Proc#call needs to reserve at least 2 registers; fix #3606

One for the receiver, the other for the block.
parent 17377af9
......@@ -271,6 +271,7 @@ mrb_init_proc(mrb_state *mrb)
call_irep->flags = MRB_ISEQ_NO_FREE;
call_irep->iseq = call_iseq;
call_irep->ilen = 1;
call_irep->nregs = 2; /* receiver and block */
mrb_define_class_method(mrb, mrb->proc_class, "new", mrb_proc_s_new, MRB_ARGS_ANY());
mrb_define_method(mrb, mrb->proc_class, "initialize_copy", mrb_proc_init_copy, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1));
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