Commit 3c43e00d authored by Soham Sinha's avatar Soham Sinha Committed by GitHub

Timing (#1)

* Adding timing-sensitive load test option in h2load.

* more checks added for parameters

* A worker thread can control its clients' warmup and main duration.

* Changed warmup to an enum variable.

* removed unnecessary call to ev_timer_stop

* assertion is done before starting main measurement phase

* phase variable is implemented only inside the Worker class

* enum to enum class

* else indentation corrected

* check added for timing-based test when duration CB is called explicitly

* New argument is introduced for timing-based benchmarking.

* styling corrections

* duration watcher initialization is pushed back into warmup timeout

* Warmup and Duration timer is moved to Worker instead of clients. Now both timers and phase belongs to the Workers.

* some client functions are modified to return if it's not main_duration phase. client is not destructed but sessions are terminated

* outputs are adjusted for thread.

* Needed to check if a session exist before terminating

* formatting

* more formatting

* formatting
parent cc289972
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -85,6 +85,10 @@ struct Config {
// rate at which connections should be made
size_t rate;
ev_tstamp rate_period;
// amount of time for main measurements in timing-based test
ev_tstamp duration;
// amount of time to wait before starting measurements in timing-based test
ev_tstamp warm_up_time;
// amount of time to wait for activity on a given connection
ev_tstamp conn_active_timeout;
// amount of time to wait after the last request is made on a connection
......@@ -118,6 +122,7 @@ struct Config {
bool is_rate_mode() const;
bool is_timing_based_mode() const;
bool has_base_uri() const;
......@@ -215,6 +220,15 @@ struct Stats {
// This type tells whether the client is in warmup phase or not or is over
enum class Phase {
INITIAL_IDLE, // Initial idle state before warm-up phase
WARM_UP, // Warm up phase when no measurements are done
MAIN_DURATION, // Main measurement phase; if timing-based
// test is not run, this is the default phase
DURATION_OVER // This phase occurs after the measurements are over
struct Client;
// We use systematic sampling method
......@@ -253,6 +267,13 @@ struct Worker {
ev_timer timeout_watcher;
// The next client ID this worker assigns
uint32_t next_client_id;
// Keeps track of the current phase (for timing-based experiment) for the worker
Phase current_phase;
// We need to keep track of the clients in order to stop them when needed
std::vector<Client*> clients;
// This is only active when there is not a bounded number of requests specified
ev_timer duration_watcher;
ev_timer warmup_watcher;
Worker(uint32_t id, SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx, size_t nreq_todo, size_t nclients,
size_t rate, size_t max_samples, Config *config);
......@@ -263,6 +284,8 @@ struct Worker {
void sample_client_stat(ClientStat *cstat);
void report_progress();
void report_rate_progress();
// This function calls the destructors of all the clients.
void stop_all_clients();
struct Stream {
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