Commit 42359d62 authored by Kouhei Sutou's avatar Kouhei Sutou

Use ptrdiff_t to suppress signedness warning

3df32161 says so but there is no warning
with GCC 4.9 on my Debian GNU/Linux environment.
parent 414678d6
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ cipush(mrb_state *mrb)
int ridx = ci->ridx;
if (ci + 1 == c->ciend) {
size_t size = ci - c->cibase;
ptrdiff_t size = ci - c->cibase;
c->cibase = (mrb_callinfo *)mrb_realloc(mrb, c->cibase, sizeof(mrb_callinfo)*size*2);
c->ci = c->cibase + size;
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