Avoid memory leak when `mrb_read_irep()` fails.

parent 71f9add1
......@@ -649,12 +649,11 @@ load_irep(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_irep *irep, mrbc_context *c)
MRB_API mrb_value
mrb_load_irep_cxt(mrb_state *mrb, const uint8_t *bin, mrbc_context *c)
struct RData *irep_obj;
struct RData *irep_obj = mrb_data_object_alloc(mrb, mrb->object_class, NULL, &tempirep_type);
mrb_irep *irep = mrb_read_irep(mrb, bin);
mrb_value ret;
if (!irep) return mrb_undef_value();
irep_obj = mrb_data_object_alloc(mrb, mrb->object_class, NULL, &tempirep_type);
irep_obj->data = irep;
mrb_irep_incref(mrb, irep);
ret = load_irep(mrb, irep, c);
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