Commit 8fdd7572 authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

Update doc

parent 3aba7fdd
......@@ -207,6 +207,10 @@ Enums
Insufficient buffer size given to function.
.. macro:: NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE
Callback was paused by the application
.. macro:: NGHTTP2_ERR_FATAL
......@@ -755,8 +759,19 @@ Types (structs, unions and typedefs)
argument passed in to the call to `nghttp2_session_client_new()` or
If the application uses `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`, it can return
:macro:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` to make `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`
return without processing further input bytes. The *frame*
parameter is retained until `nghttp2_session_continue()` is
called. The application must retain the input bytes which was used
to produce the *frame* parameter, because it may refer to the
memory region included in the input bytes. The application which
returns :macro:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` must call
`nghttp2_session_continue()` before `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`.
The implementation of this function must return 0 if it
succeeds. If nonzero is returned, it is treated as fatal error and
succeeds. It may return :macro:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE`. If the other
nonzero value is returned, it is treated as fatal error and
`nghttp2_session_recv()` and `nghttp2_session_send()` functions
immediately return :macro:`NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE`.
......@@ -789,6 +804,16 @@ Types (structs, unions and typedefs)
third argument passed in to the call to
`nghttp2_session_client_new()` or `nghttp2_session_server_new()`.
If the application uses `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`, it can return
:macro:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` to make `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`
return without processing further input bytes. The *frame*
parameter is retained until `nghttp2_session_continue()` is
called. The application must retain the input bytes which was used
to produce the *frame* parameter, because it may refer to the
memory region included in the input bytes. The application which
returns :macro:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` must call
`nghttp2_session_continue()` before `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`.
The implementation of this function must return 0 if it
succeeds. If nonzero is returned, it is treated as fatal error and
`nghttp2_session_recv()` and `nghttp2_session_send()` functions
......@@ -1206,13 +1231,46 @@ Functions
In the current implementation, this function always tries to
processes all input data unless an error occurs.
processes all input data unless either an error occurs or
:macro:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` is returned from
:member:`nghttp2_session_callbacks.on_frame_recv_callback` or
If :macro:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` is used, the return value includes the
number of bytes which was used to produce the data or frame for the
This function returns the number of processed bytes, or one of the
following negative error codes:
Out of memory.
The callback function failed.
.. function:: int nghttp2_session_continue(nghttp2_session *session)
Perform post-processing after `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()` was
paused by :macro:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` from
:member:`nghttp2_session_callbacks.on_frame_recv_callback` or
This function frees resources associated with paused frames. It
may also call additional callbacks, such as
If this function succeeds, the application can call
`nghttp2_session_mem_recv()` again.
This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following
negative error codes:
Out of memory.
The callback function failed.
.. function:: int nghttp2_session_resume_data(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id)
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -181,6 +181,10 @@
<dt><a href="apiref.html#NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE">NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE (C macro)</a>
<dt><a href="apiref.html#NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO">NGHTTP2_ERR_PROTO (C macro)</a>
......@@ -719,6 +723,10 @@
<dt><a href="apiref.html#nghttp2_session_continue">nghttp2_session_continue (C function)</a>
<dt><a href="apiref.html#nghttp2_session_del">nghttp2_session_del (C function)</a>
......@@ -315,6 +315,10 @@
<span class="cm"> */</span>
<span class="n">NGHTTP2_ERR_INSUFF_BUFSIZE</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="mi">525</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="cm">/**</span>
<span class="cm"> * Callback was paused by the application</span>
<span class="cm"> */</span>
<span class="n">NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="mi">526</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="cm">/**</span>
<span class="cm"> * The errors &lt; :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_FATAL` mean that the library is</span>
<span class="cm"> * under unexpected condition and cannot process any further data</span>
<span class="cm"> * reliably (e.g., out of memory).</span>
......@@ -883,8 +887,19 @@
<span class="cm"> * argument passed in to the call to `nghttp2_session_client_new()` or</span>
<span class="cm"> * `nghttp2_session_server_new()`.</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * If the application uses `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`, it can return</span>
<span class="cm"> * :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` to make `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`</span>
<span class="cm"> * return without processing further input bytes. The |frame|</span>
<span class="cm"> * parameter is retained until `nghttp2_session_continue()` is</span>
<span class="cm"> * called. The application must retain the input bytes which was used</span>
<span class="cm"> * to produce the |frame| parameter, because it may refer to the</span>
<span class="cm"> * memory region included in the input bytes. The application which</span>
