Commit 8d5f67e6 authored by Santa Zhang's avatar Santa Zhang

add a few const qualifier

parent faa3c52a
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ typedef short mrb_sym;
# define PRIo64 "I64o"
# define PRIx64 "I64x"
# define PRIX64 "I64X"
static unsigned int IEEE754_INFINITY_BITS_SINGLE = 0x7F800000;
static const unsigned int IEEE754_INFINITY_BITS_SINGLE = 0x7F800000;
# define NAN ((float)(INFINITY - INFINITY))
# else
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ void mrb_random_init_genrand(mt_state *t, unsigned long s)
unsigned long mrb_random_genrand_int32(mt_state *t)
unsigned long y;
static unsigned long mag01[2]={0x0UL, MATRIX_A};
static const unsigned long mag01[2]={0x0UL, MATRIX_A};
/* mag01[x] = x * MATRIX_A for x=0,1 */
if (t->mti >= N) { /* generate N words at one time */
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ void init_by_array(unsigned long init_key[], int key_length)
unsigned long genrand_int32(void)
unsigned long y;
static unsigned long mag01[2]={0x0UL, MATRIX_A};
static const unsigned long mag01[2]={0x0UL, MATRIX_A};
/* mag01[x] = x * MATRIX_A for x=0,1 */
if (mti >= N) { /* generate N words at one time */
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ static const char utf8len_codepage[256] =
static char utf8len_codepage_zero[256] =
static const char utf8len_codepage_zero[256] =
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