Commit 3716a2fb authored by Niels's avatar Niels

Merge branch 'develop' into feature/jsontestsuite

parents 59c83438 737d4372
......@@ -9121,6 +9121,13 @@ basic_json_parser_66:
// parse with strtod
result.m_value.number_float = str_to_float_t(static_cast<number_float_t*>(nullptr), NULL);
// replace infinity and NAN by null
if (not std::isfinite(result.m_value.number_float))
type = value_t::null;
result.m_value = basic_json::json_value();
// save the type
......@@ -8270,6 +8270,13 @@ class basic_json
// parse with strtod
result.m_value.number_float = str_to_float_t(static_cast<number_float_t*>(nullptr), NULL);
// replace infinity and NAN by null
if (not std::isfinite(result.m_value.number_float))
type = value_t::null;
result.m_value = basic_json::json_value();
// save the type
......@@ -489,4 +489,10 @@ TEST_CASE("regression tests")
j["/this/that/2"_json_pointer] = 27;
CHECK(j == json({{"this", {{"that", {nullptr, nullptr, 27}}}}}));
SECTION("issue #329 - serialized value not always can be parsed")
json j = json::parse("22e2222");
CHECK(j == json());
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