` is true, all non-ASCII characters in the output are escaped with `\uXXXX` sequences, and the
result consists of ASCII characters only.
`error_handler` (in)
: how to react on decoding errors; there are three
possible values: `strict` (throws and exception in case a decoding error
occurs; default), `replace` (replace invalid UTF-8 sequences with U+FFFD),
and `ignore` (ignore invalid UTF-8 sequences during serialization; all
bytes are copied to the output unchanged).
: how to react on decoding errors; there are three possible values (see [`error_handler_t`](error_handler_t.md):
`strict` (throws and exception in case a decoding error occurs; default), `replace` (replace invalid UTF-8 sequences
with U+FFFD), and `ignore` (ignore invalid UTF-8 sequences during serialization; all bytes are copied to the output
## Return value
......@@ -41,8 +35,7 @@ string containing the serialization of the JSON value
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no
changes to any JSON value.
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes to any JSON value.
## Complexity
......@@ -59,9 +52,8 @@ Binary values are serialized as object containing two keys:
??? example
The following example shows the effect of different `indent`,
`indent_char`, and `ensure_ascii` parameters to the result of the
The following example shows the effect of different `indent`, `indent_char`, and `ensure_ascii` parameters to the
result of the serialization.
--8<-- "examples/dump.cpp"
# basic_json::emplace
template<class... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> emplace(Args&& ... args);
Inserts a new element into a JSON object constructed in-place with the given `args` if there is no element with the key
in the container. If the function is called on a JSON null value, an empty object is created before appending the value
created from `args`.
## Template parameters
: compatible types to create a `basic_json` object
## Parameters
`args` (in)
: arguments to forward to a constructor of `basic_json`
## Return value
a pair consisting of an iterator to the inserted element, or the already-existing element if no insertion happened, and
a `#!cpp bool` denoting whether the insertion took place.
## Exceptions
Throws [`type_error.311`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error311) when called on a type other than JSON
object or `#!json null`; example: `"cannot use emplace() with number"`
## Complexity
Logarithmic in the size of the container, O(log(`size()`)).
## Examples
??? example
The example shows how `emplace()` can be used to add elements to a JSON object. Note how the `#!json null` value was
silently converted to a JSON object. Further note how no value is added if there was already one value stored with
the same key.
--8<-- "examples/emplace.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/emplace.output"
## Version history
- Since version 2.0.8.
# basic_json::emplace_back
template<class... Args>
reference emplace_back(Args&& ... args);
Creates a JSON value from the passed parameters `args` to the end of the JSON value. If the function is called on a JSON
`#!json null` value, an empty array is created before appending the value created from `args`.
## Template parameters
: compatible types to create a `basic_json` object
## Parameters
`args` (in)
: arguments to forward to a constructor of `basic_json`
## Return value
reference to the inserted element
## Exceptions
Throws [`type_error.311`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error311) when called on a type other than JSON
array or `#!json null`; example: `"cannot use emplace_back() with number"`
## Complexity
Amortized constant.
## Examples
??? example
The example shows how `emplace_back()` can be used to add elements to a JSON array. Note how the `null` value was
silently converted to a JSON array.
--8<-- "examples/emplace_back.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/emplace_back.output"
## Version history
- Since version 2.0.8.
- Returns reference since 3.7.0.
# basic_json::empty
bool empty() const noexcept;
Checks if a JSON value has no elements (i.e. whether its [`size()`](size.md) is `0`).
## Return value
The return value depends on the different types and is defined as follows:
Value type | return value
----------- | -------------
null | `#!cpp true`
boolean | `#!cpp false`
string | `#!cpp false`
number | `#!cpp false`
binary | `#!cpp false`
object | result of function `object_t::empty()`
array | result of function `array_t::empty()`
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
Constant, as long as [`array_t`](array_t.md) and [`object_t`](object_t.md) satisfy the
[Container](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req/Container) concept; that is, their `empty()` functions have
constant complexity.
## Possible implementation
bool empty() const noexcept
return size() == 0;
## Notes
This function does not return whether a string stored as JSON value is empty -- it returns whether the JSON container
itself is empty which is `#!cpp false` in the case of a string.
## Example
??? example
The following code uses `empty()` to check if a JSON object contains any elements.
--8<-- "examples/empty.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/empty.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
- Extended to return `#!cpp false` for binary types in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::end
iterator end() noexcept;
const_iterator end() const noexcept;
Returns an iterator to one past the last element.
![Illustration from cppreference.com](../../images/range-begin-end.svg)
## Return value
iterator one past the last element
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code shows an example for `end()`.
--8<-- "examples/end.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/end.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::erase
// (1)
iterator erase(iterator pos);
const_iterator erase(const_iterator pos);
// (2)
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
const_iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
// (3)
size_type erase(const typename object_t::key_type& key);
// (4)
void erase(const size_type idx);
1. Removes an element from a JSON value specified by iterator `pos`. The iterator `pos` must be valid and
dereferenceable. Thus the `end()` iterator (which is valid, but is not dereferenceable) cannot be used as a value for
If called on a primitive type other than `#!json null`, the resulting JSON value will be `#!json null`.
2. Remove an element range specified by `[first; last)` from a JSON value. The iterator `first` does not need to be
dereferenceable if `first == last`: erasing an empty range is a no-op.
If called on a primitive type other than `#!json null`, the resulting JSON value will be `#!json null`.
3. Removes an element from a JSON object by key.
4. Removes an element from a JSON array by index.
## Parameters
`pos` (in)
: iterator to the element to remove
`first` (in)
: iterator to the beginning of the range to remove
`last` (in)
: iterator past the end of the range to remove
`key` (in)
: object key of the elements to remove
`idx` (in)
: array index of the element to remove
## Return value
1. Iterator following the last removed element. If the iterator `pos` refers to the last element, the `end()` iterator
is returned.
2. Iterator following the last removed element. If the iterator `last` refers to the last element, the `end()` iterator
is returned.
3. Number of elements removed. If `ObjectType` is the default `std::map` type, the return value will always be `0`
(`key` was not found) or `1` (`key` was found).
