codegen.c: refactor `readint()`

* renamed from redundant `readint_mrb_int()`
* supports only base upto 16
* no base validation (already done in parser)
* no negative read (negate after read)
* overflow detection using `mrb_int_{mul,add}_overflow()`
parent 49af1fca
......@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ raise_error(codegen_scope *s, const char *msg)
static mrb_int
readint_mrb_int(codegen_scope *s, const char *p, int base, mrb_bool neg, mrb_bool *overflow)
readint(codegen_scope *s, const char *p, int base, mrb_bool *overflow)
const char *e = p + strlen(p);
mrb_int result = 0;
......@@ -1458,31 +1458,23 @@ readint_mrb_int(codegen_scope *s, const char *p, int base, mrb_bool neg, mrb_boo
if (*p == '+') p++;
while (p < e) {
char c = *p;
c = tolower((unsigned char)c);
for (n=0; n<base; n++) {
if (mrb_digitmap[n] == c) {
if (n == base) {
switch (c) {
case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
n = c - '0'; break;
case '8': case '9':
n = c - '0'; break;
case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
n = c - 'a' + 10; break;
case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
n = c - 'A' + 10; break;
codegen_error(s, "malformed readint input");
if (neg) {
if ((MRB_INT_MIN + n)/base > result) {
*overflow = TRUE;
return 0;
result *= base;
result -= n;
else {
if ((MRB_INT_MAX - n)/base < result) {
*overflow = TRUE;
return 0;
result *= base;
result += n;
if (mrb_int_mul_overflow(result, base, &result) ||
mrb_int_add_overflow(result, n, &result)) {
*overflow = TRUE;
return 0;
......@@ -2536,7 +2528,7 @@ codegen(codegen_scope *s, node *tree, int val)
mrb_int i;
mrb_bool overflow;
i = readint_mrb_int(s, p, base, FALSE, &overflow);
i = readint(s, p, base, &overflow);
if (overflow) {
int off = new_litbn(s, p, base, FALSE);
genop_bs(s, OP_LOADL, cursp(), off);
......@@ -2601,12 +2593,13 @@ codegen(codegen_scope *s, node *tree, int val)
mrb_int i;
mrb_bool overflow;
i = readint_mrb_int(s, p, base, TRUE, &overflow);
i = readint(s, p, base, &overflow);
if (overflow) {
int off = new_litbn(s, p, base, TRUE);
genop_bs(s, OP_LOADL, cursp(), off);
else {
i = -i;
if (i == -1) genop_1(s, OP_LOADI__1, cursp());
else if (i >= -0xff) {
genop_2(s, OP_LOADINEG, cursp(), (uint16_t)-i);
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