Update `doc/limitations.md` for argument destructuring.

parent 762f682b
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ $ ruby -e 'def m(*r,**k) p [r,k] end; m("a"=>1,:b=>2)'
[[{"a"=>1}], {:b=>2}]
#### mruby []
#### mruby [mruby 2.0.0]
$ ./bin/mruby -e 'def m(*r,**k) p [r,k] end; m("a"=>1,:b=>2)'
......@@ -227,3 +227,23 @@ trace (most recent call last):
[0] -e:1
-e:1: keyword argument hash with non symbol keys (ArgumentError)
## Argument Destructuring
def m(a,(b,c),d); p [a,b,c,d]; end
m(1,[2,3],4) # => [1,2,3,4]
Destructured arguments (`b` and `c` in above example) cannot be accessed
from the default expression of optional arguments and keyword arguments,
since actual assignment is done after the evaluation of those default
expressions. Thus:
def f(a,(b,c),d=b)
p [a,b,c,d]
CRuby gives `[1,2,3,nil]`. mruby raises `NoMethodError` for `b`.
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