4. /
## Exceptions
1. The function can throw the following exceptions:
- Throws [`type_error.307`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error307) if called on a `null` value;
example: `"cannot use erase() with null"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.202`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator202) if called on an
iterator which does not belong to the current JSON value; example: `"iterator does not fit current value"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.205`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator205) if called on a
primitive type with invalid iterator (i.e., any iterator which is not `begin()`); example: `"iterator out of
2. The function can throw thw following exceptions:
- Throws [`type_error.307`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error307) if called on a `null` value;
example: `"cannot use erase() with null"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.203`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator203) if called on iterators
which does not belong to the current JSON value; example: `"iterators do not fit current value"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.204`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator204) if called on a
primitive type with invalid iterators (i.e., if `first != begin()` and `last != end()`); example: `"iterators out
of range"`
3. The function can throw thw following exceptions:
- Throws [`type_error.307`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error307) when called on a type other than
JSON object; example: `"cannot use erase() with null"`
4. The function can throw thw following exceptions:
- Throws [`type_error.307`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error307) when called on a type other than
JSON object; example: `"cannot use erase() with null"`
- Throws [`out_of_range.401`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptionout_of_range401) when `idx >= size()`; example:
`"array index 17 is out of range"`
## Exception safety
Strong exception safety: if an exception occurs, the original value stays intact.
## Complexity
1. The complexity depends on the type:
- objects: amortized constant
- arrays: linear in distance between `pos` and the end of the container
- strings and binary: linear in the length of the member
- other types: constant
2. The complexity depends on the type:
- objects: `log(size()) + std::distance(first, last)`
- arrays: linear in the distance between `first` and `last`, plus linear
in the distance between `last` and end of the container
- strings and binary: linear in the length of the member
- other types: constant
3. `log(size()) + count(key)`
4. Linear in distance between `idx` and the end of the container.
## Notes
1. Invalidates iterators and references at or after the point of the
erase, including the `end()` iterator.
2. /
3. References and iterators to the erased elements are invalidated. Other references and iterators are not affected.
4. /
## Example
??? example
The example shows the effect of `erase()` for different JSON types using an iterator.
--8<-- "examples/erase__IteratorType.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/erase__IteratorType.output"
??? example
The example shows the effect of `erase()` for different JSON types using an iterator range.
--8<-- "examples/erase__IteratorType_IteratorType.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/erase__IteratorType_IteratorType.output"
??? example
The example shows the effect of `erase()` for different JSON types using an object key.
--8<-- "examples/erase__key_type.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/erase__key_type.output"
??? example
The example shows the effect of `erase()` using an array index.
--8<-- "examples/erase__size_type.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/erase__size_type.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
- Added support for binary types in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::error_handler_t
enum class error_handler_t {
This enumeration is used in the [`dump`](dump.md) function to choose how to treat decoding errors while serializing a
`basic_json` value. Three values are differentiated:
: throw a `type_error` exception in case of invalid UTF-8
: replace invalid UTF-8 sequences with U+FFFD (� REPLACEMENT CHARACTER)
: ignore invalid UTF-8 sequences; all bytes are copied to the output unchanged
## Version history
- Added in version 3.4.0.
# basic_json::exception
class exception : public std::exception;
This class is an extension of [`std::exception`](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/error/exception) objects with a
member `id` for exception ids. It is used as the base class for all exceptions thrown by the `basic_json` class. This
class can hence be used as "wildcard" to catch exceptions, see example below.
std::exception <|-- basic_json::exception
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::parse_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::invalid_iterator
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::type_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::out_of_range
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::other_error
interface std::exception {}
class basic_json::exception #FFFF00 {
+ const int id
+ const char* what() const
class basic_json::parse_error {
+ const std::size_t byte
- [`parse_error`](parse_error.md) for exceptions indicating a parse error
- [`invalid_iterator`](invalid_iterator.md) for exceptions indicating errors with iterators
- [`type_error`](type_error.md) for exceptions indicating executing a member function with a wrong type
- [`out_of_range`](out_of_range.md) for exceptions indicating access out of the defined range
- [`other_error`](other_error.md) for exceptions indicating other library errors
## Member functions
- **what** - returns explanatory string
## Member variables
- **id** - the id of the exception
## Example
??? example
The following code shows how arbitrary library exceptions can be caught.
--8<-- "examples/exception.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/exception.output"
## Version history
- Since version 3.0.0.
# basic_json::find
template<typename KeyT>
iterator find(KeyT&& key);
template<typename KeyT>
const_iterator find(KeyT&& key) const
Finds an element in a JSON object with key equivalent to `key`. If the element is not found or the JSON value is not an
object, `end()` is returned.
## Template parameters
: A type for an object key.
## Parameters
`key` (in)
: key value of the element to search for.
## Return value
Iterator to an element with key equivalent to `key`. If no such element is found or the JSON value is not an object,
past-the-end (see `end()`) iterator is returned.
## Exception safety
Strong exception safety: if an exception occurs, the original value stays intact.
## Complexity
Logarithmic in the size of the JSON object.
## Notes
This method always returns `end()` when executed on a JSON type that is not an object.
## Example
??? example
The example shows how `find()` is used.
--8<-- "examples/find__key_type.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/find__key_type.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::flatten
basic_json flatten() const;
The function creates a JSON object whose keys are JSON pointers (see [RFC 6901](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901))
and whose values are all primitive (see [`is_primitive()`](is_primitive.md) for more information). The original JSON
value can be restored using the [`unflatten()`](unflatten.md) function.
## Return value
an object that maps JSON pointers to primitive values
## Exception safety
Strong exception safety: if an exception occurs, the original value stays intact.
## Complexity
Linear in the size the JSON value.
## Notes
Empty objects and arrays are flattened to `#!json null` and will not be reconstructed correctly by the
[`unflatten()`](unflatten.md) function.
## Example
??? example
The following code shows how a JSON object is flattened to an object whose keys consist of JSON pointers.
--8<-- "examples/flatten.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/flatten.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 2.0.0.
# basic_json::from_bson
// (1)
template<typename InputType>
static basic_json from_bson(InputType&& i,
const bool strict = true,
const bool allow_exceptions = true);
// (2)
template<typename IteratorType>
static basic_json from_bson(IteratorType first, IteratorType last,
const bool strict = true,
const bool allow_exceptions = true);
Deserializes a given input to a JSON value using the BSON (Binary JSON) serialization format.
1. Reads from a compatible input.
2. Reads from an iterator range.
## Template parameters
: A compatible input, for instance:
- an `std::istream` object
- a `FILE` pointer
- a C-style array of characters
- a pointer to a null-terminated string of single byte characters
- an object `obj` for which `begin(obj)` and `end(obj)` produces a valid pair of iterators.
