Unverified Commit 8e8bc9e4 authored by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto's avatar Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #3974 from take-cheeze/repo_path

Add `:path` option for git repository.
parents fb78f108 4940ddb9
......@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ conf.gem :github => 'masuidrive/mrbgems-example', :branch => 'master'
conf.gem :bitbucket => 'mruby/mrbgems-example', :branch => 'master'
You can specify the sub directory of the repository with `:path` option:
conf.gem github: 'mruby/mruby', path: 'mrbgems/mruby-socket'
To use mrbgem from [mgem-list](https://github.com/mruby/mgem-list) use `:mgem` option:
conf.gem :mgem => 'mruby-yaml'
......@@ -76,9 +76,6 @@ module MRuby
if params[:core]
gemdir = "#{root}/mrbgems/#{params[:core]}"
elsif params[:path]
require 'pathname'
gemdir = Pathname.new(params[:path]).absolute? ? params[:path] : "#{root}/#{params[:path]}"
elsif params[:git]
url = params[:git]
gemdir = "#{gem_clone_dir}/#{url.match(/([-\w]+)(\.[-\w]+|)$/).to_a[1]}"
......@@ -108,6 +105,11 @@ module MRuby
# Jump to the top of the branch
git.run_checkout gemdir, branch if $pull_gems
gemdir << "/#{params[:path]}" if params[:path]
elsif params[:path]
require 'pathname'
gemdir = Pathname.new(params[:path]).absolute? ? params[:path] : "#{root}/#{params[:path]}"
fail "unknown gem option #{params}"
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