Commit 50c21a93 authored by Daniel Bovensiepen's avatar Daniel Bovensiepen

Change mrblib Makefile to include gems

parent 738a8775
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ all : $(LIBR)
# update libmruby.a
$(LIBR) : $(MLIB) $(LIBR0)
$(CP) $(LIBR0) $(LIBR)
$(AR) r $(LIBR) $(MLIB)
$(AR) rs $(LIBR) ../mrbgems/md5/md5.o ../mrbgems/md5/mrb_md5.o ../mrbgems/init_gems.o $(MLIB)
# Compile mrblib source
$(MLIB) : $(CLIB)
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