codegen.c: add constant folding for unary numeric operators (+, -, ~).

parent 3e9ed1cc
......@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ gen_return(codegen_scope *s, uint8_t op, uint16_t src)
static mrb_bool
get_int_operand(struct mrb_insn_data *data, int32_t *n)
get_int_operand(struct mrb_insn_data *data, mrb_int *n)
switch (data->insn) {
case OP_LOADI__1:
......@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ get_int_operand(struct mrb_insn_data *data, int32_t *n)
return TRUE;
case OP_LOADI32:
*n = (int32_t)((uint32_t)data->b<<16)+data->c;
*n = (mrb_int)((uint32_t)data->b<<16)+data->c;
return TRUE;
......@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ gen_addsub(codegen_scope *s, uint8_t op, uint16_t dst)
else {
struct mrb_insn_data data = mrb_last_insn(s);
int32_t n;
mrb_int n;
if (!get_int_operand(&data, &n)) {
/* not integer immediate */
......@@ -859,17 +859,23 @@ gen_int(codegen_scope *s, uint16_t dst, mrb_int i)
static void
gen_uminus(codegen_scope *s, uint16_t dst)
gen_uniop(codegen_scope *s, mrb_sym sym, uint16_t dst)
struct mrb_insn_data data = mrb_last_insn(s);
int32_t n;
mrb_int n;
if (get_int_operand(&data, &n)) {
s->pc = s->lastpc;
gen_int(s, dst, -n);
if (sym == MRB_OPSYM_2(s->mrb, minus)) {
n = -n;
else if (sym == MRB_OPSYM_2(s->mrb, neg)) {
n = ~n;
gen_int(s, dst, n);
else {
genop_3(s, OP_SEND, dst, new_sym(s, MRB_OPSYM_2(s->mrb, minus)), 0);
genop_3(s, OP_SEND, dst, new_sym(s, sym), 0);
......@@ -1348,6 +1354,12 @@ gen_call(codegen_scope *s, node *tree, mrb_sym name, int sp, int val, int safe)
else if (!noop && sym == MRB_OPSYM_2(s->mrb, eq) && n == 1) {
genop_1(s, OP_EQ, cursp());
else if (!noop && n == 0 &&
(sym == MRB_OPSYM_2(s->mrb, plus) ||
sym == MRB_OPSYM_2(s->mrb, minus) ||
sym == MRB_OPSYM_2(s->mrb, neg))) {
gen_uniop(s, sym, cursp());
else {
int idx = new_sym(s, sym);
......@@ -2708,7 +2720,7 @@ codegen(codegen_scope *s, node *tree, int val)
codegen(s, tree, VAL);
push_n(2);pop_n(2); /* space for receiver&block */
gen_uminus(s, cursp());
gen_uniop(s, MRB_OPSYM_2(s->mrb, minus), cursp());
else {
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