Unwind callinfo (mrb->c->ci) when a fiber termitates with error.

Fix #3668
parent 57ffa1c1
......@@ -850,6 +850,7 @@ mrb_vm_run(mrb_state *mrb, struct RProc *proc, mrb_value self, unsigned int stac
mrb_irep *irep = proc->body.irep;
mrb_value result;
struct mrb_context *c = mrb->c;
int cioff = c->ci - c->cibase;
if (!c->stack) {
......@@ -859,6 +860,9 @@ mrb_vm_run(mrb_state *mrb, struct RProc *proc, mrb_value self, unsigned int stac
stack_extend(mrb, stack_keep);
c->stack[0] = self;
result = mrb_vm_exec(mrb, proc, irep->iseq);
if (c->ci - c->cibase > cioff) {
c->ci = c->cibase + cioff;
mrb->c = c;
return result;
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