: a compatible iterator type
## Parameters
`i` (in)
: an input in BSON format convertible to an input adapter
`first` (in)
: iterator to start of the input
`last` (in)
: iterator to end of the input
`strict` (in)
: whether to expect the input to be consumed until EOF (`#!cpp true` by default)
`allow_exceptions` (in)
: whether to throw exceptions in case of a parse error (optional, `#!cpp true` by default)
## Return value
deserialized JSON value; in case of a parse error and `allow_exceptions` set to `#!cpp false`, the return value will be
`value_t::discarded`. The latter can be checked with [`is_discarded`](is_discarded.md).
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
Linear in the size of the input.
## Example
??? example
The example shows the deserialization of a byte vector in BSON format to a JSON value.
--8<-- "examples/from_bson.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/from_bson.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 3.4.0.
# basic_json::from_cbor
// (1)
template<typename InputType>
static basic_json from_cbor(InputType&& i,
const bool strict = true,
const bool allow_exceptions = true,
const cbor_tag_handler_t tag_handler = cbor_tag_handler_t::error);
// (2)
template<typename IteratorType>
static basic_json from_cbor(IteratorType first, IteratorType last,
const bool strict = true,
const bool allow_exceptions = true,
const cbor_tag_handler_t tag_handler = cbor_tag_handler_t::error);
Deserializes a given input to a JSON value using the CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) serialization format.
1. Reads from a compatible input.
2. Reads from an iterator range.
## Template parameters
: A compatible input, for instance:
- an `std::istream` object
- a `FILE` pointer
- a C-style array of characters
- a pointer to a null-terminated string of single byte characters
- an object `obj` for which `begin(obj)` and `end(obj)` produces a valid pair of iterators.
: a compatible iterator type
## Parameters
`i` (in)
: an input in CBOR format convertible to an input adapter
`first` (in)
: iterator to start of the input
`last` (in)
: iterator to end of the input
`strict` (in)
: whether to expect the input to be consumed until EOF (`#!cpp true` by default)
`allow_exceptions` (in)
: whether to throw exceptions in case of a parse error (optional, `#!cpp true` by default)
`tag_handler` (in)
: how to treat CBOR tags (optional, `error` by default); see [`cbor_tag_handler_t`](cbor_tag_handler_t.md) for more
## Return value
deserialized JSON value; in case of a parse error and `allow_exceptions` set to `#!cpp false`, the return value will be
`value_t::discarded`. The latter can be checked with [`is_discarded`](is_discarded.md).
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
Linear in the size of the input.
## Example
??? example
The example shows the deserialization of a byte vector in CBOR format to a JSON value.
--8<-- "examples/from_cbor.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/from_cbor.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 2.0.9.
- Parameter `start_index` since version 2.1.1.
- Changed to consume input adapters, removed `start_index` parameter, and added `strict` parameter in version 3.0.0.
- Added `allow_exceptions` parameter in version 3.2.0.
- Added `tag_handler` parameter in version 3.9.0.
# basic_json::from_msgpack
// (1)
template<typename InputType>
static basic_json from_msgpack(InputType&& i,
const bool strict = true,
const bool allow_exceptions = true);
// (2)
template<typename IteratorType>
static basic_json from_msgpack(IteratorType first, IteratorType last,
const bool strict = true,
const bool allow_exceptions = true);
Deserializes a given input to a JSON value using the MessagePack serialization format.
1. Reads from a compatible input.
2. Reads from an iterator range.
## Template parameters
: A compatible input, for instance:
- an `std::istream` object
- a `FILE` pointer
- a C-style array of characters
- a pointer to a null-terminated string of single byte characters
- an object `obj` for which `begin(obj)` and `end(obj)` produces a valid pair of iterators.
: a compatible iterator type
## Parameters
`i` (in)
: an input in MessagePack format convertible to an input adapter
`first` (in)
: iterator to start of the input
`last` (in)
: iterator to end of the input
`strict` (in)
: whether to expect the input to be consumed until EOF (`#!cpp true` by default)
`allow_exceptions` (in)
: whether to throw exceptions in case of a parse error (optional, `#!cpp true` by default)
## Return value
deserialized JSON value; in case of a parse error and `allow_exceptions` set to `#!cpp false`, the return value will be
`value_t::discarded`. The latter can be checked with [`is_discarded`](is_discarded.md).
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
Linear in the size of the input.
## Example
??? example
The example shows the deserialization of a byte vector in MessagePack format to a JSON value.
--8<-- "examples/from_msgpack.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/from_msgpack.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 2.0.9.
- Parameter `start_index` since version 2.1.1.
- Changed to consume input adapters, removed `start_index` parameter, and added `strict` parameter in version 3.0.0.
- Added `allow_exceptions` parameter in version 3.2.0.
# basic_json::from_ubjson
// (1)
template<typename InputType>
static basic_json from_ubjson(InputType&& i,
const bool strict = true,
const bool allow_exceptions = true);
// (2)
template<typename IteratorType>
static basic_json from_ubjson(IteratorType first, IteratorType last,
const bool strict = true,
const bool allow_exceptions = true);
Deserializes a given input to a JSON value using the UBJSON (Universal Binary JSON) serialization format.
1. Reads from a compatible input.
2. Reads from an iterator range.
## Template parameters
: A compatible input, for instance:
- an `std::istream` object
- a `FILE` pointer
- a C-style array of characters
- a pointer to a null-terminated string of single byte characters
- an object `obj` for which `begin(obj)` and `end(obj)` produces a valid pair of iterators.
: a compatible iterator type
## Parameters
`i` (in)
: an input in UBJSON format convertible to an input adapter
`first` (in)
: iterator to start of the input
`last` (in)
: iterator to end of the input
`strict` (in)
: whether to expect the input to be consumed until EOF (`#!cpp true` by default)
`allow_exceptions` (in)
: whether to throw exceptions in case of a parse error (optional, `#!cpp true` by default)
## Return value
deserialized JSON value; in case of a parse error and `allow_exceptions` set to `#!cpp false`, the return value will be
`value_t::discarded`. The latter can be checked with [`is_discarded`](is_discarded.md).
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
Linear in the size of the input.
## Example
??? example
The example shows the deserialization of a byte vector in UBJSON format to a JSON value.
--8<-- "examples/from_ubjson.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/from_ubjson.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 3.1.0.
- Added `allow_exceptions` parameter in version 3.2.0.
# basic_json::front
reference front();
const_reference front() const;
Returns a reference to the first element in the container. For a JSON container `#!cpp c`, the expression
`#!cpp c.front()` is equivalent to `#!cpp *c.begin()`.
