Unverified Commit 4d3a1198 authored by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto's avatar Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Committed by GitHub

Revert "Fix `SIGSEGV` with mruby-method + mruby-catch"

parent 76e4de74
Pipeline #151 failed with stages
......@@ -780,25 +780,8 @@ mrb_yield_with_class(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value b, mrb_int argc, const mrb_value
mrb->c->ci->stack[argc+1] = mrb_nil_value();
if (MRB_PROC_CFUNC_P(p)) {
struct mrb_jmpbuf *prev_jmp = mrb->jmp;
struct mrb_jmpbuf c_jmp;
int ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb);
mrb_bool exc = FALSE;
MRB_TRY(&c_jmp) {
mrb->jmp = &c_jmp;
ci->acc = CI_ACC_DIRECT;
val = MRB_PROC_CFUNC(p)(mrb, self);
MRB_CATCH(&c_jmp) {
exc = TRUE;
mrb->jmp = prev_jmp;
mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai);
val = MRB_PROC_CFUNC(p)(mrb, self);
if (exc) MRB_THROW(mrb->jmp);
else {
val = mrb_run(mrb, p, self);
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