Commit 2e38208d authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

nghttpx: Fixups for HTTP/1 backend TLS support

parent cde79052
......@@ -920,12 +920,12 @@ int HttpDownstreamConnection::write_tls() {
auto upstream = downstream_->get_upstream();
auto input = downstream_->get_request_buf();
std::array<struct iovec, 1> iov;
struct iovec iov;
while (input->rleft() > 0) {
auto iovcnt = input->riovec(, iov.size());
auto iovcnt = input->riovec(&iov, 1);
assert(iovcnt == 1);
auto nwrite = conn_.write_tls(iov[0].iov_base, iov[0].iov_len);
auto nwrite = conn_.write_tls(iov.iov_base, iov.iov_len);
if (nwrite == 0) {
return 0;
......@@ -976,8 +976,8 @@ int HttpDownstreamConnection::process_input(const uint8_t *data,
auto htperr = HTTP_PARSER_ERRNO(&response_htp_);
if (htperr != HPE_OK) {
// Handling early return (in other words, response was hijacked
// by mruby scripting).
// Handling early return (in other words, response was hijacked by
// mruby scripting).
if (downstream_->get_response_state() == Downstream::MSG_COMPLETE) {
......@@ -646,10 +646,12 @@ int select_h1_next_proto_cb(SSL *ssl, unsigned char **out,
unsigned int inlen, void *arg) {
auto end = in + inlen;
for (; in < end;) {
if (util::streq_l(NGHTTP2_H1_1_ALPN, in, end - in)) {
if (util::streq_l(NGHTTP2_H1_1_ALPN, in, in[0] + 1)) {
*out = const_cast<unsigned char *>(in) + 1;
*outlen = in[0];
in += in[0];
in += in[0] + 1;
......@@ -739,7 +741,9 @@ SSL_CTX *create_ssl_client_context(
if (get_config()->conn.downstream.proto == PROTO_HTTP2) {
auto &downstreamconf = get_config()->conn.downstream;
if (downstreamconf.proto == PROTO_HTTP2) {
// NPN selection callback
SSL_CTX_set_next_proto_select_cb(ssl_ctx, select_h2_next_proto_cb, nullptr);
......@@ -323,8 +323,8 @@ void Worker::cache_cl_tls_session(const DownstreamAddr *addr,
auto &v = (*it).second;
auto sess = v.front();
if (v.empty()) {
......@@ -145,7 +145,14 @@ public:
mruby::MRubyContext *get_mruby_context() const;
#endif // HAVE_MRUBY
// Caches |session| which is associated to downstream address
// |addr|. The caller is responsible to increment the reference
// count of |session|, since this function does not do so.
void cache_cl_tls_session(const DownstreamAddr *addr, SSL_SESSION *session);
// Returns cached session associated |addr|. If non-nullptr value
// is returned, its cache entry was successfully removed from cache.
// If no cache entry is found associated to |addr|, nullptr will be
// returned.
SSL_SESSION *reuse_cl_tls_session(const DownstreamAddr *addr);
......@@ -161,9 +168,20 @@ private:
DownstreamConnectionPool dconn_pool_;
WorkerStat worker_stat_;
std::vector<DownstreamGroup> dgrps_;
// Cache for SSL_SESSION for downstream connections. SSL_SESSION is
// associated to downstream address. One address has multiple
// SSL_SESSION objects. New SSL_SESSION is appended to the deque.
// When doing eviction due to storage limitation, the SSL_SESSION
// which sits at the front of deque is removed.
std::unordered_map<const DownstreamAddr *, std::deque<SSL_SESSION *>>
// This is the order of address added to cl_tls_session_cache_ in
// order to evict oldest entry first. The invariant is the sum of
// SSL_SESSION in cl_tls_session_cache_ ==
// cl_tls_session_order_.size().
std::deque<const DownstreamAddr *> cl_tls_session_order_;
std::unique_ptr<MemcachedDispatcher> session_cache_memcached_dispatcher_;
std::unique_ptr<mruby::MRubyContext> mruby_ctx_;
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