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parent 39419cd5
......@@ -18936,6 +18936,9 @@ class basic_json
@complexity Linear in the size of the JSON value @a j.
@liveexample{The example shows the serialization of a JSON value to a byte
vector in BSON format.,to_bson}
@sa http://bsonspec.org/spec.html
@sa @ref from_bson(detail::input_adapter&&, const bool strict) for the
analogous deserialization
......@@ -19284,9 +19287,6 @@ class basic_json
return res ? result : basic_json(value_t::discarded);
@brief Create a JSON value from an input in BSON format
......@@ -19318,7 +19318,6 @@ class basic_json
Max Key | 0x7F | still unsupported
Min Key | 0xFF | still unsupported
@warning The mapping is **incomplete**. The unsupported mappings
are indicated in the table above.
......@@ -19332,6 +19331,11 @@ class basic_json
@throw parse_error.114 if an unsupported BSON record type is encountered
@complexity Linear in the size of the input @a i.
@liveexample{The example shows the deserialization of a byte vector in
BSON format to a JSON value.,from_bson}
@sa http://bsonspec.org/spec.html
@sa @ref to_bson(const basic_json&) for the analogous serialization
@sa @ref from_cbor(detail::input_adapter&&, const bool, const bool) for the
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