Commit 295a01ef authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

Reformat valid character table for header field name/value pair

parent 9776fb19
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
def name(i):
if i < 0x21:
return \
['NUL ', 'SOH ', 'STX ', 'ETX ', 'EOT ', 'ENQ ', 'ACK ', 'BEL ',
'BS ', 'HT ', 'LF ', 'VT ', 'FF ', 'CR ', 'SO ', 'SI ',
'DLE ', 'DC1 ', 'DC2 ', 'DC3 ', 'DC4 ', 'NAK ', 'SYN ', 'ETB ',
'CAN ', 'EM ', 'SUB ', 'ESC ', 'FS ', 'GS ', 'RS ', 'US ',
'SPC '][i]
elif i == 0x7f:
return 'DEL '
for i in range(256):
if chr(i) in ["!" , "#" , "$" , "%" , "&" , "'" , "*",
"+" , "-" , "." , "^" , "_" , "`" , "|" , "~"] or\
('0' <= chr(i) and chr(i) <= '9') or \
('a' <= chr(i) and chr(i) <= 'z'):
sys.stdout.write('1 /* {} */, '.format(chr(i)))
elif (0x21 <= i and i < 0x7f):
sys.stdout.write('0 /* {} */, '.format(chr(i)))
elif 0x80 <= i:
sys.stdout.write('0 /* {} */, '.format(hex(i)))
sys.stdout.write('0 /* {} */, '.format(name(i)))
if (i + 1)%4 == 0:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
def name(i):
if i < 0x20:
return \
['NUL ', 'SOH ', 'STX ', 'ETX ', 'EOT ', 'ENQ ', 'ACK ', 'BEL ',
'BS ', 'HT ', 'LF ', 'VT ', 'FF ', 'CR ', 'SO ', 'SI ',
'DLE ', 'DC1 ', 'DC2 ', 'DC3 ', 'DC4 ', 'NAK ', 'SYN ', 'ETB ',
'CAN ', 'EM ', 'SUB ', 'ESC ', 'FS ', 'GS ', 'RS ', 'US '][i]
elif i == 0x7f:
return 'DEL '
for i in range(256):
if chr(i) == ' ':
sys.stdout.write('1 /* SPC */, ')
elif chr(i) == '\t':
sys.stdout.write('1 /* HT */, ')
elif (0x21 <= i and i < 0x7f):
sys.stdout.write('1 /* {} */, '.format(chr(i)))
elif 0x80 <= i:
sys.stdout.write('1 /* {} */, '.format(hex(i)))
elif 0 == i:
sys.stdout.write('1 /* NUL */, ')
sys.stdout.write('0 /* {} */, '.format(name(i)))
if (i + 1)%4 == 0:
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