Unverified Commit 67ed63b1 authored by Niels Lohmann's avatar Niels Lohmann Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #2312 from nlohmann/docs

Update documentation
parents 808aca41 a34070d3
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ check_output: $(EXAMPLES:.cpp=.test)
rm -fr me.nlohmann.json.docset html $(EXAMPLES:.cpp=)
rm -fr me.nlohmann.json.docset html xml $(EXAMPLES:.cpp=)
......@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
"compiler": {
"c++": "201103",
"family": "clang",
"version": "11.0.3 (clang-1103.0.32.62)"
"version": "12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.22.19)"
"copyright": "(C) 2013-2017 Niels Lohmann",
"copyright": "(C) 2013-2020 Niels Lohmann",
"name": "JSON for Modern C++",
"platform": "apple",
"url": "https://github.com/nlohmann/json",
# basic_json::dump
string_t dump(const int indent = -1,
const char indent_char = ' ',
const bool ensure_ascii = false,
const error_handler_t error_handler = error_handler_t::strict) const
Serialization function for JSON values. The function tries to mimic
Python's `json.dumps()` function, and currently supports its `indent`
and `ensure_ascii` parameters.
## Parameters
`indent` (in)
: If `indent` is nonnegative, then array elements and object
members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of
`0` will only insert newlines. `-1` (the default) selects the most compact
`indent_char` (in)
: The character to use for indentation if `indent` is
greater than `0`. The default is ` ` (space).
`ensure_ascii` (in)
: If `ensure_ascii` is true, all non-ASCII characters
in the output are escaped with `\uXXXX` sequences, and the result consists
of ASCII characters only.
`error_handler` (in)
: how to react on decoding errors; there are three
possible values: `strict` (throws and exception in case a decoding error
occurs; default), `replace` (replace invalid UTF-8 sequences with U+FFFD),
and `ignore` (ignore invalid UTF-8 sequences during serialization; all
bytes are copied to the output unchanged).
## Return value
string containing the serialization of the JSON value
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no
changes to any JSON value.
## Complexity
## Notes
Binary values are serialized as object containing two keys:
- "bytes": an array of bytes as integers
- "subtype": the subtype as integer or `#!json null` if the binary has no subtype
## Example
The following example shows the effect of different `indent`,
`indent_char`, and `ensure_ascii` parameters to the result of the
--8<-- "examples/dump.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/dump.output"
# Overview
!!! note
This page is under construction.
## Member functions
### Object inspection
- [dump](dump.md) - serialization
## Static functions
- [meta](meta.md) - returns version information on the library
# basic_json::meta
static basic_json meta();
This function returns a JSON object with information about the library,
including the version number and information on the platform and compiler.
## Return value
JSON object holding version information
key | description
----------- | ---------------
`compiler` | Information on the used compiler. It is an object with the following keys: `c++` (the used C++ standard), `family` (the compiler family; possible values are `clang`, `icc`, `gcc`, `ilecpp`, `msvc`, `pgcpp`, `sunpro`, and `unknown`), and `version` (the compiler version).
`copyright` | The copyright line for the library as string.
`name` | The name of the library as string.
`platform` | The used platform as string. Possible values are `win32`, `linux`, `apple`, `unix`, and `unknown`.
`url` | The URL of the project as string.
`version` | The version of the library. It is an object with the following keys: `major`, `minor`, and `patch` as defined by [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org), and `string` (the version string).
## Exception safety
Strong guarantee: if an exception is thrown, there are no
changes to any JSON value.
## Complexity
## Example
The following code shows an example output of the `meta()`
--8<-- "examples/meta.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/meta.output"
......@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ binary | *size*: 4294967296..18446744073709551615 | byte string (8 by
If NaN or Infinity are stored inside a JSON number, they are serialized properly. This behavior differs from the normal JSON serialization which serializes NaN or Infinity to `null`.