## Return value
In case of a structured type (array or object), a reference to the first element is returned. In case of number, string,
boolean, or binary values, a reference to the value is returned.
## Exceptions
If the JSON value is `#!json null`, exception
[`invalid_iterator.214`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator214) is thrown.
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
## Note
!!! danger
Calling `front` on an empty array or object is undefined behavior and is **guarded by an assertion**!
## Example
??? example
The following code shows an example for `front()`.
--8<-- "examples/front.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/front.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
- Adjusted code to return reference to binary values in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::get
// (1)
template<typename ValueType>
ValueType get() const noexcept(
std::declval<const basic_json_t&>(), std::declval<ValueType&>())));
// (2)
template<typename BasicJsonType>
BasicJsonType get() const;
// (3)
template<typename PointerType>
PointerType get_ptr();
template<typename PointerType>
constexpr const PointerType get_ptr() const noexcept;
1. Explicit type conversion between the JSON value and a compatible value which is
[CopyConstructible](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req/CopyConstructible) and
[DefaultConstructible](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req/DefaultConstructible). The value is converted by
calling the `json_serializer<ValueType>` `from_json()` method.
The function is equivalent to executing
ValueType ret;
JSONSerializer<ValueType>::from_json(*this, ret);
return ret;
This overloads is chosen if:
- `ValueType` is not `basic_json`,
- `json_serializer<ValueType>` has a `from_json()` method of the form
`void from_json(const basic_json&, ValueType&)`, and
- `json_serializer<ValueType>` does not have a `from_json()` method of the form
`ValueType from_json(const basic_json&)`
If the type is **not** [CopyConstructible](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req/CopyConstructible) and
**not** [DefaultConstructible](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req/DefaultConstructible), the value is
converted by calling the `json_serializer<ValueType>` `from_json()` method.
The function is then equivalent to executing
return JSONSerializer<ValueTypeCV>::from_json(*this);
This overloads is chosen if:
- `ValueType` is not `basic_json` and
- `json_serializer<ValueType>` has a `from_json()` method of the form
`ValueType from_json(const basic_json&)`
If `json_serializer<ValueType>` has both overloads of `from_json()`, the latter one is chosen.
2. Overload for `basic_json` specializations. The function is equivalent to executing
return *this;
3. Explicit pointer access to the internally stored JSON value. No copies are made.
## Template parameters
: the value type to return
: a specialization of `basic_json`
: pointer type; must be a pointer to [`array_t`](array_t.md), [`object_t`](object_t.md), [`string_t`](string_t.md),
[`boolean_t`](boolean_t.md), [`number_integer_t`](number_integer_t.md), or
[`number_unsigned_t`](number_unsigned_t.md), [`number_float_t`](number_float_t.md), or [`binary_t`](binary_t.md).
Other types will not compile.
## Return value
1. copy of the JSON value, converted to `ValueType`
2. a copy of `#!cpp *this`, converted into `BasicJsonType`
3. pointer to the internally stored JSON value if the requested pointer type fits to the JSON value; `#!cpp nullptr`
## Exceptions
Depends on what `json_serializer<ValueType>` `from_json()` method throws
## Notes
!!! warning
Writing data to the pointee (overload 3) of the result yields an undefined state.
## Example
??? example
The example below shows several conversions from JSON values
to other types. There a few things to note: (1) Floating-point numbers can
be converted to integers, (2) A JSON array can be converted to a standard
`std::vector<short>`, (3) A JSON object can be converted to C++
associative containers such as `std::unordered_map<std::string, json>`.
--8<-- "examples/get__ValueType_const.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/get__ValueType_const.output"
??? example
The example below shows how pointers to internal values of a JSON value can be requested. Note that no type
conversions are made and a `#cpp nullptr` is returned if the value and the requested pointer type does not match.
--8<-- "examples/get__PointerType.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/get__PointerType.output"
## Version history
1. Since version 2.1.0.
2. Since version 2.1.0. Extended to work with other specializations of `basic_json` in version 3.2.0.
3. Since version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::get_allocator
static allocator_type get_allocator();
Returns the allocator associated with the container.
## Return value
associated allocator
## Version history
- Unknown.
# basic_json::get_binary
binary_t& get_binary();
const binary_t& get_binary() const;
Returns a reference to the stored binary value.
## Return value
Reference to binary value.
## Exception safety
Strong exception safety: if an exception occurs, the original value stays intact.
## Exceptions
Throws [`type_error.302`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error302) if the value is not binary
## Complexity
## Version history
- Added in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::get_ptr
template<typename PointerType>
PointerType get_ptr();
template<typename PointerType>
constexpr const PointerType get_ptr() const noexcept;
Implicit pointer access to the internally stored JSON value. No copies are made.
## Template arguments
: pointer type; must be a pointer to [`array_t`](array_t.md), [`object_t`](object_t.md), [`string_t`](string_t.md),
[`boolean_t`](boolean_t.md), [`number_integer_t`](number_integer_t.md), or
[`number_unsigned_t`](number_unsigned_t.md), [`number_float_t`](number_float_t.md), or [`binary_t`](binary_t.md).
Other types will not compile.
## Return value
pointer to the internally stored JSON value if the requested pointer type fits to the JSON value; `#!cpp nullptr`
## Exception safety
Strong exception safety: if an exception occurs, the original value stays intact.
## Complexity
## Notes
!!! warning
Writing data to the pointee of the result yields an undefined state.
## Example
??? example
The example below shows how pointers to internal values of a JSON value can be requested. Note that no type
conversions are made and a `#!cpp nullptr` is returned if the value and the requested pointer type does not match.
--8<-- "examples/get_ptr.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/get_ptr.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
- Extended to binary types in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::get_ref
template<typename ReferenceType>
ReferenceType get_ref();
template<typename ReferenceType>
const ReferenceType get_ref() const;
Implicit reference access to the internally stored JSON value. No copies are made.
## Template arguments
: reference type; must be a reference to [`array_t`](array_t.md), [`object_t`](object_t.md),
[`string_t`](string_t.md), [`boolean_t`](boolean_t.md), [`number_integer_t`](number_integer_t.md), or
[`number_unsigned_t`](number_unsigned_t.md), [`number_float_t`](number_float_t.md), or [`binary_t`](binary_t.md).
Enforced by static assertion.
