Commit 03872bfa authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

nghttpx: Don't quote Forwarded "by" parameter if it is special value "localhost"

parent 5e9bcbec
......@@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ std::string create_forwarded(int params, const StringRef &node_by,
std::string res;
if ((params & FORWARDED_BY) && !node_by.empty()) {
// This must be quoted-string unless it is obfuscated version
// (which starts with "_"), since ':' is not allowed in token.
// ':' is used to separate host and port.
if (node_by[0] == '_') {
// (which starts with "_") or some special value (e.g.,
// "localhost" for UNIX domain socket), since ':' is not allowed
// in token. ':' is used to separate host and port.
if (node_by[0] == '_' || node_by[0] == 'l') {
res += "by=";
res += node_by;
res += ";";
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