!!! info "Unused CBOR types"
The following CBOR types are not used in the conversion:
......@@ -77,13 +76,16 @@ binary | *size*: 4294967296..18446744073709551615 | byte string (8 by
- bignum (0xC2..0xC3)
- decimal fraction (0xC4)
- bigfloat (0xC5)
- tagged items (0xC6..0xD4, 0xD8..0xDB)
- expected conversions (0xD5..0xD7)
- simple values (0xE0..0xF3, 0xF8)
- undefined (0xF7)
- half-precision floats (0xF9)
- break (0xFF)
!!! info "Tagged items"
Binary subtypes will be serialized as tagged items. See [binary values](../binary_values.md#cbor) for an example.
??? example
......@@ -150,7 +152,6 @@ Double-Precision Float | number_float | 0xFB
- bignum (0xC2..0xC3)
- decimal fraction (0xC4)
- bigfloat (0xC5)
- tagged items (0xC6..0xD4, 0xD8..0xDB)
- expected conversions (0xD5..0xD7)
- simple values (0xE0..0xF3, 0xF8)
- undefined (0xF7)
......@@ -159,6 +160,10 @@ Double-Precision Float | number_float | 0xFB
CBOR allows map keys of any type, whereas JSON only allows strings as keys in object values. Therefore, CBOR maps with keys other than UTF-8 strings are rejected.
!!! warning "Tagged items"
Tagged items will throw a parse error by default. However, they can be ignored by passing `cbor_tag_handler_t::ignore` to function `from_cbor`.
??? example
......@@ -158,14 +158,14 @@ JSON does not have a binary type, and this library does not introduce a new type
### CBOR
[CBOR](binary_formats/cbor.md) supports binary values, but no subtypes. Any binary value will be serialized as byte strings. The library will choose the smallest representation using the length of the byte array.
[CBOR](binary_formats/cbor.md) supports binary values, but no subtypes. Subtypes will be serialized as tags. Any binary value will be serialized as byte strings. The library will choose the smallest representation using the length of the byte array.
??? example
// create a binary value of subtype 42 (will be ignored by CBOR)
// create a binary value of subtype 42
json j;
j["binary"] = json::binary({0xCA, 0xFE, 0xBA, 0xBE}, 42);
......@@ -173,17 +173,18 @@ JSON does not have a binary type, and this library does not introduce a new type
auto v = json::to_cbor(j);
`v` is a `std::vector<std::uint8t>` with the following 13 elements:
`v` is a `std::vector<std::uint8t>` with the following 15 elements:
0xA1 // map(1)
0x66 // text(6)
0x62 0x69 0x6E 0x61 0x72 0x79 // "binary"
0xD8 0x2A // tag(42)
0x44 // bytes(4)
0xCA 0xFE 0xBA 0xBE // content
Note the subtype (42) is **not** serialized, and deserializing `v` would yield the following value:
Note that the subtype is serialized as tag. However, parsing tagged values yield a parse error unless `json::cbor_tag_handler_t::ignore` is passed to `json::from_cbor`.
# Comments
This library does not support comments *by default*. It does so for three reasons:
1. Comments are not part of the [JSON specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259). You may argue that `//` or `/* */` are allowed in JavaScript, but JSON is not JavaScript.
2. This was not an oversight: Douglas Crockford [wrote on this](https://plus.google.com/118095276221607585885/posts/RK8qyGVaGSr) in May 2012:
> I removed comments from JSON because I saw people were using them to hold parsing directives, a practice which would have destroyed interoperability. I know that the lack of comments makes some people sad, but it shouldn't.
> Suppose you are using JSON to keep configuration files, which you would like to annotate. Go ahead and insert all the comments you like. Then pipe it through JSMin before handing it to your JSON parser.
3. It is dangerous for interoperability if some libraries would add comment support while others don't. Please check [The Harmful Consequences of the Robustness Principle](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-iab-protocol-maintenance-01) on this.
However, you can pass set parameter `ignore_comments` to `#!c true` in the parse function to ignore `//` or `/* */` comments. Comments will then be treated as whitespace.
!!! example
Consider the following JSON with comments.
