Remove redundant rules from `parse.y`.

parent 7ed9bb3b
......@@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ heredoc_end(parser_state *p)
%type <nd> command_args aref_args opt_block_arg block_arg var_ref var_lhs
%type <nd> command_asgn command_rhs mrhs superclass block_call block_command
%type <nd> f_block_optarg f_block_opt
%type <nd> f_arglist f_args f_arg f_arg_item f_optarg f_marg f_marg_list f_margs
%type <nd> f_arglist f_args f_arg f_arg_item f_optarg f_margs
%type <nd> assoc_list assocs assoc undef_list backref for_var
%type <nd> block_param opt_block_param block_param_def f_opt
%type <nd> bv_decls opt_bv_decl bvar f_larglist lambda_body
......@@ -2447,44 +2447,24 @@ for_var : lhs
| mlhs
f_marg : f_norm_arg
$$ = new_arg(p, $1);
| tLPAREN f_margs rparen
$$ = new_masgn(p, $2, 0);
f_marg_list : f_marg
$$ = list1($1);
| f_marg_list ',' f_marg
$$ = push($1, $3);
f_margs : f_marg_list
f_margs : f_arg
$$ = list3($1,0,0);
| f_marg_list ',' tSTAR f_norm_arg
| f_arg ',' tSTAR f_norm_arg
$$ = list3($1, new_arg(p, $4), 0);
| f_marg_list ',' tSTAR f_norm_arg ',' f_marg_list
| f_arg ',' tSTAR f_norm_arg ',' f_arg
$$ = list3($1, new_arg(p, $4), $6);
| f_marg_list ',' tSTAR
| f_arg ',' tSTAR
local_add_f(p, 0);
$$ = list3($1, (node*)-1, 0);
| f_marg_list ',' tSTAR ',' f_marg_list
| f_arg ',' tSTAR ',' f_arg
$$ = list3($1, (node*)-1, $5);
......@@ -2492,7 +2472,7 @@ f_margs : f_marg_list
$$ = list3(0, new_arg(p, $2), 0);
| tSTAR f_norm_arg ',' f_marg_list
| tSTAR f_norm_arg ',' f_arg
$$ = list3(0, new_arg(p, $2), $4);
......@@ -2505,7 +2485,7 @@ f_margs : f_marg_list
local_add_f(p, 0);
$$ = list3(0, (node*)-1, $4);
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