<span class="cm"> * returns :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` must call</span>
<span class="cm"> * `nghttp2_session_continue()` before `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`.</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * The implementation of this function must return 0 if it</span>
<span class="cm"> * succeeds. If nonzero is returned, it is treated as fatal error and</span>
<span class="cm"> * succeeds. It may return :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE`. If the other</span>
<span class="cm"> * nonzero value is returned, it is treated as fatal error and</span>
<span class="cm"> * `nghttp2_session_recv()` and `nghttp2_session_send()` functions</span>
<span class="cm"> * immediately return :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE`.</span>
<span class="cm"> */</span>
......@@ -924,6 +939,16 @@
<span class="cm"> * third argument passed in to the call to</span>
<span class="cm"> * `nghttp2_session_client_new()` or `nghttp2_session_server_new()`.</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * If the application uses `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`, it can return</span>
<span class="cm"> * :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` to make `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`</span>
<span class="cm"> * return without processing further input bytes. The |frame|</span>
<span class="cm"> * parameter is retained until `nghttp2_session_continue()` is</span>
<span class="cm"> * called. The application must retain the input bytes which was used</span>
<span class="cm"> * to produce the |frame| parameter, because it may refer to the</span>
<span class="cm"> * memory region included in the input bytes. The application which</span>
<span class="cm"> * returns :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` must call</span>
<span class="cm"> * `nghttp2_session_continue()` before `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()`.</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * The implementation of this function must return 0 if it</span>
<span class="cm"> * succeeds. If nonzero is returned, it is treated as fatal error and</span>
<span class="cm"> * `nghttp2_session_recv()` and `nghttp2_session_send()` functions</span>
......@@ -1440,17 +1465,52 @@
<span class="cm"> * `nghttp2_session_recv()`.</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * In the current implementation, this function always tries to</span>
<span class="cm"> * processes all input data unless an error occurs.</span>
<span class="cm"> * processes all input data unless either an error occurs or</span>
<span class="cm"> * :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` is returned from</span>
<span class="cm"> * :member:`nghttp2_session_callbacks.on_frame_recv_callback` or</span>
<span class="cm"> * :member:`nghttp2_session_callbacks.on_data_chunk_recv_callback`.</span>
<span class="cm"> * If :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` is used, the return value includes the</span>
<span class="cm"> * number of bytes which was used to produce the data or frame for the</span>
<span class="cm"> * callback.</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * This function returns the number of processed bytes, or one of the</span>
<span class="cm"> * following negative error codes:</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM`</span>
<span class="cm"> * Out of memory.</span>
<span class="cm"> * :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE`</span>
<span class="cm"> * The callback function failed.</span>
<span class="cm"> */</span>
<span class="kt">ssize_t</span> <span class="nf">nghttp2_session_mem_recv</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">nghttp2_session</span> <span class="o">*</span><span class="n">session</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="k">const</span> <span class="kt">uint8_t</span> <span class="o">*</span><span class="n">in</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="kt">size_t</span> <span class="n">inlen</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="cm">/**</span>
<span class="cm"> * @function</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * Perform post-processing after `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()` was</span>
<span class="cm"> * paused by :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_PAUSE` from</span>
<span class="cm"> * :member:`nghttp2_session_callbacks.on_frame_recv_callback` or</span>
<span class="cm"> * :member:`nghttp2_session_callbacks.on_data_chunk_recv_callback`.</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * This function frees resources associated with paused frames. It</span>
<span class="cm"> * may also call additional callbacks, such as</span>
<span class="cm"> * :member:`nghttp2_session_callbacks.on_stream_close_callback`.</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * If this function succeeds, the application can call</span>
<span class="cm"> * `nghttp2_session_mem_recv()` again.</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following</span>
<span class="cm"> * negative error codes:</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> * :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM`</span>
<span class="cm"> * Out of memory.</span>
<span class="cm"> * :enum:`NGHTTP2_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE`</span>
<span class="cm"> * The callback function failed.</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
<span class="cm"> */</span>
<span class="kt">int</span> <span class="nf">nghttp2_session_continue</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">nghttp2_session</span> <span class="o">*</span><span class="n">session</span><span class="p">);</span>
<span class="cm">/**</span>
<span class="cm"> * @function</span>
<span class="cm"> *</span>
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......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ User-Agent: nghttp2/0.1.0-DEV
[ 0.000] HTTP Upgrade response
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: HTTP/2.0
Upgrade: HTTP-draft-06/2.0
[ 0.000] HTTP Upgrade success
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