Commit 03ed2995 authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

Move nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback to session callbacks section

Also edited its documentation to make hyperlink works.
parent a36c4c6f
......@@ -642,30 +642,6 @@ typedef enum {
} nghttp2_data_flag;
* @functypedef
* Callback function invoked when |session| wants to get max |length|
* of data to send data to the remote peer. The implementation of this
* function should return a value in the following range.
* [1, min(session window, stream window, settings remote max frame size)].
* If a window size greater than this range is returned than the max allow
* value will be used. Returning a window size smaller than this range is
* a callback error. The frame_type is provided for future extensibility
* and identifies the type of frame (see nghttp2_frame_type) for which to
* get the |length| for. Currently supported frame types are: NGHTTP2_DATA.
* This callback can be used to control the |length| in bytes
* for which `nghttp2_data_source_read_callback()` is allowed to send to the
* remote endpoint. This callback is optional.
* Returning :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE` will signal the entire session
* failure.
typedef ssize_t (*nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback)
(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id, int32_t session_remote_window_size,
int32_t stream_remote_window_size, uint32_t remote_max_frame_size, uint8_t frame_type,
void *user_data);
* @functypedef
......@@ -1443,6 +1419,38 @@ typedef ssize_t (*nghttp2_select_padding_callback)
size_t max_payloadlen,
void *user_data);
* @functypedef
* Callback function invoked when library wants to get max length of
* data to send data to the remote peer. The implementation of this
* function should return a value in the following range. [1,
* min(|session_remote_window_size|, |stream_remote_window_size|,
* |remote_max_frame_size|)]. If a value greater than this range is
* returned than the max allow value will be used. Returning a value
* smaller than this range is treated as
* :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE`. The |frame_type| is provided
* for future extensibility and identifies the type of frame (see
* :type:`nghttp2_frame_type`) for which to get the length for.
* Currently supported frame types are: :enum:`NGHTTP2_DATA`.
* This callback can be used to control the length in bytes for which
* :type:`nghttp2_data_source_read_callback` is allowed to send to the
* remote endpoint. This callback is optional. Returning
* :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE` will signal the entire session
* failure.
* To set this callback to :type:`nghttp2_session_callbacks`, use
* `nghttp2_session_callbacks_set_data_source_read_length_callback()`.
typedef ssize_t (*nghttp2_data_source_read_length_callback)
(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id,
int32_t session_remote_window_size,
int32_t stream_remote_window_size,
uint32_t remote_max_frame_size,
uint8_t frame_type,
void *user_data);
* @functypedef
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