Commit b7911ad1 authored by Daniel Bovensiepen's avatar Daniel Bovensiepen

Improve documentation to latest changes

parent e32077fe
......@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ All GEMs have to be located under *$(MRUBY_ROOT)/mrbgems/g/*.
## Build process
mrbgems will call *make* to build and *make clean* to clean your GEM. You
have to build a *gem.a* file during this build process. How you are going
to do this is up to you.
have to build a *mrb-GEMNAME-gem.a* file during this build process. How you
are going to do this is up to you.
To make your build process more easier and more standardized we suggest
to include *mrbgems/Makefile4gem* which defines some helper rules. In
......@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ The *Makefile* is used for building a C extension. You should
define *GEM* (GEM name), *GEM_C_FILES* (all C files) and
*GEM_OBJECTS* (all Object files). Pay also attention that your
*Makefile* has to build the object files. You can use
*gem-c-files* to build a *gem.a* out of your Object code and use
*gem-clean-c-files* to clean the object files.
*gem-c-files* to build a *mrb-GEMNAME-gem.a* out of your
Object code and use *gem-clean-c-files* to clean the object files.
### Pre-Conditions
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ folder.
The *Makefile* is used for building a Ruby extension. You should define
*GEM* (GEM name) and *GEM_RB_FILES* (all Ruby files). You can use
*gem-rb-files* to build a *gem.a* out of your Ruby code and use
*gem-rb-files* to build a *mrb-GEMNAME-gem.a* out of your Ruby code and use
*gem-clean-rb-files* to clean the generated C files.
### Pre-Conditions
......@@ -137,8 +137,9 @@ into the *mrblib* folder and all C files into the *src* folder.
The *Makefile* is used for building a C and Ruby extension. You should
define *GEM* (GEM name), *GEM_C_FILES* (all C files), *GEM_OBJECTS*
(all Object files) and *GEM_RB_FILES* (all Ruby files). You can use
*gem-c-and-rb-files* to build a *gem.a* out of your Object and Ruby code
and use *gem-clean-c-and-rb-files* to clean the generated C files.
*gem-c-and-rb-files* to build a *mrb-GEMNAME-gem.a* out of your Object
and Ruby code. Use *gem-clean-c-and-rb-files* to clean the generated
C files.
### Pre-Conditions
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