Commit 6b5beeac authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

Updated README.rst

parent 18f557f7
......@@ -41,11 +41,16 @@ needed:
* OpenSSL >= 1.0.1
To enable ``-a`` option (getting linked assets from the downloaded
resouce) in spdycat (one of the example program), the following
resouce) in ``spdycat`` (one of the example program), the following
packages are needed:
* libxml2 >= 2.7.7
To build SPDY/HTTPS to HTTP reverse proxy ``shrpx`` (one of the
example program), the following packages are needed:
* libevent-openssl >= 2.0.8
Build from git
......@@ -88,6 +93,9 @@ purposes. Please note that OpenSSL with `NPN
required in order to build and run these programs. At the time of
this writing, the OpenSSL 1.0.1 supports NPN.
Spdycat - SPDY client
The SPDY client is called ``spdycat``. It is a dead simple downloader
like wget/curl. It connects to SPDY server and gets resources given in
the command-line::
......@@ -154,6 +162,9 @@ the command-line::
[ 0.077] send GOAWAY frame <version=3, flags=0, length=8>
Spdyd - SPDY server
SPDY server is called ``spdyd`` and serves static files. It is single
threaded and multiplexes connections using non-blocking socket. The
static files are read using blocking I/O system call, read(2). It
......@@ -193,6 +204,45 @@ speaks SPDY/2 and SPDY/3::
Currently, ``spdyd`` needs ``epoll`` or ``kqueue``.
Shrpx - A reverse proxy for SPDY/HTTPS
The ``shrpx`` is a multi-threaded reverse proxy for SPDY/HTTPS. It
converts SPDY/HTTPS traffic to plain HTTP.
Here is the command-line options::
Usage: shrpx [-Dh] [-b <HOST,PORT>] [-f <HOST,PORT>] [-n <CORES>]
A reverse proxy for SPDY/HTTPS.
-b, --backend=<HOST,PORT>
Set backend host and port.
Default: 'localhost,80'
-f, --frontend=<HOST,PORT>
Set frontend host and port.
Default: 'localhost,3000'
-n, --workers=<CORES>
Set the number of worker threads.
-c, --spdy-max-concurrent-streams=<NUM>
Set the maximum number of the concurrent
streams in one SPDY session.
-L, --log-level=<LEVEL>
Set the severity level of log output.
-D, --daemon Run in a background. If -D is used, the
current working directory is changed to '/'.
-h, --help Print this help.
For those of you who are curious, ``shrpx`` is an abbreviation of
"Spdy/https to Http Reverse ProXy".
Other examples
There is another SPDY server called ``spdynative``, which is
`node.native <>`_ style simple SPDY
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