Unverified Commit 60f90286 authored by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto's avatar Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #5360 from dearblue/opcode

Updated `doc/opcode.md` to match `include/mruby/ops.h` [ci skip]
parents 6b839308 07874a3d
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ sign) of operands.
| OP_NOP | - | no operation |
| OP_MOVE | BB | R(a) = R(b) |
| OP_LOADL | BB | R(a) = Pool(b) |
| OP_LOADL16 | BS | R(a) = Pool(b) |
| OP_LOADI | BB | R(a) = mrb_int(b) |
| OP_LOADINEG | BB | R(a) = mrb_int(-b) |
| OP_LOADI__1 | B | R(a) = mrb_int(-1) |
......@@ -38,8 +39,10 @@ sign) of operands.
| OP_LOADI_5 | B | R(a) = mrb_int(5) |
| OP_LOADI_6 | B | R(a) = mrb_int(6) |
| OP_LOADI_7 | B | R(a) = mrb_int(7) |
| OP_LOADI16 | BsS | R(a) = mrb_int(b) |
| OP_LOADI16 | BS | R(a) = mrb_int(b) |
| OP_LOADI32 | BSS | R(a) = mrb_int((b<<16)+c) |
| OP_LOADSYM | BB | R(a) = Syms(b) |
| OP_LOADSYM16 | BS | R(a) = Syms(b) |
| OP_LOADNIL | B | R(a) = nil |
| OP_LOADSELF | B | R(a) = self |
| OP_LOADT | B | R(a) = true |
......@@ -58,10 +61,10 @@ sign) of operands.
| OP_SETMCNST | BB | R(a+1)::Syms(b) = R(a) |
| OP_GETUPVAR | BBB | R(a) = uvget(b,c) |
| OP_SETUPVAR | BBB | uvset(b,c,R(a)) |
| OP_JMP | S | pc=a |
| OP_JMPIF | BS | if R(a) pc=b |
| OP_JMPNOT | BS | if !R(a) pc=b |
| OP_JMPNIL | BS | if R(a)==nil pc=b |
| OP_JMP | S | pc+=a |
| OP_JMPIF | BS | if R(a) pc+=b |
| OP_JMPNOT | BS | if !R(a) pc+=b |
| OP_JMPNIL | BS | if R(a)==nil pc+=b |
| OP_JMPUW | S | unwind_and_jump_to(a) |
| OP_EXCEPT | B | R(a) = exc |
| OP_RESCUE | BB | R(b) = R(a).isa?(R(b)) |
......@@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ sign) of operands.
| OP_SENDVB | BB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),*R(a+1),&R(a+2)) |
| OP_SEND | BBB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1),...,R(a+c)) |
| OP_SENDB | BBB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1),...,R(a+c),&R(a+c+1)) |
| OP_SENDVK | BB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),*R(a+1),**(a+2),&R(a+3)) |
| OP_CALL | - | R(0) = self.call(frame.argc, frame.argv) |
| OP_SUPER | BB | R(a) = super(R(a+1),... ,R(a+b+1)) |
| OP_ARGARY | BS | R(a) = argument array (16=5:1:5:1:4) |
......@@ -102,19 +106,24 @@ sign) of operands.
| OP_APOST | BBB | *R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+c) = R(a)[b..] |
| OP_INTERN | B | R(a) = intern(R(a)) |
| OP_STRING | BB | R(a) = str_dup(Lit(b)) |
| OP_STRING16 | BS | R(a) = str_dup(Lit(b)) |
| OP_STRCAT | B | str_cat(R(a),R(a+1)) |
| OP_HASH | BB | R(a) = hash_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b)) |
| OP_HASHADD | BB | R(a) = hash_push(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b)) |
| OP_HASH | BB | R(a) = hash_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b*2-1)) |
| OP_HASHADD | BB | R(a) = hash_push(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b*2)) |
| OP_HASHCAT | B | R(a) = hash_cat(R(a),R(a+1)) |
| OP_LAMBDA | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_LAMBDA) |
| OP_LAMBDA16 | BS | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_LAMBDA) |
| OP_BLOCK | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_BLOCK) |
| OP_BLOCK16 | BS | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_BLOCK) |
| OP_METHOD | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_METHOD) |
| OP_METHOD16 | BS | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_METHOD) |
| OP_RANGE_INC | B | R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),FALSE) |
| OP_RANGE_EXC | B | R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),TRUE) |
| OP_OCLASS | B | R(a) = ::Object |
| OP_CLASS | BB | R(a) = newclass(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1)) |
| OP_MODULE | BB | R(a) = newmodule(R(a),Syms(b)) |
| OP_EXEC | BB | R(a) = blockexec(R(a),SEQ[b]) |
| OP_EXEC16 | BS | R(a) = blockexec(R(a),SEQ[b]) |
| OP_DEF | BB | R(a).newmethod(Syms(b),R(a+1)) |
| OP_ALIAS | BB | alias_method(target_class,Syms(a),Syms(b)) |
| OP_UNDEF | B | undef_method(target_class,Syms(a)) |
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