Commit a9419340 authored by Daniel Bovensiepen's avatar Daniel Bovensiepen

Add TODOs to finalize gems

parent f89e722e
......@@ -12,10 +12,14 @@ CC_FLAGS := -Wall -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -g -O3 -MMD -I. -I./../i
.PHONY : all
all : $(INIT).o
# @TODO:
# all available GEMS have to be built
$(INIT).o : $(INIT).c
gcc $(CC_FLAGS) -c $(INIT).c -o $(INIT).o
@$(MAKE) -C md5
# @TODO:
# all available GEMS have to be cleaned
.PHONY : clean
clean :
$(RM_F) $(INIT).o $(INIT).d $(LIBRGEMS)
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
* initializing methods necessary to
* bootstrap every gem.
* @TODO:
* this file has to be generated based on the active gems
#include "mruby.h"
MD5 digest function
MD5 digest function.
This library comes original from mattn (
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ MRB1 := $(BASEDIR)/*.rb
MRBS := $(MRB1)
LIBR0 := ../lib/libmruby_core.a
LIBR := ../lib/libmruby.a
GEM0 := ../mrbgems/md5/
# libraries, includes
INCLUDES = -I../src -I../include
......@@ -52,10 +53,12 @@ endif
.PHONY : all
all : $(LIBR)
# all available GEMS have to be added to the main library
# update libmruby.a
$(LIBR) : $(MLIB) $(LIBR0)
$(CP) $(LIBR0) $(LIBR)
$(AR) rs $(LIBR) ../mrbgems/md5/md5.o ../mrbgems/md5/mrb_md5.o ../mrbgems/init_gems.o $(MLIB)
$(AR) rs $(LIBR) $(GEM0)md5.o $(GEM0)mrb_md5.o ../mrbgems/init_gems.o $(MLIB)
# Compile mrblib source
$(MLIB) : $(CLIB)
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