Unverified Commit 64748691 authored by Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA's avatar Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA Committed by GitHub

Remove unmatched quotation mark

parent beb6e5c2
......@@ -215,14 +215,14 @@ future, the simpler behavior will be adopted to CRuby as well.
#### Ruby [ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029)]
$ ruby -e 'def m(*r,**k) p [r,k] end; m("a"'=>1,:b=>2)'
$ ruby -e 'def m(*r,**k) p [r,k] end; m("a"=>1,:b=>2)'
[[{"a"=>1}], {:b=>2}]
#### mruby []
$ ./bin/mruby -e 'def m(*r,**k) p [r,k] end; m("a"'=>1,:b=>2)'
$ ./bin/mruby -e 'def m(*r,**k) p [r,k] end; m("a"=>1,:b=>2)'
trace (most recent call last):
[0] -e:1
-e:1: keyword argument hash with non symbol keys (ArgumentError)
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