parse.y: rescue modifiers for OP_ASGN should protect rhs only

reported in [Bug:12402] in fixed in CRuby 2.4
parent 7a7fac84
......@@ -310,6 +310,12 @@ new_rescue(parser_state *p, node *body, node *resq, node *els)
return list4((node*)NODE_RESCUE, body, resq, els);
static node*
new_mod_rescue(parser_state *p, node *body, node *resq)
return new_rescue(p, body, list1(list3(0, 0, resq)), 0);
/* (:ensure body ensure) */
static node*
new_ensure(parser_state *p, node *a, node *b)
......@@ -1300,7 +1306,7 @@ stmt : keyword_alias fsym {p->lstate = EXPR_FNAME;} fsym
| stmt modifier_rescue stmt
$$ = new_rescue(p, $1, list1(list3(0, 0, $3)), 0);
$$ = new_mod_rescue(p, $1, $3);
| keyword_END '{' compstmt '}'
......@@ -1316,18 +1322,34 @@ stmt : keyword_alias fsym {p->lstate = EXPR_FNAME;} fsym
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, $1, $2, $3);
| var_lhs tOP_ASGN command_call modifier_rescue stmt
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, $1, $2, new_mod_rescue(p, $3, $5));
| primary_value '[' opt_call_args rbracket tOP_ASGN command_call
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, intern("[]",2), $3, '.'), $5, $6);
| primary_value '[' opt_call_args rbracket tOP_ASGN command_call modifier_rescue stmt
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, intern("[]",2), $3, '.'), $5, new_mod_rescue(p, $6, $8));
| primary_value call_op tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN command_call
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, $2), $4, $5);
| primary_value call_op tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN command_call modifier_rescue stmt
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, $2), $4, new_mod_rescue(p, $5, $7));
| primary_value call_op tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN command_call
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, $2), $4, $5);
| primary_value call_op tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN command_call modifier_rescue stmt
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, $2), $4, new_mod_rescue(p, $5, $7));
| primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN command_call
yyerror(p, "constant re-assignment");
......@@ -1337,11 +1359,20 @@ stmt : keyword_alias fsym {p->lstate = EXPR_FNAME;} fsym
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, tCOLON2), $4, $5);
| primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN command_call modifier_rescue stmt
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, tCOLON2), $4, new_mod_rescue(p, $5, $7));
| backref tOP_ASGN command_call
backref_error(p, $1);
$$ = new_begin(p, 0);
| backref tOP_ASGN command_call modifier_rescue stmt
backref_error(p, $1);
$$ = new_begin(p, 0);
| lhs '=' mrhs
$$ = new_asgn(p, $1, new_array(p, $3));
......@@ -1361,6 +1392,10 @@ command_asgn : lhs '=' command_call
$$ = new_asgn(p, $1, $3);
| lhs '=' command_call modifier_rescue stmt
$$ = new_asgn(p, $1, new_mod_rescue(p, $3, $5));
| lhs '=' command_asgn
$$ = new_asgn(p, $1, $3);
......@@ -1730,7 +1765,7 @@ arg : lhs '=' arg
| lhs '=' arg modifier_rescue arg
$$ = new_asgn(p, $1, new_rescue(p, $3, list1(list3(0, 0, $5)), 0));
$$ = new_asgn(p, $1, new_mod_rescue(p, $3, $5));
| var_lhs tOP_ASGN arg
......@@ -1738,39 +1773,70 @@ arg : lhs '=' arg
| var_lhs tOP_ASGN arg modifier_rescue arg
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, $1, $2, new_rescue(p, $3, list1(list3(0, 0, $5)), 0));
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, $1, $2, new_mod_rescue(p, $3, $5));
| primary_value '[' opt_call_args rbracket tOP_ASGN arg
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, intern("[]",2), $3, '.'), $5, $6);
| primary_value '[' opt_call_args rbracket tOP_ASGN arg modifier_rescue arg
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, intern("[]",2), $3, '.'), $5, new_mod_rescue(p, $6, $8));
| primary_value call_op tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN arg
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, $2), $4, $5);
| primary_value call_op tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN arg modifier_rescue arg
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, $2), $4, new_mod_rescue(p, $5, $7));
| primary_value call_op tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, $2), $4, $5);
| primary_value call_op tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg modifier_rescue arg
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, $2), $4, new_mod_rescue(p, $5, $7));
| primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN arg
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, tCOLON2), $4, $5);
| primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN arg modifier_rescue arg
$$ = new_op_asgn(p, new_call(p, $1, $3, 0, tCOLON2), $4, new_mod_rescue(p, $5, $7));
| primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg
yyerror(p, "constant re-assignment");
$$ = new_begin(p, 0);
| primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg modifier_rescue arg
yyerror(p, "constant re-assignment");
$$ = new_begin(p, 0);
yyerror(p, "constant re-assignment");
$$ = new_begin(p, 0);
| tCOLON3 tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg modifier_rescue arg
yyerror(p, "constant re-assignment");
$$ = new_begin(p, 0);
| backref tOP_ASGN arg
backref_error(p, $1);
$$ = new_begin(p, 0);
| backref tOP_ASGN arg modifier_rescue arg
backref_error(p, $1);
$$ = new_begin(p, 0);
| arg tDOT2 arg
$$ = new_dot2(p, $1, $3);
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