// update in 2006: removed Pluto
"planets": ["Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars",
"Jupiter", "Uranus", "Neptune" /*, "Pluto" */]
When calling `parse` without additional argument, a parse error exception is thrown. If `skip_comments` is set to `#! true`, the comments are skipped during parsing:
#include <iostream>
#include "json.hpp"
using json = nlohmann::json;
int main()
std::string s = R"(
// update in 2006: removed Pluto
"planets": ["Mercury", "Venus", "Earth", "Mars",
"Jupiter", "Uranus", "Neptune" /*, "Pluto" */]
json j = json::parse(s);
catch (json::exception &e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
json j = json::parse(s,
/* callback */ nullptr,
/* allow exceptions */ true,
/* skip_comments */ true);
std::cout << j.dump(2) << '\n';
[json.exception.parse_error.101] parse error at line 3, column 9:
syntax error while parsing object key - invalid literal;
last read: '<U+000A> {<U+000A> /'; expected string literal
"planets": [
\ No newline at end of file
# Checked access: at
## Overview
The `#!cpp at()` member function performs checked access; that is, it returns a reference to the desired value if it exists and throws a [`basic_json::out_of_range` exception](../../home/exceptions.md#out-of-range) otherwise.
??? example
Consider the following JSON value:
"name": "Mary Smith",
"age": 42,
"hobbies": ["hiking", "reading"]
Assume the value is parsed to a `json` variable `j`.
| expression | value |
| ---------- | ----- |
| `#!cpp j` | `#!json {"name": "Mary Smith", "age": 42, "hobbies": ["hiking", "reading"]}` |
| `#!cpp j.at("name")` | `#!json "Mary Smith"` |
| `#!cpp j.at("age")` | `#!json 42` |
| `#!cpp j.at("hobbies")` | `#!json ["hiking", "reading"]` |
| `#!cpp j.at("hobbies").at(0)` | `#!json "hiking"` |
| `#!cpp j.at("hobbies").at(1)` | `#!json "reading"` |
The return value is a reference, so it can be modify the original value.
??? example
j.at("name") = "John Smith";
This code produces the following JSON value:
"name": "John Smith",
"age": 42,
"hobbies": ["hiking", "reading"]
When accessing an invalid index (i.e., and index greater than or equal to the array size) or the passed object key is non-existing, an exception is thrown.
??? example
j.at("hobbies").at(3) = "cooking";
This code produces the following exception:
[json.exception.out_of_range.401] array index 3 is out of range
## Notes
!!! failure "Exceptions"
- `at` can only be used with objects (with a string argument) or with arrays (with a numeric argument). For other types, a [`basic_json::type_error`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error304) is thrown.
- [`basic_json::out_of_range` exception](../../home/exceptions.md#out-of-range) exceptions are thrown if the provided key is not found in an object or the provided index is invalid.
## Summary
| scenario | non-const value | const value |
| -------- | ------------- | ----------- |
| access to existing object key | reference to existing value is returned | const reference to existing value is returned |
| access to valid array index | reference to existing value is returned | const reference to existing value is returned |
| access to non-existing object key | `basic_json::out_of_range` exception is thrown | `basic_json::out_of_range` exception is thrown |
| access to invalid array index | `basic_json::out_of_range` exception is thrown | `basic_json::out_of_range` exception is thrown |
# Access with default value: value
## Overview
In many situations such as configuration files, missing values are not exceptional, but may be treated as if a default value was present.
??? example
Consider the following JSON value:
"logOutput": "result.log",
"append": true
Assume the value is parsed to a `json` variable `j`.
| expression | value |
| ---------- | ----- |
| `#!cpp j` | `#!json {"logOutput": "result.log", "append": true}` |
| `#!cpp j.value("logOutput", "logfile.log")` | `#!json "result.log"` |
| `#!cpp j.value("append", true)` | `#!json true` |
| `#!cpp j.value("append", false)` | `#!json true` |
| `#!cpp j.value("logLevel", "verbose")` | `#!json "verbose"` |
## Note
!!! failure "Exceptions"
- `value` can only be used with objects. For other types, a [`basic_json::type_error`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error306) is thrown.