## Return value
reference to the internally stored JSON value if the requested reference type fits to the JSON value; throws
[`type_error.303`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error303) otherwise
## Exception safety
Strong exception safety: if an exception occurs, the original value stays intact.
## Exceptions
Throws [`type_error.303`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error303) if the requested reference type does not
match the stored JSON value type; example: `"incompatible ReferenceType for get_ref, actual type is binary"`.
## Complexity
## Notes
!!! warning
Writing data to the referee of the result yields an undefined state.
## Example
??? example
The example shows several calls to `get_ref()`.
--8<-- "examples/get_ref.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/get_ref.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.1.0.
- Extended to binary types in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::get_to
template<typename ValueType>
ValueType& get_to(ValueType& v) const noexcept(
std::declval<const basic_json_t&>(), v)))
Explicit type conversion between the JSON value and a compatible value. The value is filled into the input parameter by
calling the `json_serializer<ValueType>` `from_json()` method.
The function is equivalent to executing
ValueType v;
JSONSerializer<ValueType>::from_json(*this, v);
This overloads is chosen if:
- `ValueType` is not `basic_json`,
- `json_serializer<ValueType>` has a `from_json()` method of the form `void from_json(const basic_json&, ValueType&)`
## Template parameters
: the value type to return
## Return value
the input parameter, allowing chaining calls
## Exceptions
Depends on what `json_serializer<ValueType>` `from_json()` method throws
## Example
??? example
The example below shows several conversions from JSON values to other types. There a few things to note: (1)
Floating-point numbers can be converted to integers, (2) A JSON array can be converted to a standard
`#!cpp std::vector<short>`, (3) A JSON object can be converted to C++ associative containers such as
`#cpp std::unordered_map<std::string, json>`.
--8<-- "examples/get_to.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/get_to.output"
## Version history
- Since version 3.3.0.
This diff is collapsed.
# basic_json::input_format_t
enum class input_format_t {
This enumeration is used in the [`sax_parse`](sax_parse.md) function to choose the input format to parse:
: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
: CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation)
: MessagePack
: UBJSON (Universal Binary JSON)
: BSON (Bin­ary JSON)
## Version history
- Added in version 3.2.0.
# basic_json::insert
// (1)
iterator insert(const_iterator pos, const basic_json& val);
iterator insert(const_iterator pos, basic_json&& val);
// (2)
iterator insert(const_iterator pos, size_type cnt, const basic_json& val);
// (3)
iterator insert(const_iterator pos, const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
// (4)
iterator insert(const_iterator pos, initializer_list_t ilist);
// (5)
void insert(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
1. Inserts element `val` to array before iterator `pos`.
2. Inserts `cnt` copies of `val` to array before iterator `pos`.
3. Inserts elements from range `[first, last)` to array before iterator `pos`.
4. Inserts elements from initializer list `ilist` to array before iterator `pos`.
5. Inserts elements from range `[first, last)` to object.
## Parameters
`pos` (in)
: iterator before which the content will be inserted; may be the `end()` iterator
`val` (in)
: value to insert
`cnt` (in)
: number of copies of `val` to insert
`first` (in)
: begin of the range of elements to insert
`last` (in)
: end of the range of elements to insert
`ilist` (in)
: initializer list to insert the values from
## Return value
1. iterator pointing to the inserted `val`.
2. iterator pointing to the first element inserted, or `pos` if `#!cpp cnt==0`
3. iterator pointing to the first element inserted, or `pos` if `#!cpp first==last`
4. iterator pointing to the first element inserted, or `pos` if `ilist` is empty
5. /
## Exceptions
1. The function can throw the following exceptions:
- Throws [`type_error.309`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error309) if called on JSON values other than
arrays; example: `"cannot use insert() with string"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.202`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator202) if called on an
iterator which does not belong to the current JSON value; example: `"iterator does not fit current value"`
2. The function can throw thw following exceptions:
- Throws [`type_error.309`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error309) if called on JSON values other than
arrays; example: `"cannot use insert() with string"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.202`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator202) if called on an
iterator which does not belong to the current JSON value; example: `"iterator does not fit current value"`
3. The function can throw thw following exceptions:
- Throws [`type_error.309`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error309) if called on JSON values other than
arrays; example: `"cannot use insert() with string"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.202`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator202) if called on an
iterator which does not belong to the current JSON value; example: `"iterator does not fit current value"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.210`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator210) if `first` and `last`
do not belong to the same JSON value; example: `"iterators do not fit"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.211`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator211) if `first` or `last`
are iterators into container for which insert is called; example: `"passed iterators may not belong to container"`
4. The function can throw thw following exceptions:
- Throws [`type_error.309`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error309) if called on JSON values other than
arrays; example: `"cannot use insert() with string"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.202`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator202) if called on an
iterator which does not belong to the current JSON value; example: `"iterator does not fit current value"`
5. The function can throw thw following exceptions:
- Throws [`type_error.309`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error309) if called on JSON values other than
objects; example: `"cannot use insert() with string"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.202`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator202) if called on an
iterator which does not belong to the current JSON value; example: `"iterator does not fit current value"`
- Throws [`invalid_iterator.210`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptioninvalid_iterator210) if `first` and `last`
do not belong to the same JSON value; example: `"iterators do not fit"`
## Exception safety
Strong exception safety: if an exception occurs, the original value stays intact.
## Complexity
1. Constant plus linear in the distance between `pos` and end of the container.
2. Linear in `cnt` plus linear in the distance between `pos` and end of the container.
3. Linear in `#!cpp std::distance(first, last)` plus linear in the distance between `pos` and end of the container.
4. Linear in `ilist.size()` plus linear in the distance between `pos` and end of the container.
5. Logarithmic: `O(N*log(size() + N))`, where `N` is the number of elements to insert.
## Example
??? example
The example shows how `insert()` is used.
--8<-- "examples/insert.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/insert.output"
??? example
The example shows how `insert()` is used.
--8<-- "examples/insert__count.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/insert__count.output"
??? example
The example shows how `insert()` is used.
--8<-- "examples/insert__range.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/insert__range.output"
??? example
The example shows how `insert()` is used.
--8<-- "examples/insert__ilist.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/insert__ilist.output"
??? example
The example shows how `insert()` is used.
--8<-- "examples/insert__range_object.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/insert__range_object.output"
## Version history
1. Added in version 1.0.0.
2. Added in version 1.0.0.
3. Added in version 1.0.0.
4. Added in version 1.0.0.
5. Added in version 3.0.0.
# basic_json::invalid_iterator
class invalid_iterator : public exception;
This exception is thrown if iterators passed to a library function do not match the expected semantics.
