Commit 2568fb95 authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

spdycat: Don't include port in host header field if port == 443.

Added accept header field.
Use SPDYLAY_VERSION in user-agent header field.

Some sites do not like 443 is in host header field.
parent d05d29b5
......@@ -180,7 +180,9 @@ int communicate(const std::string& host, uint16_t port,
if(reqvec[0].us.ipv6LiteralAddress) {
ss << "]";
ss << ":" << port;
if(port != 443) {
ss << ":" << port;
std::string hostport = ss.str();
for(int i = 0, n = reqvec.size(); i < n; ++i) {
......@@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ int Spdylay::submit_request(const std::string& hostport,
":version", "HTTP/1.1",
":scheme", "https",
":host", hostport.c_str(),
"user-agent", "spdylay/0.0.0",
"accept", "*/*",
"user-agent", "spdylay/"SPDYLAY_VERSION,
return spdylay_submit_request(session_, pri, nv, NULL, stream_user_data);
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