# Overview
There are many ways elements in a JSON value can be accessed:
- unchecked access via [`operator[]`](unchecked_access.md)
- checked access via [`at`](checked_access.md)
- access with default value via [`value`](default_value.md)
- iterators
- JSON pointers
# Unchecked access: operator[]
## Overview
Elements in a JSON object and a JSON array can be accessed via `#!cpp operator[]` similar to a `#!cpp std::map` and a `#!cpp std::vector`, respectively.
??? example
Consider the following JSON value:
"name": "Mary Smith",
"age": 42,
"hobbies": ["hiking", "reading"]
Assume the value is parsed to a `json` variable `j`.
| expression | value |
| ---------- | ----- |
| `#!cpp j` | `#!json {"name": "Mary Smith", "age": 42, "hobbies": ["hiking", "reading"]}` |
| `#!cpp j["name"]` | `#!json "Mary Smith"` |
| `#!cpp j["age"]` | `#!json 42` |
| `#!cpp j["hobbies"]` | `#!json ["hiking", "reading"]` |
| `#!cpp j["hobbies"][0]` | `#!json "hiking"` |
| `#!cpp j["hobbies"][1]` | `#!json "reading"` |
The return value is a reference, so it can be modify the original value. In case the passed object key is non-existing, a `#!json null` value is inserted which can be immediately be overwritten.
??? example
j["name"] = "John Smith";
j["maidenName"] = "Jones";
This code produces the following JSON value:
"name": "John Smith",
"maidenName": "Jones",
"age": 42,
"hobbies": ["hiking", "reading"]
When accessing an invalid index (i.e., and index greater than or equal to the array size), the JSON array is resized such that the passed index is the new maximal index. Intermediate values are filled with `#!json null`.
??? example
j["hobbies"][0] = "running";
j["hobbies"][3] = "cooking";
This code produces the following JSON value:
"name": "John Smith",
"maidenName": "Jones",
"age": 42,
"hobbies": ["running", "reading", null, "cooking"]
## Notes
!!! info "Design rationale"
The library behaves differently to `#!cpp std::vector` and `#!cpp std::map`:
- `#!cpp std::vector::operator[]` never inserts a new element.
- `#!cpp std::map::operator[]` is not available for const values.
The type `#!cpp json` wraps all JSON value types. It would be impossible to remove `operator[]` for const objects. At the same time, inserting elements for non-const objects is really convenient as it avoids awkward `insert` calls. To this end, we decided to have an inserting non-const behavior for both arrays and objects.
!!! info
The access is unchecked. In case the passed object key does not exist or the passed array index is invalid, no exception is thrown.
!!! danger
- It is **undefined behavior** to access a const object with a non-existing key.
- It is **undefined behavior** to access a const array with an invalid index.
- In debug mode, an **assertion** will fire in both cases. You can disable assertions by defining the preprocessor symbol `#!cpp NDEBUG` or redefine the macro [`JSON_ASSERT(x)`](../macros.md#json_assertx).
!!! failure "Exceptions"
`operator[]` can only be used with objects (with a string argument) or with arrays (with a numeric argument). For other types, a [`basic_json::type_error`](../../home/exceptions.md#jsonexceptiontype_error305) is thrown.
## Summary
| scenario | non-const value | const value |
| -------- | ------------- | ----------- |
| access to existing object key | reference to existing value is returned | const reference to existing value is returned |
| access to valid array index | reference to existing value is returned | const reference to existing value is returned |
| access to non-existing object key | reference to newly inserted `#!json null` value is returned | **undefined behavior**; assertion in debug mode |
| access to invalid array index | reference to newly inserted `#!json null` value is returned; any index between previous maximal index and passed index are filled with `#!json null` | **undefined behavior**; assertion in debug mode |
......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
Some aspects of the library can be configured by defining preprocessor macros before including the `json.hpp` header.
The default value is `#!cpp assert(x)`.
## `JSON_CATCH_USER(exception)`
This macro overrides `#!cpp catch` calls inside the library. The argument is the type of the exception to catch. As of version 3.8.0, the library only catches `std::out_of_range` exceptions internally to rethrow them as [`json::out_of_range`](../home/exceptions.md#out-of-range) exceptions. The macro is always followed by a scope.
