Commit f10331cf authored by Miura Hideki's avatar Miura Hideki

Modify eval for access outer local variable

parent 27df1a84
#include "mruby.h"
#include "mruby/compile.h"
#include "mruby/irep.h"
#include "mruby/proc.h"
#include "opcode.h"
static struct mrb_irep *
get_closure_irep(mrb_state *mrb, int level)
struct REnv *e = mrb->c->ci[-1].proc->env;
struct RProc *proc;
if (level == 0) {
return mrb->c->ci[-1].proc->body.irep;
while (--level) {
e = (struct REnv*)e->c;
if (!e) return NULL;
if (!e) return NULL;
proc = mrb->c->cibase[e->cioff].proc;
return proc->body.irep;
static inline mrb_code
search_variable(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_sym vsym)
mrb_irep *virep;
int level;
int pos;
for (level = 0; (virep = get_closure_irep(mrb, level)); level++) {
if (virep->lv == NULL) {
for (pos = 0; pos < virep->nlocals - 1; pos++) {
if (vsym == virep->lv[pos].name) {
return (MKARG_B(pos + 1) | MKARG_C(level));
return 0;
static void
patch_irep(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_irep *irep)
int i;
mrb_code c;
for (i = 0; i < irep->ilen; i++) {
c = irep->iseq[i];
case OP_SEND:
if (GETARG_C(c) != 0) {
mrb_code arg = search_variable(mrb, irep->syms[GETARG_B(c)]);
if (arg != 0) {
/* must replace */
irep->iseq[i] = MKOPCODE(OP_GETUPVAR) | MKARG_A(GETARG_A(c)) | arg;
case OP_MOVE:
/* src part */
if (GETARG_B(c) < irep->nlocals) {
mrb_code arg = search_variable(mrb, irep->lv[GETARG_B(c) - 1].name);
if (arg != 0) {
/* must replace */
irep->iseq[i] = MKOPCODE(OP_GETUPVAR) | MKARG_A(GETARG_A(c)) | arg;
/* dst part */
if (GETARG_A(c) < irep->nlocals) {
mrb_code arg = search_variable(mrb, irep->lv[GETARG_A(c) - 1].name);
if (arg != 0) {
/* must replace */
irep->iseq[i] = MKOPCODE(OP_SETUPVAR) | MKARG_A(GETARG_B(c)) | arg;
static struct RProc*
create_proc_from_string(mrb_state *mrb, char *s, int len, mrb_value binding, char *file, mrb_int line)
......@@ -7,6 +97,7 @@ create_proc_from_string(mrb_state *mrb, char *s, int len, mrb_value binding, cha
mrbc_context *cxt;
struct mrb_parser_state *p;
struct RProc *proc;
struct REnv *e;
if (!mrb_nil_p(binding)) {
mrb_raise(mrb, E_ARGUMENT_ERROR, "Binding of eval must be nil.");
......@@ -34,6 +125,13 @@ create_proc_from_string(mrb_state *mrb, char *s, int len, mrb_value binding, cha
proc = mrb_generate_code(mrb, p);
e = (struct REnv*)mrb_obj_alloc(mrb, MRB_TT_ENV, (struct RClass*)mrb->c->ci[-1].proc->env);
e->mid = mrb->c->ci[-1].mid;
e->cioff = mrb->c->ci - mrb->c->cibase - 1;
e->stack = mrb->c->ci->stackent;
mrb->c->ci->env = e;
proc->env = e;
patch_irep(mrb, proc->body.irep);
mrbc_context_free(mrb, cxt);
......@@ -55,10 +153,12 @@ f_eval(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
char *file = NULL;
mrb_int line = 1;
mrb_value ret;
struct RProc *proc;
mrb_get_args(mrb, "s|ozi", &s, &len, &binding, &file, &line);
ret = mrb_toplevel_run(mrb, create_proc_from_string(mrb, s, len, binding, file, line));
proc = create_proc_from_string(mrb, s, len, binding, file, line);
ret = mrb_toplevel_run(mrb, proc);
if (mrb->exc) {
mrb_exc_raise(mrb, mrb_obj_value(mrb->exc));
......@@ -76,3 +176,4 @@ void