Exceptions have ids 2xx.
std::exception <|-- basic_json::exception
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::parse_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::invalid_iterator
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::type_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::out_of_range
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::other_error
interface std::exception {}
class basic_json::exception {
+ const int id
+ const char* what() const
class basic_json::parse_error {
+ const std::size_t byte
class basic_json::invalid_iterator #FFFF00 {}
## Member functions
- **what** - returns explanatory string
## Member variables
- **id** - the id of the exception
## Example
??? example
The following code shows how a `invalid_iterator` exception can be caught.
--8<-- "examples/invalid_iterator.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/invalid_iterator.output"
## Version history
- Since version 3.0.0.
# basic_json::is_array
constexpr bool is_array() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON value is an array.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is an array, `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_array()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_array.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_array.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::is_binary
constexpr bool is_binary() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON value is binary array.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is binary, `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_binary()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_binary.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_binary.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::is_boolean
constexpr bool is_boolean() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON value is `#!json true` or `#!json false`.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is boolean, `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_boolean()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_boolean.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_boolean.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::is_discarded
constexpr bool is_discarded() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` for a JSON value if either:
- the value was discarded during parsing with a callback function (see [`parser_callback_t`](parser_callback_t.md)), or
- the value is the result of parsing invalid JSON with parameter `allow_exceptions` set to `#!cpp false`; see
[`parse`](parse.md) for more information.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is discarded, `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Notes
!!! note
Discarded values are never compared equal with [`operator==`](operator_eq.md). That is, checking whether a JSON
value `j` is discarded will only work via:
j == json::value_t::discarded
will always be `#!cpp false`.
!!! note
When a value is discarded by a callback function (see [`parser_callback_t`](parser_callback_t.md)) during parsing,
then it is removed when it is part of a structured value. For instance, if the second value of an array is discared,
instead of `#!json [null, discarded, false]`, the array `#!json [null, false]` is returned. Only if the top-level
value is discarded, the return value of the `parse` call is discarded.
This function will always be `#!cpp false` for JSON values after parsing. That is, discarded values can only occur
during parsing, but will be removed when inside a structured value or replaced by null in other cases.
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_discarded()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_discarded.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_discarded.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::is_null
constexpr bool is_null() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON value is `#!json null`.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is `#!json null`, `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_null()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_null.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_null.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::is_number
constexpr bool is_number() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON value is a number. This includes both integer (signed and
unsigned) and floating-point values.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is number (regardless whether integer, unsigned integer or floating-type), `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Possible implementation
constexpr bool is_number() const noexcept
return is_number_integer() || is_number_float();
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_number()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_number.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_number.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
- Extended to also return `#!cpp true` for unsigned integers in 2.0.0.
# basic_json::is_number_float
constexpr bool is_number_float() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON value is a floating-point number. This excludes signed and
unsigned integer values.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is a floating-point number, `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_number_float()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_number_float.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_number_float.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::is_number_integer
constexpr bool is_number_integer() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON value is a signed or unsigned integer number. This excludes
floating-point values.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is an integer or unsigned integer number, `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_number_integer()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_number_integer.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_number_integer.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
- Extended to also return `#!cpp true` for unsigned integers in 2.0.0.
# basic_json::is_number_unsigned
constexpr bool is_number_unsigned() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON value is an unsigned integer number. This excludes
floating-point and signed integer values.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is an unsigned integer number, `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_number_unsigned()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_number_unsigned.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_number_unsigned.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 2.0.0.
# basic_json::is_object
constexpr bool is_object() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON value is an object.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is an object, `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_object()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_object.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_object.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::is_primitive
constexpr bool is_primitive() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON type is primitive (string, number, boolean, `#!json null`,
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is primitive (string, number, boolean, `#!json null`, or binary), `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Possible implementation
constexpr bool is_primitive() const noexcept
return is_null() || is_string() || is_boolean() || is_number() || is_binary();
## Notes
The term *primitive* stems from [RFC 8259](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259):
> JSON can represent four primitive types (strings, numbers, booleans, and null) and two structured types (objects and
> arrays).
This library extends primitive types to binary types, because binary types are roughly comparable to strings. Hence,
`is_primitive()` returns `#!cpp true` for binary values.
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_primitive()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_primitive.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_primitive.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
- Extended to return `#!cpp true` for binary types in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::is_string
constexpr bool is_string() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON value is a string.
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is a string, `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_string()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_string.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_string.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::is_structured
constexpr bool is_structured() const noexcept;
This function returns `#!cpp true` if and only if the JSON type is structured (array or object).
## Return value
`#!cpp true` if type is structured (array or object), `#!cpp false` otherwise.
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this member function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
## Notes
The term *structured* stems from [RFC 8259](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259):
> JSON can represent four primitive types (strings, numbers, booleans, and null) and two structured types (objects and
> arrays).
Note that though strings are containers in C++, they are treated as primitive values in JSON.
## Example
??? example
The following code exemplifies `is_structured()` for all JSON types.
--8<-- "examples/is_structured.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/is_structured.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::items
iteration_proxy<iterator> items() noexcept;
iteration_proxy<const_iterator> items() const noexcept;
This function allows to access `iterator::key()` and `iterator::value()` during range-based for loops. In these loops, a
reference to the JSON values is returned, so there is no access to the underlying iterator.
For loop without `items()` function:
for (auto it = j_object.begin(); it != j_object.end(); ++it)
std::cout << "key: " << it.key() << ", value:" << it.value() << '\n';
Range-based for loop without `items()` function:
for (auto it : j_object)
// "it" is of type json::reference and has no key() member
std::cout << "value: " << it << '\n';
Range-based for loop with `items()` function:
for (auto& el : j_object.items())
std::cout << "key: " << el.key() << ", value:" << el.value() << '\n';
The `items()` function also allows to use
[structured bindings](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/structured_binding) (C++17):
for (auto& [key, val] : j_object.items())
std::cout << "key: " << key << ", value:" << val << '\n';
## Return value
iteration proxy object wrapping the current value with an interface to use in range-based for loops
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
## Notes
When iterating over an array, `key()` will return the index of the element as string (see example). For primitive types
(e.g., numbers), `key()` returns an empty string.
!!! warning
Using `items()` on temporary objects is dangerous. Make sure the object's lifetime exeeds the iteration. See
<https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2040> for more information.
