Use `mrb_equal` instead of `mrb_funcall`.

In the typical case, `mrb_funcall` invocation would be skipped.
parent 5890c7d5
......@@ -196,7 +196,8 @@ range_eq(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value range)
struct RRange *rr;
struct RRange *ro;
mrb_value obj, v1, v2;
mrb_value obj;
mrb_bool v1, v2;
mrb_get_args(mrb, "o", &obj);
......@@ -207,9 +208,9 @@ range_eq(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value range)
rr = mrb_range_ptr(mrb, range);
ro = mrb_range_ptr(mrb, obj);
v1 = mrb_funcall(mrb, RANGE_BEG(rr), "==", 1, RANGE_BEG(ro));
v2 = mrb_funcall(mrb, RANGE_END(rr), "==", 1, RANGE_END(ro));
if (!mrb_bool(v1) || !mrb_bool(v2) || RANGE_EXCL(rr) != RANGE_EXCL(ro)) {
v1 = mrb_equal(mrb, RANGE_BEG(rr), RANGE_BEG(ro));
v2 = mrb_equal(mrb, RANGE_END(rr), RANGE_END(ro));
if (!v1 || !v2 || RANGE_EXCL(rr) != RANGE_EXCL(ro)) {
return mrb_false_value();
return mrb_true_value();
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