mrb_mruby_eval_gem_final(mrb_state* mrb)
** opcode.h - RiteVM operation codes
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
#ifndef OPCODE_H
#define OPCODE_H
#define MAXARG_Bx (0xffff)
#define MAXARG_sBx (MAXARG_Bx>>1) /* `sBx' is signed */
/* instructions: packed 32 bit */
/* ------------------------------- */
/* A:B:C:OP = 9: 9: 7: 7 */
/* A:Bx:OP = 9:16: 7 */
/* Ax:OP = 25: 7 */
/* A:Bz:Cz:OP = 9:14: 2: 7 */
#define GET_OPCODE(i) ((int)(((mrb_code)(i)) & 0x7f))
#define GETARG_A(i) ((int)((((mrb_code)(i)) >> 23) & 0x1ff))
#define GETARG_B(i) ((int)((((mrb_code)(i)) >> 14) & 0x1ff))
#define GETARG_C(i) ((int)((((mrb_code)(i)) >> 7) & 0x7f))
#define GETARG_Bx(i) ((int)((((mrb_code)(i)) >> 7) & 0xffff))
#define GETARG_sBx(i) ((int)(GETARG_Bx(i)-MAXARG_sBx))
#define GETARG_Ax(i) ((int32_t)((((mrb_code)(i)) >> 7) & 0x1ffffff))
#define GETARG_UNPACK_b(i,n1,n2) ((int)((((mrb_code)(i)) >> (7+(n2))) & (((1<<(n1))-1))))
#define GETARG_UNPACK_c(i,n1,n2) ((int)((((mrb_code)(i)) >> 7) & (((1<<(n2))-1))))
#define GETARG_b(i) GETARG_UNPACK_b(i,14,2)
#define GETARG_c(i) GETARG_UNPACK_c(i,14,2)
#define MKOPCODE(op) ((op) & 0x7f)
#define MKARG_A(c) ((mrb_code)((c) & 0x1ff) << 23)
#define MKARG_B(c) ((mrb_code)((c) & 0x1ff) << 14)
#define MKARG_C(c) (((c) & 0x7f) << 7)
#define MKARG_Bx(v) ((mrb_code)((v) & 0xffff) << 7)
#define MKARG_sBx(v) MKARG_Bx((v)+MAXARG_sBx)
#define MKARG_Ax(v) ((mrb_code)((v) & 0x1ffffff) << 7)
#define MKARG_PACK(b,n1,c,n2) ((((b) & ((1<<n1)-1)) << (7+n2))|(((c) & ((1<<n2)-1)) << 7))
#define MKARG_bc(b,c) MKARG_PACK(b,14,c,2)
#define MKOP_A(op,a) (MKOPCODE(op)|MKARG_A(a))
#define MKOP_AB(op,a,b) (MKOP_A(op,a)|MKARG_B(b))
#define MKOP_ABC(op,a,b,c) (MKOP_AB(op,a,b)|MKARG_C(c))
#define MKOP_ABx(op,a,bx) (MKOP_A(op,a)|MKARG_Bx(bx))
#define MKOP_Bx(op,bx) (MKOPCODE(op)|MKARG_Bx(bx))
#define MKOP_sBx(op,sbx) (MKOPCODE(op)|MKARG_sBx(sbx))
#define MKOP_AsBx(op,a,sbx) (MKOP_A(op,a)|MKARG_sBx(sbx))
#define MKOP_Ax(op,ax) (MKOPCODE(op)|MKARG_Ax(ax))
#define MKOP_Abc(op,a,b,c) (MKOP_A(op,a)|MKARG_bc(b,c))
enum {
operation code operand description
OP_NOP=0,/* */
OP_MOVE,/* A B R(A) := R(B) */
OP_LOADL,/* A Bx R(A) := Lit(Bx) */
OP_LOADI,/* A sBx R(A) := sBx */
OP_LOADSYM,/* A Bx R(A) := Sym(Bx) */
OP_LOADNIL,/* A R(A) := nil */
OP_LOADSELF,/* A R(A) := self */
OP_LOADT,/* A R(A) := true */
OP_LOADF,/* A R(A) := false */
OP_GETGLOBAL,/* A Bx R(A) := getglobal(Sym(Bx)) */
OP_SETGLOBAL,/* A Bx setglobal(Sym(Bx), R(A)) */
OP_GETSPECIAL,/*A Bx R(A) := Special[Bx] */
OP_SETSPECIAL,/*A Bx Special[Bx] := R(A) */
OP_GETIV,/* A Bx R(A) := ivget(Sym(Bx)) */
OP_SETIV,/* A Bx ivset(Sym(Bx),R(A)) */
OP_GETCV,/* A Bx R(A) := cvget(Sym(Bx)) */
OP_SETCV,/* A Bx cvset(Sym(Bx),R(A)) */
OP_GETCONST,/* A Bx R(A) := constget(Sym(Bx)) */
OP_SETCONST,/* A Bx constset(Sym(Bx),R(A)) */
OP_GETMCNST,/* A Bx R(A) := R(A)::Sym(Bx) */
OP_SETMCNST,/* A Bx R(A+1)::Sym(Bx) := R(A) */
OP_GETUPVAR,/* A B C R(A) := uvget(B,C) */
OP_SETUPVAR,/* A B C uvset(B,C,R(A)) */
OP_JMP,/* sBx pc+=sBx */
OP_JMPIF,/* A sBx if R(A) pc+=sBx */
OP_JMPNOT,/* A sBx if !R(A) pc+=sBx */
OP_ONERR,/* sBx rescue_push(pc+sBx) */
