Commit 3a397457 authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

Add via header field to SPDY upstream response

parent c240368e
......@@ -490,8 +490,14 @@ int SpdyUpstream::on_downstream_header_complete(Downstream *downstream)
LOG(INFO) << "Downstream on_downstream_header_complete";
size_t nheader = downstream->get_response_headers().size();
const char **nv = new const char*[nheader * 2 + 4 + 1];
// 6 means :status, :version and possible via header field.
const char **nv = new const char*[nheader * 2 + 6 + 1];
size_t hdidx = 0;
std::string via_value;
nv[hdidx++] = ":status";
nv[hdidx++] = http::get_status_string(downstream->get_response_http_status());
nv[hdidx++] = ":version";
nv[hdidx++] = "HTTP/1.1";
for(Headers::const_iterator i = downstream->get_response_headers().begin();
i != downstream->get_response_headers().end(); ++i) {
if(util::strieq((*i).first.c_str(), "transfer-encoding") ||
......@@ -499,15 +505,20 @@ int SpdyUpstream::on_downstream_header_complete(Downstream *downstream)
util::strieq((*i).first.c_str(), "connection") ||
util:: strieq((*i).first.c_str(), "proxy-connection")) {
// These are ignored
} else if(util::strieq((*i).first.c_str(), "via")) {
via_value = (*i).second;
} else {
nv[hdidx++] = (*i).first.c_str();
nv[hdidx++] = (*i).second.c_str();
nv[hdidx++] = ":status";
nv[hdidx++] = http::get_status_string(downstream->get_response_http_status());
nv[hdidx++] = ":version";
nv[hdidx++] = "HTTP/1.1";
if(!via_value.empty()) {
via_value += ", ";
via_value += http::create_via_header_value(downstream->get_response_major(),
nv[hdidx++] = "via";
nv[hdidx++] = via_value.c_str();
nv[hdidx++] = 0;
std::stringstream ss;
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