Commit 409541d1 authored by Daniel Bovensiepen's avatar Daniel Bovensiepen

Improve Literal Tests

parent b55958b4
......@@ -3,34 +3,51 @@
assert('Literals Numerical', '') do
# signed and unsigned integer
1 == 1 and -1 == -1 and +1 == +1 and
# signed and unsigned float
1.0 == 1.0 and -1.0 == -1.0 and
# binary
0b10000000 == 128 and 0B10000000 == 128
# octal
0o10 == 8 and 0O10 == 8 and 0_10 == 8
# hex
0xff == 255 and 0Xff == 255 and
# decimal
0d999 == 999 and 0D999 == 999 and
# decimal seperator
10_000_000 == 10000000 and 1_0 == 10 and
# integer with exponent
1e1 == 10.0 and 1e-1 == 0.1 and 1e+1 == 10.0
# float with exponent
1.0e1 == 10.0 and 1.0e-1 == 0.1 and 1.0e+1 == 10.0
assert_equal 1, 1
assert_equal(-1, -1)
assert_equal(+1, +1)
# signed and unsigned float
assert_equal 1.0, 1.0
assert_equal(-1.0, -1.0)
# binary
assert_equal 0b10000000, 128
assert_equal 0B10000000, 128
# octal
assert_equal 0o10, 8
assert_equal 0O10, 8
assert_equal 0_10, 8
# hex
assert_equal 0xff, 255
assert_equal 0Xff, 255
# decimal
assert_equal 0d999, 999
assert_equal 0D999, 999
# decimal seperator
assert_equal 10_000_000, 10000000
assert_equal 1_0, 10
# integer with exponent
assert_equal 1e1, 10.0
assert_equal 1e-1, 0.1
assert_equal 1e+1, 10.0
# float with exponent
assert_equal 1.0e1, 10.0
assert_equal 1.0e-1, 0.1
assert_equal 1.0e+1, 10.0
assert('Literals Strings Single Quoted', '') do
'abc' == 'abc' and '\'' == '\'' and '\\' == '\\'
assert_equal 'abc', 'abc'
assert_equal '\'', '\''
assert_equal '\\', '\\'
assert('Literals Strings Double Quoted', '') do
a = "abc"
"abc" == "abc" and "\"" == "\"" and "\\" == "\\" and
"#{a}" == "abc"
assert_equal "abc", "abc"
assert_equal "\"", "\""
assert_equal "\\", "\\"
assert_equal "#{a}", "abc"
assert('Literals Strings Quoted Non-Expanded', '') do
......@@ -42,8 +59,13 @@ assert('Literals Strings Quoted Non-Expanded', '') do
f = %q/ab\/c/
g = %q{#{a}}
a == 'abc' and b == 'abc' and c == 'abc' and d == 'abc' and
e == 'abc' and f == 'ab/c' and g == '#{a}'
assert_equal a, 'abc'
assert_equal b, 'abc'
assert_equal c, 'abc'
assert_equal d, 'abc'
assert_equal e, 'abc'
assert_equal f, 'ab/c'
assert_equal g, '#{a}'
assert('Literals Strings Quoted Expanded', '') do
......@@ -55,8 +77,13 @@ assert('Literals Strings Quoted Expanded', '') do
f = %Q/ab\/c/
g = %Q{#{a}}
a == 'abc' and b == 'abc' and c == 'abc' and d == 'abc' and
e == 'abc' and f == 'ab/c' and g == 'abc'
assert_equal a, 'abc'
assert_equal b, 'abc'
assert_equal c, 'abc'
assert_equal d, 'abc'
assert_equal e, 'abc'
assert_equal f, 'ab/c'
assert_equal g, 'abc'
assert('Literals Strings Here documents', '') do
......@@ -114,18 +141,18 @@ KKK
z = <<'ZZZ'
a == "aaa\n" and
b == "bbb\n" and
c == ["c1\n", "c 2\n", "c 3\n"] and
d == "d3DDD\nd\t\nDDD\n\n" and
e == "e\#{1+2}EEE\ne\\t\nEEE\\n\n" and
f == "F\nFFfFFF\nF\n" and
g == " ggg\n" and
h == " hhh\n" and
i == " iii\n" and
j == [" j1j\n", " j2j\n", " j\#{3}j\n"] and
k == 123 and
z == ""
assert_equal a, "aaa\n"
assert_equal b, "bbb\n"
assert_equal c, ["c1\n", "c 2\n", "c 3\n"]
assert_equal d, "d3DDD\nd\t\nDDD\n\n"
assert_equal e, "e\#{1+2}EEE\ne\\t\nEEE\\n\n"
assert_equal f, "F\nFFfFFF\nF\n"