OP_RESCUE,/* A clear(exc); R(A) := exception (ignore when A=0) */
OP_POPERR,/* A A.times{rescue_pop()} */
OP_RAISE,/* A raise(R(A)) */
OP_EPUSH,/* Bx ensure_push(SEQ[Bx]) */
OP_EPOP,/* A A.times{ensure_pop().call} */
OP_SEND,/* A B C R(A) := call(R(A),mSym(B),R(A+1),...,R(A+C)) */
OP_SENDB,/* A B C R(A) := call(R(A),mSym(B),R(A+1),...,R(A+C),&R(A+C+1))*/
OP_FSEND,/* A B C R(A) := fcall(R(A),mSym(B),R(A+1),...,R(A+C-1)) */
OP_CALL,/* A B C R(A) :=,.., R(A+C)) */
OP_SUPER,/* A B C R(A) := super(R(A+1),... ,R(A+C-1)) */
OP_ARGARY,/* A Bx R(A) := argument array (16=6:1:5:4) */
OP_ENTER,/* Ax arg setup according to flags (23=5:5:1:5:5:1:1) */
OP_KARG,/* A B C R(A) := kdict[mSym(B)]; if C kdict.rm(mSym(B)) */
OP_KDICT,/* A C R(A) := kdict */
OP_RETURN,/* A B return R(A) (B=normal,in-block return/break) */
OP_TAILCALL,/* A B C return call(R(A),mSym(B),*R(C)) */
OP_BLKPUSH,/* A Bx R(A) := block (16=6:1:5:4) */
OP_ADD,/* A B C R(A) := R(A)+R(A+1) (mSyms[B]=:+,C=1) */
OP_ADDI,/* A B C R(A) := R(A)+C (mSyms[B]=:+) */
OP_SUB,/* A B C R(A) := R(A)-R(A+1) (mSyms[B]=:-,C=1) */
OP_SUBI,/* A B C R(A) := R(A)-C (mSyms[B]=:-) */
OP_MUL,/* A B C R(A) := R(A)*R(A+1) (mSyms[B]=:*,C=1) */
OP_DIV,/* A B C R(A) := R(A)/R(A+1) (mSyms[B]=:/,C=1) */
OP_EQ,/* A B C R(A) := R(A)==R(A+1) (mSyms[B]=:==,C=1) */
OP_LT,/* A B C R(A) := R(A)<R(A+1) (mSyms[B]=:<,C=1) */
OP_LE,/* A B C R(A) := R(A)<=R(A+1) (mSyms[B]=:<=,C=1) */
OP_GT,/* A B C R(A) := R(A)>R(A+1) (mSyms[B]=:>,C=1) */
OP_GE,/* A B C R(A) := R(A)>=R(A+1) (mSyms[B]=:>=,C=1) */
OP_ARRAY,/* A B C R(A) := ary_new(R(B),R(B+1)..R(B+C)) */
OP_ARYCAT,/* A B ary_cat(R(A),R(B)) */
OP_ARYPUSH,/* A B ary_push(R(A),R(B)) */
OP_AREF,/* A B C R(A) := R(B)[C] */
OP_ASET,/* A B C R(B)[C] := R(A) */
OP_APOST,/* A B C *R(A),R(A+1)..R(A+C) := R(A) */
OP_STRING,/* A Bx R(A) := str_dup(Lit(Bx)) */
OP_STRCAT,/* A B str_cat(R(A),R(B)) */
OP_HASH,/* A B C R(A) := hash_new(R(B),R(B+1)..R(B+C)) */
OP_LAMBDA,/* A Bz Cz R(A) := lambda(SEQ[Bz],Cz) */
OP_RANGE,/* A B C R(A) := range_new(R(B),R(B+1),C) */
OP_OCLASS,/* A R(A) := ::Object */
OP_CLASS,/* A B R(A) := newclass(R(A),mSym(B),R(A+1)) */
OP_MODULE,/* A B R(A) := newmodule(R(A),mSym(B)) */
OP_EXEC,/* A Bx R(A) := blockexec(R(A),SEQ[Bx]) */
OP_METHOD,/* A B R(A).newmethod(mSym(B),R(A+1)) */
OP_SCLASS,/* A B R(A) := R(B).singleton_class */
OP_TCLASS,/* A R(A) := target_class */
OP_DEBUG,/* A print R(A) */
OP_STOP,/* stop VM */
OP_ERR,/* Bx raise RuntimeError with message Lit(Bx) */
OP_RSVD1,/* reserved instruction #1 */
OP_RSVD2,/* reserved instruction #2 */
OP_RSVD3,/* reserved instruction #3 */
OP_RSVD4,/* reserved instruction #4 */
OP_RSVD5,/* reserved instruction #5 */
#define OP_L_STRICT 1
#define OP_L_CAPTURE 2
#define OP_R_NORMAL 0
#define OP_R_BREAK 1
#define OP_R_RETURN 2
#endif /* OPCODE_H */
assert('Kernel.eval') do
assert_equal(10) { Kernel.eval '1 * 10' }
assert_equal('aaa') { Kernel.eval "'a' * 3" }
assert_equal(10) {
a = 10
Kernel.eval "a"
assert_equal(20) {
a = 10
Kernel.eval "a = 20"
assert_equal(15) {
c = 5
lambda {
a = 10
Kernel.eval "c = a + c"
assert('eval') do
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