Should clarify the role of `mruby-kernel-ext` and `mruby-object-ext`; close #4449

The former should contain function like methods, and the latter should
contain methods shared by all objects.
parent 1cdb3ec9
module Kernel
# call-seq:
# obj.yield_self {|_obj|...} -> an_object
# obj.then {|_obj|...} -> an_object
# Yields <i>obj</i> and returns the result.
# 'my string'.yield_self {|s|s.upcase} #=> "MY STRING"
def yield_self(&block)
return to_enum :yield_self unless block
alias then yield_self
......@@ -206,22 +206,6 @@ mrb_f_hash(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
return mrb_ensure_hash_type(mrb, arg);
* call-seq:
* obj.itself -> an_object
* Returns <i>obj</i>.
* string = 'my string' #=> "my string"
* string.itself.object_id == string.object_id #=> true
static mrb_value
mrb_f_itself(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
return self;
mrb_mruby_kernel_ext_gem_init(mrb_state *mrb)
......@@ -237,7 +221,6 @@ mrb_mruby_kernel_ext_gem_init(mrb_state *mrb)
mrb_define_module_function(mrb, krn, "String", mrb_f_string, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1));
mrb_define_module_function(mrb, krn, "Array", mrb_f_array, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1));
mrb_define_module_function(mrb, krn, "Hash", mrb_f_hash, MRB_ARGS_REQ(1));
mrb_define_module_function(mrb, krn, "itself", mrb_f_itself, MRB_ARGS_NONE());
class Object
module Kernel
# call-seq:
# obj.yield_self {|_obj|...} -> an_object
# obj.then {|_obj|...} -> an_object
# Yields <i>obj</i> and returns the result.
# 'my string'.yield_self {|s|s.upcase} #=> "MY STRING"
def yield_self(&block)
return to_enum :yield_self unless block
alias then yield_self
# call-seq:
# obj.tap{|x|...} -> obj
......@@ -44,6 +44,22 @@ nil_to_i(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj)
return mrb_fixnum_value(0);
* call-seq:
* obj.itself -> an_object
* Returns <i>obj</i>.
* string = 'my string' #=> "my string"
* string.itself.object_id == string.object_id #=> true
static mrb_value
mrb_f_itself(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
return self;
* call-seq:
* obj.instance_exec(arg...) {|var...| block } -> obj
......@@ -102,6 +118,7 @@ mrb_mruby_object_ext_gem_init(mrb_state* mrb)
mrb_define_method(mrb, n, "to_f", nil_to_f, MRB_ARGS_NONE());
mrb_define_method(mrb, n, "to_i", nil_to_i, MRB_ARGS_NONE());
mrb_define_module_function(mrb, mrb->kernel_module, "itself", mrb_f_itself, MRB_ARGS_NONE());
mrb_define_method(mrb, mrb->kernel_module, "instance_exec", mrb_obj_instance_exec, MRB_ARGS_ANY() | MRB_ARGS_BLOCK());
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