Commit bd5afe9e authored by take_cheeze's avatar take_cheeze

rename debug function name

parent 0b806ca1
......@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ struct mrb_state;
* get line from irep's debug info and program counter
* @return returns NULL if not found
char const* mrb_get_filename(struct mrb_irep* irep, uint32_t pc);
char const* mrb_debug_get_filename(struct mrb_irep* irep, uint32_t pc);
* get line from irep's debug info and program counter
* @return returns -1 if not found
int32_t mrb_get_line(struct mrb_irep* irep, uint32_t pc);
int32_t mrb_debug_get_line(struct mrb_irep* irep, uint32_t pc);
mrb_irep_debug_info_file* mrb_debug_info_append_file(
struct mrb_state* mrb, struct mrb_irep* irep,
......@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ mrb_output_backtrace(mrb_state *mrb, struct RObject *exc, output_stream_func fun
else {
pc = (mrb_code*)mrb_voidp(mrb_obj_iv_get(mrb, exc, mrb_intern2(mrb, "lastpc", 6)));
filename = mrb_get_filename(irep, pc - irep->iseq - 1);
line = mrb_get_line(irep, pc - irep->iseq - 1);
filename = mrb_debug_get_filename(irep, pc - irep->iseq - 1);
line = mrb_debug_get_line(irep, pc - irep->iseq - 1);
if (!verbose && line == -1) continue;
if (ci->target_class == ci->proc->target_class)
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ select_line_type(uint32_t pc_count, uint16_t line_count)
char const*
mrb_get_filename(mrb_irep* irep, uint32_t pc)
mrb_debug_get_filename(mrb_irep* irep, uint32_t pc)
mrb_irep_debug_info_file* f = NULL;
if (irep) {
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ mrb_get_filename(mrb_irep* irep, uint32_t pc)
mrb_get_line(mrb_irep* irep, uint32_t const pc)
mrb_debug_get_line(mrb_irep* irep, uint32_t const pc)
mrb_irep_debug_info_file* f = NULL;
if (irep) {
......@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ exc_debug_info(mrb_state *mrb, struct RObject *exc)
if (ci->proc && !MRB_PROC_CFUNC_P(ci->proc)) {
mrb_irep *irep = ci->proc->body.irep;
int32_t const line = mrb_get_line(irep, pc - irep->iseq - 1);
char const* file = mrb_get_filename(irep, pc - irep->iseq - 1);
int32_t const line = mrb_debug_get_line(irep, pc - irep->iseq - 1);
char const* file = mrb_debug_get_filename(irep, pc - irep->iseq - 1);
if(line != -1 && file) {
mrb_obj_iv_set(mrb, exc, mrb_intern2(mrb, "file", 4), mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, file));
mrb_obj_iv_set(mrb, exc, mrb_intern2(mrb, "line", 4), mrb_fixnum_value(line));
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