Should not check/call `to_str` for immediate objects; ref #3515

parent 527dcd52
......@@ -1048,15 +1048,17 @@ join_ary(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value ary, mrb_value sep, mrb_value list)
tmp = mrb_check_string_type(mrb, val);
if (!mrb_nil_p(tmp)) {
val = tmp;
goto str_join;
tmp = mrb_check_convert_type(mrb, val, MRB_TT_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
if (!mrb_nil_p(tmp)) {
val = tmp;
goto ary_join;
if (!mrb_immediate_p(val)) {
tmp = mrb_check_string_type(mrb, val);
if (!mrb_nil_p(tmp)) {
val = tmp;
goto str_join;
tmp = mrb_check_convert_type(mrb, val, MRB_TT_ARRAY, "Array", "to_ary");
if (!mrb_nil_p(tmp)) {
val = tmp;
goto ary_join;
val = mrb_obj_as_string(mrb, val);
goto str_join;
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