# Object Order
The [JSON standard](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259.html) defines objects as "an unordered collection of zero or more name/value pairs". As such, an implementation does not need to preserve any specific order of object keys.
The default type `nlohmann::json` uses a `std::map` to store JSON objects, and thus stores object keys **sorted alphabetically**.
??? example
#include <iostream>
#include "json.hpp"
using json = nlohmann::json;
int main()
json j;
j["one"] = 1;
j["two"] = 2;
j["three"] = 3;
std::cout << j.dump(2) << '\n';
"one": 1,
"three": 3,
"two": 2
If you do want to preserve the **insertion order**, you can try the type [`nlohmann::ordered_json`](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/2179).
??? example
#include <iostream>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
using ordered_json = nlohmann::ordered_json;
int main()
ordered_json j;
j["one"] = 1;
j["two"] = 2;
j["three"] = 3;
std::cout << j.dump(2) << '\n';
"one": 1,
"two": 2,
"three": 3
Alternatively, you can use a more sophisticated ordered map like [`tsl::ordered_map`](https://github.com/Tessil/ordered-map) ([integration](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/546#issuecomment-304447518)) or [`nlohmann::fifo_map`](https://github.com/nlohmann/fifo_map) ([integration](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/485#issuecomment-333652309)).
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ interface json::sax_t {
+ {abstract} bool number_float(number_float_t val, const string_t& s)
+ {abstract} bool string(string_t& val)
+ {abstract} bool binary(binary_t& val)
+ {abstract} bool start_object(std::size_t elements)
+ {abstract} bool end_object()
......@@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ bool number_float(number_float_t val, const string_t& s);
// called when a string is parsed; value is passed and can be safely moved away
bool string(string_t& val);
// called when a binary value is parsed; value is passed and can be safely moved away
bool binary(binary& val);
// called when an object or array begins or ends, resp. The number of elements is passed (or -1 if not known)
bool start_object(std::size_t elements);
......@@ -2,31 +2,6 @@
## Limitations
### Comments
!!! question "Questions"
- Why does the library not support comments?
- Can you add support for JSON5/JSONC/HOCON so that comments are supported?
This library does not support comments. It does so for three reasons:
1. Comments are not part of the [JSON specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259). You may argue that `//` or `/* */` are allowed in JavaScript, but JSON is not JavaScript.
2. This was not an oversight: Douglas Crockford [wrote on this](https://plus.google.com/118095276221607585885/posts/RK8qyGVaGSr) in May 2012:
> I removed comments from JSON because I saw people were using them to hold parsing directives, a practice which would have destroyed interoperability. I know that the lack of comments makes some people sad, but it shouldn't.
> Suppose you are using JSON to keep configuration files, which you would like to annotate. Go ahead and insert all the comments you like. Then pipe it through JSMin before handing it to your JSON parser.
3. It is dangerous for interoperability if some libraries would add comment support while others don't. Please check [The Harmful Consequences of the Robustness Principle](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-iab-protocol-maintenance-01) on this.
This library will not support comments in the future. If you wish to use comments, I see three options:
1. Strip comments before using this library.
2. Use a different JSON library with comment support.
3. Use a format that natively supports comments (e.g., YAML or JSON5).
### Relaxed parsing
!!! question
......@@ -69,18 +44,6 @@ No, this is not possible. See <https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/932> for
## Serialization issues
### Order of object keys
!!! question "Questions"
- Why are object keys sorted?
- Why is the insertion order of object keys not preserved?
By default, the library does not preserve the **insertion order of object elements**. This is standards-compliant, as the [JSON standard](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259.html) defines objects as "an unordered collection of zero or more name/value pairs".
If you do want to preserve the insertion order, you can specialize the object type with containers like [`tsl::ordered_map`](https://github.com/Tessil/ordered-map) ([integration](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/546#issuecomment-304447518)) or [`nlohmann::fifo_map`](https://github.com/nlohmann/fifo_map) ([integration](https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/485#issuecomment-333652309)).