## Example
??? example
The following code shows an example for `items()`.
--8<-- "examples/items.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/items.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 3.0.0.
- Added structured binding support in version 3.5.0.
!!! note
This function replaces the static function `iterator_wrapper` which was introduced in version 1.0.0, but has been
deprecated in version 3.1.0. Function `iterator_wrapper` will be removed in version 4.0.0. Please replace all
occurrences of `#!cpp iterator_wrapper(j)` with `#!cpp j.items()`.
# basic_json::json_serializer
template<typename T, typename SFINAE>
using json_serializer = JSONSerializer<T, SFINAE>;
## Template parameters
: type to convert; will be used in the `to_json`/`from_json` functions
: type to add compile type checks via SFINAE; usually `#!cpp void`
## Notes
#### Default type
The default values for `json_serializer` is [`adl_serializer`](../adl_serializer.md).
## Version history
- Since version 2.0.0.
# basic_json::max_size
size_type max_size() const noexcept;
Returns the maximum number of elements a JSON value is able to hold due to system or library implementation limitations,
i.e. `std::distance(begin(), end())` for the JSON value.
## Return value
The return value depends on the different types and is defined as follows:
Value type | return value
----------- | -------------
null | `0` (same as [`size()`](size.md))
boolean | `1` (same as [`size()`](size.md))
string | `1` (same as [`size()`](size.md))
number | `1` (same as [`size()`](size.md))
binary | `1` (same as [`size()`](size.md))
object | result of function `object_t::max_size()`
array | result of function `array_t::max_size()`
## Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: this function never throws exceptions.
## Complexity
Constant, as long as [`array_t`](array_t.md) and [`object_t`](object_t.md) satisfy the
[Container](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/named_req/Container) concept; that is, their `max_size()` functions have
constant complexity.
## Notes
This function does not return the maximal length of a string stored as JSON value -- it returns the maximal number of
string elements the JSON value can store which is `1`.
## Example
??? example
The following code calls `max_size()` on the different value types. Note the output is implementation specific.
--8<-- "examples/max_size.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/max_size.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
- Extended to return `1` for binary types in version 3.8.0.
# basic_json::merge_patch
void merge_patch(const basic_json& apply_patch);
The merge patch format is primarily intended for use with the HTTP PATCH method as a means of describing a set of
modifications to a target resource's content. This function applies a merge patch to the current JSON value.
The function implements the following algorithm from Section 2 of
[RFC 7396 (JSON Merge Patch)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7396):
define MergePatch(Target, Patch):
if Patch is an Object:
if Target is not an Object:
Target = {} // Ignore the contents and set it to an empty Object
for each Name/Value pair in Patch:
if Value is null:
if Name exists in Target:
remove the Name/Value pair from Target
Target[Name] = MergePatch(Target[Name], Value)
return Target
return Patch
Thereby, `Target` is the current object; that is, the patch is applied to the current value.
## Parameters
`apply_patch` (in)
: the patch to apply
## Complexity
Linear in the lengths of `apply_patch`.
## Example
??? example
The following code shows how a JSON Merge Patch is applied to a JSON document.
--8<-- "examples/merge_patch.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/merge_patch.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 3.0.0.
......@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
static basic_json meta();
This function returns a JSON object with information about the library,
including the version number and information on the platform and compiler.
This function returns a JSON object with information about the library, including the version number and information on
the platform and compiler.
## Return value
......@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ key | description
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no
changes to any JSON value.
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes to any JSON value.
## Complexity
......@@ -43,3 +42,7 @@ Output:
--8<-- "examples/meta.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 2.1.0.
# basic_json::number_float_t
using number_float_t = NumberFloatType;
The type used to store JSON numbers (floating-point).
[RFC 7159](http://rfc7159.net/rfc7159) describes numbers as follows:
> The representation of numbers is similar to that used in most programming languages. A number is represented in base
> 10 using decimal digits. It contains an integer component that may be prefixed with an optional minus sign, which may
> be followed by a fraction part and/or an exponent part. Leading zeros are not allowed. (...) Numeric values that
> cannot be represented in the grammar below (such as Infinity and NaN) are not permitted.
This description includes both integer and floating-point numbers. However, C++ allows more precise storage if it is
known whether the number is a signed integer, an unsigned integer or a floating-point number. Therefore, three different
types, [`number_integer_t`](number_integer_t.md), [`number_unsigned_t`](number_unsigned_t.md) and `number_float_t` are
To store floating-point numbers in C++, a type is defined by the template parameter `NumberFloatType` which chooses the
type to use.
## Notes
#### Default type
With the default values for `NumberFloatType` (`double`), the default value for `number_float_t` is `#!cpp double`.
#### Default behavior
- The restrictions about leading zeros is not enforced in C++. Instead, leading zeros in floating-point literals will be
ignored. Internally, the value will be stored as decimal number. For instance, the C++ floating-point literal `01.2`
will be serialized to `1.2`. During deserialization, leading zeros yield an error.
- Not-a-number (NaN) values will be serialized to `null`.
#### Limits
[RFC 7159](http://rfc7159.net/rfc7159) states:
> This specification allows implementations to set limits on the range and precision of numbers accepted. Since software
> that implements IEEE 754-2008 binary64 (double precision) numbers is generally available and widely used, good
> interoperability can be achieved by implementations that expect no more precision or range than these provide, in the
> sense that implementations will approximate JSON numbers within the expected precision.
This implementation does exactly follow this approach, as it uses double precision floating-point numbers. Note values
smaller than `-1.79769313486232e+308` and values greater than `1.79769313486232e+308` will be stored as NaN internally
and be serialized to `null`.
#### Storage
Floating-point number values are stored directly inside a `basic_json` type.
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::number_integer_t
using number_integer_t = NumberIntegerType;
The type used to store JSON numbers (integers).
[RFC 7159](http://rfc7159.net/rfc7159) describes numbers as follows:
> The representation of numbers is similar to that used in most programming languages. A number is represented in base
> 10 using decimal digits. It contains an integer component that may be prefixed with an optional minus sign, which may
> be followed by a fraction part and/or an exponent part. Leading zeros are not allowed. (...) Numeric values that
> cannot be represented in the grammar below (such as Infinity and NaN) are not permitted.
