Commit a2c78cfc authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

nghttpx: Update doc

parent 4fed7a14
......@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ Options:
The options are categorized into several groups.
-b, --backend=<HOST>,<PORT>[;<PATTERN>[:...]]
-b, --backend=(<HOST>,<PORT>|unix:<PATH>)[;<PATTERN>[:...]]
Set backend host and port. The multiple backend
addresses are accepted by repeating this option. UNIX
domain socket can be specified by prefixing path name
......@@ -1009,27 +1009,27 @@ Connections:
-p is used, <PATTERN>s are ignored. The pattern
matching is closely designed to ServeMux in net/http
package of Go programming language. <PATTERN> consists
of path, host + path or just host. The path must starts
with "/". If it ends with "/", it matches to the
request path whose prefix is the path. To deal with the
request to the directory without trailing slash, pattern
which ends with "/" also matches the path if pattern ==
path + "/" (e.g., pattern "/foo/" matches path "/foo").
If it does not end with "/", it performs exact match
against the request path. If host is given, it performs
exact match against the request host. If host alone is
given, "/" is appended to it, so that it matches all
paths under the host (e.g., specifying ""
equals to "").
Patterns with host take precedence over path only
patterns. Then, longer patterns take precedence over
of path, host + path or just host. The path must start
with "/". If it ends with "/", it matches all request
path in its subtree. To deal with the request to the
directory without trailing slash, the path which ends
with "/" also matches the request path which only lacks
trailing '/' (e.g., path "/foo/" matches request path
"/foo"). If it does not end with "/", it performs exact
match against the request path. If host is given, it
performs exact match against the request host. If host
alone is given, "/" is appended to it, so that it
matches all request paths under the host (e.g.,
specifying "" equals to "").
Patterns with host take precedence over patterns with
just path. Then, longer patterns take precedence over
shorter ones, breaking a tie by the order of the
appearance in the configuration.
If <PATTERN> is omitted, "/" is used as pattern, which
matches all paths (catch-all pattern). The catch-all
backend must be given.
matches all request paths (catch-all pattern). The
catch-all backend must be given.
When doing a match, nghttpx made some normalization to
pattern, request host and path. For host part, they are
......@@ -1047,15 +1047,18 @@ Connections:
them by ":". Specifying
-b',8080;' has the
same effect to specify -b',8080;'
and -b','.
and -b',8080;'.
The backend addresses sharing same <PATTERN> are grouped
together forming load balancing group. Since ";" and
":" are used as delimiter, <PATTERN> must not contain
these characters.
together forming load balancing group.
Since ";" and ":" are used as delimiter, <PATTERN> must
not contain these characters. Since ";" has special
meaning in shell, the option value must be quoted.
Default: )" << DEFAULT_DOWNSTREAM_HOST << ","
-f, --frontend=<HOST>,<PORT>
-f, --frontend=(<HOST>,<PORT>|unix:<PATH>)
Set frontend host and port. If <HOST> is '*', it
assumes all addresses including both IPv4 and IPv6.
UNIX domain socket can be specified by prefixing path
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