Commit 6fdf2b03 authored by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto's avatar Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto

Merge branch 'ksss-string-upto'

parents d4d99dd6 e96f254e
......@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@'mruby-string-ext') do |spec|
spec.license = 'MIT' = 'mruby developers'
spec.summary = 'String class extension'
spec.add_test_dependency 'mruby-enumerator', core: 'mruby-enumerator'
......@@ -305,50 +305,6 @@ class String
padding + self
# str.upto(other_str, exclusive=false) {|s| block } -> str
# str.upto(other_str, exclusive=false) -> an_enumerator
# Iterates through successive values, starting at <i>str</i> and
# ending at <i>other_str</i> inclusive, passing each value in turn to
# the block. The <code>String#succ</code> method is used to generate
# each value. If optional second argument exclusive is omitted or is false,
# the last value will be included; otherwise it will be excluded.
# If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
# "a8".upto("b6") {|s| print s, ' ' }
# for s in "a8".."b6"
# print s, ' '
# end
# <em>produces:</em>
# a8 a9 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6
# a8 a9 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6
# If <i>str</i> and <i>other_str</i> contains only ascii numeric characters,
# both are recognized as decimal numbers. In addition, the width of
# string (e.g. leading zeros) is handled appropriately.
# "9".upto("11").to_a #=> ["9", "10", "11"]
# "25".upto("5").to_a #=> []
# "07".upto("11").to_a #=> ["07", "08", "09", "10", "11"]
def upto(other_str, excl=false, &block)
return to_enum :upto, other_str, excl unless block
str = self
n = self.<=>other_str
return self if n > 0 || (self == other_str && excl)
while true
return self if !excl && str == other_str
str = str.succ
return self if excl && str == other_str
return self if str.size > other_str.size
def chars(&block)
if block_given?
self.split('').each do |i|
......@@ -521,6 +521,127 @@ mrb_str_ord(mrb_state* mrb, mrb_value str)
static mrb_bool
all_digits_p(const char *s, mrb_int len)
while (len-- > 0) {
if (!ISDIGIT(*s)) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* call-seq:
* str.upto(other_str, exclusive=false) {|s| block } -> str
* str.upto(other_str, exclusive=false) -> an_enumerator
* Iterates through successive values, starting at <i>str</i> and
* ending at <i>other_str</i> inclusive, passing each value in turn to
* the block. The <code>String#succ</code> method is used to generate
* each value. If optional second argument exclusive is omitted or is false,
* the last value will be included; otherwise it will be excluded.
* If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.
* "a8".upto("b6") {|s| print s, ' ' }
* for s in "a8".."b6"
* print s, ' '
* end
* <em>produces:</em>
* a8 a9 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6
* a8 a9 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6
* If <i>str</i> and <i>other_str</i> contains only ascii numeric characters,
* both are recognized as decimal numbers. In addition, the width of
* string (e.g. leading zeros) is handled appropriately.
* "9".upto("11").to_a #=> ["9", "10", "11"]
* "25".upto("5").to_a #=> []
* "07".upto("11").to_a #=> ["07", "08", "09", "10", "11"]
static mrb_value
mrb_str_upto(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value beg)
mrb_value end;
mrb_value exclusive = mrb_false_value();
mrb_value block = mrb_nil_value();
mrb_value current, after_end;
mrb_int n;
mrb_bool excl;
mrb_get_args(mrb, "o|o&", &end, &exclusive, &block);
if (mrb_nil_p(block)) {
return mrb_funcall(mrb, beg, "to_enum", 3, mrb_symbol_value(mrb_intern_lit(mrb, "upto")), end, exclusive);
end = mrb_string_type(mrb, end);
excl = mrb_test(exclusive);
/* single character */
if (RSTRING_LEN(beg) == 1 && RSTRING_LEN(end) == 1 &&
char c = RSTRING_PTR(beg)[0];
char e = RSTRING_PTR(end)[0];
int ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb);
if (c > e || (excl && c == e)) return beg;
for (;;) {
mrb_yield(mrb, block, mrb_str_new(mrb, &c, 1));
mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai);
if (!excl && c == e) break;
if (excl && c == e) break;
return beg;
/* both edges are all digits */
all_digits_p(RSTRING_PTR(beg), RSTRING_LEN(beg)) &&
all_digits_p(RSTRING_PTR(end), RSTRING_LEN(end))) {
int ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb);
mrb_int min_width = RSTRING_LEN(beg);
mrb_int max_width = RSTRING_LEN(end);
mrb_int bi = mrb_int(mrb, mrb_str_to_inum(mrb, beg, 10, FALSE));
mrb_int ei = mrb_int(mrb, mrb_str_to_inum(mrb, end, 10, FALSE));
mrb_value str = mrb_str_new(mrb, NULL, max_width);
char *buf = RSTRING_PTR(str);
while (bi <= ei) {
if (excl && bi == ei) break;
snprintf(buf, max_width+1, "%.*d", (int)min_width, bi);
mrb_yield(mrb, block, mrb_str_new(mrb, buf, strlen(buf)));
mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai);
return beg;
/* normal case */
n = mrb_int(mrb, mrb_funcall(mrb, beg, "<=>", 1, end));
if (n > 0 || (excl && n == 0)) return beg;
after_end = mrb_funcall(mrb, end, "succ", 0);
current = mrb_str_dup(mrb, beg);
while (!mrb_str_equal(mrb, current, after_end)) {
int ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb);
mrb_value next = mrb_nil_value();
if (excl || !mrb_str_equal(mrb, current, end))
next = mrb_funcall(mrb, current, "succ", 0);
mrb_yield(mrb, block, current);
if (mrb_nil_p(next)) break;
current = mrb_str_to_str(mrb, next);
if (excl && mrb_str_equal(mrb, current, end)) break;
if (RSTRING_LEN(current) > RSTRING_LEN(end) || RSTRING_LEN(current) == 0)
mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai);
return beg;
mrb_mruby_string_ext_gem_init(mrb_state* mrb)
......@@ -545,6 +666,7 @@ mrb_mruby_string_ext_gem_init(mrb_state* mrb)
mrb_alias_method(mrb, s, mrb_intern_lit(mrb, "next"), mrb_intern_lit(mrb, "succ"));
mrb_alias_method(mrb, s, mrb_intern_lit(mrb, "next!"), mrb_intern_lit(mrb, "succ!"));
mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "ord", mrb_str_ord, MRB_ARGS_NONE());
mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "upto", mrb_str_upto, MRB_ARGS_ANY());
mrb_define_method(mrb, mrb->fixnum_class, "chr", mrb_fixnum_chr, MRB_ARGS_NONE());
......@@ -495,6 +495,17 @@ assert('String#rjust should raise on zero width padding') do
assert('String#upto') do
assert_equal %w(a8 a9 b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6), "a8".upto("b6").to_a
assert_equal ["9", "10", "11"], "9".upto("11").to_a
assert_equal [], "25".upto("5").to_a
assert_equal ["07", "08", "09", "10", "11"], "07".upto("11").to_a
assert_equal ["あ", "ぃ", "い", "ぅ", "う", "ぇ", "え", "ぉ", "お"], "あ".upto("お").to_a
assert_equal ["9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "A"], "9".upto("A").to_a
a = "aa"
start = "aa"
count = 0
......@@ -554,6 +565,8 @@ assert('String#upto') do
count += 1
assert_equal(2, count)
assert_raise(TypeError) { "a".upto(:c) {} }
assert('String#ord') do
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