This description includes both integer and floating-point numbers. However, C++ allows more precise storage if it is
known whether the number is a signed integer, an unsigned integer or a floating-point number. Therefore, three different
types, `number_integer_t`, [`number_unsigned_t`](number_unsigned_t.md) and [`number_float_t`](number_float_t.md) are
To store integer numbers in C++, a type is defined by the template parameter `NumberIntegerType` which chooses the type
to use.
## Notes
#### Default type
With the default values for `NumberIntegerType` (`std::int64_t`), the default value for `number_integer_t` is
`#!cpp std::int64_t`.
#### Default behavior
- The restrictions about leading zeros is not enforced in C++. Instead, leading zeros in integer literals lead to an
interpretation as octal number. Internally, the value will be stored as decimal number. For instance, the C++ integer
literal `010` will be serialized to `8`. During deserialization, leading zeros yield an error.
- Not-a-number (NaN) values will be serialized to `null`.
#### Limits
[RFC 7159](http://rfc7159.net/rfc7159) specifies:
> An implementation may set limits on the range and precision of numbers.
When the default type is used, the maximal integer number that can be stored is `9223372036854775807` (INT64_MAX) and
the minimal integer number that can be stored is `-9223372036854775808` (INT64_MIN). Integer numbers that are out of
range will yield over/underflow when used in a constructor. During deserialization, too large or small integer numbers
will be automatically be stored as [`number_unsigned_t`](number_unsigned_t.md) or [`number_float_t`](number_float_t.md).
[RFC 7159](http://rfc7159.net/rfc7159) further states:
> Note that when such software is used, numbers that are integers and are in the range \f$[-2^{53}+1, 2^{53}-1]\f$ are
> interoperable in the sense that implementations will agree exactly on their numeric values.
As this range is a subrange of the exactly supported range [INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX], this class's integer type is
#### Storage
Integer number values are stored directly inside a `basic_json` type.
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::number_unsigned_t
using number_unsigned_t = NumberUnsignedType;
The type used to store JSON numbers (unsigned).
[RFC 7159](http://rfc7159.net/rfc7159) describes numbers as follows:
> The representation of numbers is similar to that used in most programming languages. A number is represented in base
> 10 using decimal digits. It contains an integer component that may be prefixed with an optional minus sign, which may
> be followed by a fraction part and/or an exponent part. Leading zeros are not allowed. (...) Numeric values that
> cannot be represented in the grammar below (such as Infinity and NaN) are not permitted.
This description includes both integer and floating-point numbers. However, C++ allows more precise storage if it is
known whether the number is a signed integer, an unsigned integer or a floating-point number. Therefore, three different
types, [`number_integer_t`](number_integer_t.md), `number_unsigned_t` and [`number_float_t`](number_float_t.md) are
To store unsigned integer numbers in C++, a type is defined by the template parameter `NumberUnsignedType` which chooses
the type to use.
## Notes
#### Default type
With the default values for `NumberUnsignedType` (`std::uint64_t`), the default value for `number_unsigned_t` is
`#!cpp std::uint64_t`.
#### Default behavior
- The restrictions about leading zeros is not enforced in C++. Instead, leading zeros in integer literals lead to an
interpretation as octal number. Internally, the value will be stored as decimal number. For instance, the C++ integer
literal `010` will be serialized to `8`. During deserialization, leading zeros yield an error.
- Not-a-number (NaN) values will be serialized to `null`.
#### Limits
[RFC 7159](http://rfc7159.net/rfc7159) specifies:
> An implementation may set limits on the range and precision of numbers.
When the default type is used, the maximal integer number that can be stored is `18446744073709551615` (UINT64_MAX) and
the minimal integer number that can be stored is `0`. Integer numbers that are out of range will yield over/underflow
when used in a constructor. During deserialization, too large or small integer numbers will be automatically be stored
as [`number_integer_t`](number_integer_t.md) or [`number_float_t`](number_float_t.md).
[RFC 7159](http://rfc7159.net/rfc7159) further states:
> Note that when such software is used, numbers that are integers and are in the range \f$[-2^{53}+1, 2^{53}-1]\f$ are
> interoperable in the sense that implementations will agree exactly on their numeric values.
As this range is a subrange (when considered in conjunction with the `number_integer_t` type) of the exactly supported
range [0, UINT64_MAX], this class's integer type is interoperable.
#### Storage
Integer number values are stored directly inside a `basic_json` type.
## Version history
- Added in version 2.0.0.
# basic_json::object
static basic_json object(initializer_list_t init = {});
Creates a JSON object value from a given initializer list. The initializer lists elements must be pairs, and their first
elements must be strings. If the initializer list is empty, the empty object `#!json {}` is created.
## Parameters
`init` (in)
: initializer list with JSON values to create an object from (optional)
## Return value
JSON object value
## Exceptions
Throws [`type_error.301`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error301) if `init` is not a list of pairs whose
first elements are strings. In this case, no object can be created. When such a value is passed to
`basic_json(initializer_list_t, bool, value_t)`, an array would have been created from the passed initializer list
`init`. See example below.
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no changes in the JSON value.
## Complexity
Linear in the size of `init`.
## Notes
This function is only added for symmetry reasons. In contrast to the related function `array(initializer_list_t)`, there
are no cases which can only be expressed by this function. That is, any initializer list `init` can also be passed to
the initializer list constructor `basic_json(initializer_list_t, bool, value_t)`.
## Examples
??? example
The following code shows an example for the `object` function.
--8<-- "examples/object.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/object.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
# basic_json::object_comparator_t
// until C++14
using object_comparator_t = std::less<StringType>;
// since C++14
using object_comparator_t = std::less<>;
The comparator used in [`object_t`](object_t.md).
When C++14 is detected, a transparent com parator is used which, when combined with perfect forwarding on find() and
count() calls, prevents unnecessary string construction.
## Version history
- Unknown.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
# basic_json::operator=
basic_json& operator=(basic_json other) noexcept (
std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<value_t>::value &&
std::is_nothrow_move_assignable<value_t>::value &&
std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<json_value>::value &&
Copy assignment operator. Copies a JSON value via the "copy and swap" strategy: It is expressed in terms of the copy
constructor, destructor, and the `swap()` member function.
## Parameters
`other` (in)
: value to copy from
## Complexity
## Example
??? example
The code below shows and example for the copy assignment. It creates a copy of value `a` which is then swapped with
`b`. Finally, the copy of `a` (which is the null value after the swap) is destroyed.
--8<-- "examples/basic_json__copyassignment.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/basic_json__copyassignment.output"
## Version history
- Added in version 1.0.0.
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