Commit ae15f264 authored by take_cheeze's avatar take_cheeze

Start documenting C APIs.

parent c938b2f6
# C API Reference
This is a C API Reference.
The structure of this document will follow the directory structure of `include/` directory.
## Headers list
Header name|Features
[mrbconf.h](../mrbconf/|Defines macros for mruby configurations.
[mruby.h](./|Main header of mruby C API. Include this first.
[mruby/array.h](./|`Array` class.
[mruby/class.h](./|`Class` class.
[mruby/compile.h](./|mruby compiler.
[mruby/data.h](./|User defined object.
[mruby/dump.h](./|Dumping compiled mruby script.
[mruby/error.h](./|Error handling.
[mruby/gc.h](./|Uncommon memory management stuffs.
[mruby/hash.h](./|`Hash` class.
[mruby/irep.h](./|Compiled mruby script.
[mruby/khash.h](./|Defines of khash which is used in hash table of mruby.
[mruby/numeric.h](./|`Numeric` class and sub-classes of it.
[mruby/opode.h](./|Operation codes used in mruby VM.
[mruby/proc.h](./|`Proc` class.
[mruby/range.h](./|`Range` class.
[mruby/re.h](./|`Regexp` class.
[mruby/string.h](./|`String` class.
[mruby/value.h](./|`mrb_value` functions and macros.
[mruby/variable.h](./|Functions to access to mruby variables.
[mruby/version.h](./|Macros of mruby version.
# mruby.h
Basic header of mruby.
It includes **mrbconf.h**, **mruby/value.h**, **mruby/version.h** internally.
## `mrb_state` management
### mrb_open
mrb_state* mrb_open();
Creates new `mrb_state`.
### mrb_allocf
typedef void* (*mrb_allocf) (struct mrb_state *mrb, void *ptr, size_t s, void *ud);
Function pointer type of custom allocator used in `mrb_open_allocf`.
The function pointing it must behave similarly as `realloc` except:
* If `ptr` is `NULL` it must allocate new space.
* If `s` is `NULL`, `ptr` must be freed.
### mrb_open_allocf
mrb_state* mrb_open_allocf(mrb_allocf f, void *ud);
Create new `mrb_state` with custom allocator.
`ud` will be passed to custom allocator `f`.
If user data isn't required just pass `NULL`.
Function pointer `f` must satisfy requirements of its type.
### mrb_close
void mrb_close(mrb_state *mrb);
Deletes `mrb_state`.
## Method
### mrb_get_args
int mrb_get_args(mrb_state *mrb, const char *format, ...);
Retrieve arguments from `mrb_state`.
Use it inside a function pointed by `mrb_func_t`.
It returns number of function retrieved.
`format` is a list of following format specifier:
char|mruby type|retrieve types|note
`o`|`Object`|`mrb_value`|Could be used to retreive any type of argument
`s`|`String`|`char*`, `mrb_int`|
`a`|`Array`|`mrb_value*`, `mrb_int`|
`*`|rest arguments|`mrb_value*`, `mrb_int`|Receive the rest of arguments as an array.
<code>&#124;</code>|optional||After this spec following specs would be optional.
`?`|optional given|`mrb_bool`|True if preceding argument is given. Used to check optional argument is given.
The passing variadic arguments must be a pointer of retreiving type.
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