• Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto's avatar
    Allow more than 256 child `irep`; fix #5310 · d759a735
    Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto authored
    We have introduced following new instructions.
     * `OP_LAMBDA16`
     * `OP_BLOCK16`
     * `OP_METHOD16`
     * `OP_EXEC16`
    Each instruction uses 16 bits operand for `reps` index. Since new
    instructions are added, `mruby/c` VM should be updated.
    Due to new instructions, dump format compatibility is lost, we have
    increased `RITE_BINARY_MAJOR_VER`.
    In addition, we have decreased the size of `refcnt` in `mrb_irep` from
    `uint32_t` to `uint16_t`, which is reasonably big enough.
codedump.c 15.8 KB