assert_equal g, " ggg\n"
assert_equal h, " hhh\n"
assert_equal i, " iii\n"
assert_equal j, [" j1j\n", " j2j\n", " j\#{3}j\n"]
assert_equal k, 123
assert_equal z, ""
assert('Literals Array', '') do
......@@ -146,15 +173,14 @@ assert('Literals Array', '') do
x\y x\\y x\\\y)
test1 = (a == ['abc3def', '}g'] and
b == ['abc', '5', 'def', '(g'] and
c == ['7'] and
d == ['9'] and
e == [] and
f == ['[ab', 'cd][ef]'] and
g == ['ab', '-11', '22'] and
h == ["a\nb", 'test abc', "c\nd", "xy", "x\\y", "x\\y"]
assert_equal a, ['abc3def', '}g']
assert_equal b, ['abc', '5', 'def', '(g']
assert_equal c, ['7']
assert_equal d, ['9']
assert_equal e, []
assert_equal f, ['[ab', 'cd][ef]']
assert_equal g, ['ab', '-11', '22']
assert_equal h, ["a\nb", 'test abc', "c\nd", "xy", "x\\y", "x\\y"]
a = %w{abc#{1+2}def \}g}
b = %w(abc #{2+3} def \(g)
......@@ -173,17 +199,14 @@ d
x\y x\\y x\\\y)
test2 = (a == ['abc#{1+2}def', '}g'] and
b == ['abc', '#{2+3}', 'def', '(g'] and
c == ['#{3+4}'] and
d == ['#{4+5}'] and
e == [] and
f == ['[ab', 'cd][ef]'] and
g == ['ab', '#{-1}1', '2#{2}'] and
h == ["a\\nb", "test abc", "c\nd", "x\\y", "x\\y", "x\\\\y"]
test1 and test2
assert_equal a, ['abc#{1+2}def', '}g']
assert_equal b, ['abc', '#{2+3}', 'def', '(g']
assert_equal c, ['#{3+4}']
assert_equal d, ['#{4+5}']
assert_equal e, []
assert_equal f, ['[ab', 'cd][ef]']
assert_equal g, ['ab', '#{-1}1', '2#{2}']
assert_equal h, ["a\\nb", "test abc", "c\nd", "x\\y", "x\\y", "x\\\\y"]
assert('Literals Array of symbols') do
......@@ -199,14 +222,13 @@ assert('Literals Array of symbols') do
test1 = (a == [:'abc3def', :'}g'] and
b == [:'abc', :'5', :'def', :'(g'] and
c == [:'7'] and
d == [:'9'] and
e == [] and
f == [:'[ab', :'cd][ef]'] and
g == [:'ab', :'-11', :'22']
assert_equal a, [:'abc3def', :'}g']
assert_equal b, [:'abc', :'5', :'def', :'(g']
assert_equal c, [:'7']
assert_equal d, [:'9']
assert_equal e, []
assert_equal f, [:'[ab', :'cd][ef]']
assert_equal g, [:'ab', :'-11', :'22']
a = %i{abc#{1+2}def \}g}
b = %i(abc #{2+3} def \(g)
......@@ -220,16 +242,13 @@ assert('Literals Array of symbols') do
test2 = (a == [:'abc#{1+2}def', :'}g'] and
b == [:'abc', :'#{2+3}', :'def', :'(g'] and
c == [:'#{3+4}'] and
d == [:'#{4+5}'] and
e == [] and
f == [:'[ab', :'cd][ef]'] and
g == [:'ab', :'#{-1}1', :'2#{2}']
test1 and test2
assert_equal a, [:'abc#{1+2}def', :'}g']
assert_equal b, [:'abc', :'#{2+3}', :'def', :'(g']
assert_equal c, [:'#{3+4}']
assert_equal d, [:'#{4+5}']
assert_equal e, []
assert_equal f, [:'[ab', :'cd][ef]']
assert_equal g, [:'ab', :'#{-1}1', :'2#{2}']
assert('Literals Symbol', '') do
......@@ -255,10 +274,14 @@ qwe]
g = %s/foo#{1+2}bar/
h = %s{{foo bar}}
a == :'asd qwe' and b == :"foo bar" and c == :a3b and d == :asd and
e == :' foo )' and f == :"asd [\nqwe" and g == :'foo#{1+2}bar' and
h == :'{foo bar}'
assert_equal a, :'asd qwe'
assert_equal b, :"foo bar"
assert_equal c, :a3b
assert_equal d, :asd
assert_equal e, :' foo )'
assert_equal f, :"asd [\nqwe"
assert_equal g, :'foo#{1+2}bar'
assert_equal h, :'{foo bar}'
# Not Implemented ATM assert('Literals Regular expression', '') do
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