### Number precision
!!! question
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
The class is licensed under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT):
Copyright &copy; 2013-2019 [Niels Lohmann](http://nlohmann.me)
Copyright &copy; 2013-2020 [Niels Lohmann](http://nlohmann.me)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
......@@ -44,17 +44,24 @@ nav:
- features/binary_formats/messagepack.md
- features/binary_formats/ubjson.md
- features/binary_values.md
- features/comments.md
- Element Access:
- features/element_access/index.md
- features/element_access/unchecked_access.md
- features/element_access/checked_access.md
- features/element_access/default_value.md
- features/iterators.md
- features/json_pointer.md
- features/json_patch.md
- features/merge_patch.md
- features/object_order.md
- Parsing:
- features/parsing/index.md
- features/parsing/parse_exceptions.md
- features/parsing/parser_callbacks.md
- features/parsing/sax_interface.md
- features/enum_conversion.md
- features/macros.md
- Parsing:
- features/parsing/index.md
- features/parsing/parse_exceptions.md
- features/parsing/parser_callbacks.md
- features/parsing/sax_interface.md
- features/types.md
- Integration:
- integration/index.md
......@@ -62,6 +69,11 @@ nav:
- integration/package_managers.md
- Doxygen:
- doxygen/index.html
- API:
- basic_json:
- api/basic_json/index.md
- api/basic_json/dump.md
- api/basic_json/meta.md
# Extras
......@@ -80,6 +92,7 @@ extra:
# Extensions
- admonition
- def_list
- codehilite:
guess_lang: false
- toc:
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ class basic_json
basic_json result;
result["copyright"] = "(C) 2013-2017 Niels Lohmann";
result["copyright"] = "(C) 2013-2020 Niels Lohmann";
result["name"] = "JSON for Modern C++";
result["url"] = "https://github.com/nlohmann/json";
result["version"]["string"] =
......@@ -7036,7 +7036,6 @@ class basic_json
- bignum (0xC2..0xC3)
- decimal fraction (0xC4)
- bigfloat (0xC5)
- tagged items (0xC6..0xD4, 0xD8..0xDB)
- expected conversions (0xD5..0xD7)
- simple values (0xE0..0xF3, 0xF8)
- undefined (0xF7)
......@@ -7423,7 +7422,6 @@ class basic_json
- bignum (0xC2..0xC3)
- decimal fraction (0xC4)
- bigfloat (0xC5)
- tagged items (0xC6..0xD4, 0xD8..0xDB)
- expected conversions (0xD5..0xD7)
- simple values (0xE0..0xF3, 0xF8)
- undefined (0xF7)
......@@ -16732,7 +16732,7 @@ class basic_json
basic_json result;
result["copyright"] = "(C) 2013-2017 Niels Lohmann";
result["copyright"] = "(C) 2013-2020 Niels Lohmann";
result["name"] = "JSON for Modern C++";
result["url"] = "https://github.com/nlohmann/json";
result["version"]["string"] =
......@@ -23424,7 +23424,6 @@ class basic_json
- bignum (0xC2..0xC3)
- decimal fraction (0xC4)
- bigfloat (0xC5)
- tagged items (0xC6..0xD4, 0xD8..0xDB)
- expected conversions (0xD5..0xD7)
- simple values (0xE0..0xF3, 0xF8)
- undefined (0xF7)
......@@ -23811,7 +23810,6 @@ class basic_json
- bignum (0xC2..0xC3)
- decimal fraction (0xC4)
- bigfloat (0xC5)
- tagged items (0xC6..0xD4, 0xD8..0xDB)
- expected conversions (0xD5..0xD7)
- simple values (0xE0..0xF3, 0xF8)
- undefined (0xF7)
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ TEST_CASE("version information")
json j = json::meta();
CHECK(j["name"] == "JSON for Modern C++");
CHECK(j["copyright"] == "(C) 2013-2017 Niels Lohmann");
CHECK(j["copyright"] == "(C) 2013-2020 Niels Lohmann");
CHECK(j["url"] == "https://github.com/nlohmann/json");
CHECK(j["version"] == json(
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