Commit acbf38fd authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

src: Refactor using StringRef, simplify function parameters

parent 1e8bea15
......@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ bool serve_mux::handle(std::string pattern, request_cb cb) {
request_cb serve_mux::handler(request_impl &req) const {
auto &path = req.uri().path;
if (req.method() != "CONNECT") {
auto clean_path = ::nghttp2::http2::path_join(
nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, path.c_str(), path.size(), nullptr, 0);
auto clean_path = ::nghttp2::http2::path_join(StringRef{}, StringRef{},
StringRef{path}, StringRef{});
if (clean_path != path) {
auto new_uri = util::percent_encode_path(clean_path);
auto &uref = req.uri();
......@@ -1185,39 +1185,37 @@ void eat_dir(std::string &path) {
} // namespace
std::string path_join(const char *base_path, size_t base_pathlen,
const char *base_query, size_t base_querylen,
const char *rel_path, size_t rel_pathlen,
const char *rel_query, size_t rel_querylen) {
std::string path_join(const StringRef &base_path, const StringRef &base_query,
const StringRef &rel_path, const StringRef &rel_query) {
std::string res;
if (rel_pathlen == 0) {
if (base_pathlen == 0) {
if (rel_path.empty()) {
if (base_path.empty()) {
res = "/";
} else {
res.assign(base_path, base_pathlen);
res.assign(std::begin(base_path), std::end(base_path));
if (rel_querylen == 0) {
if (base_querylen) {
if (rel_query.empty()) {
if (!base_query.empty()) {
res += '?';
res.append(base_query, base_querylen);
res.append(std::begin(base_query), std::end(base_query));
return res;
res += '?';
res.append(rel_query, rel_querylen);
res.append(std::begin(rel_query), std::end(rel_query));
return res;
auto first = rel_path;
auto last = rel_path + rel_pathlen;
auto first = std::begin(rel_path);
auto last = std::end(rel_path);
if (rel_path[0] == '/') {
res = "/";
} else if (base_pathlen == 0) {
} else if (base_path.empty()) {
res = "/";
} else {
res.assign(base_path, base_pathlen);
res.assign(std::begin(base_path), std::end(base_path));
for (; first != last;) {
......@@ -1254,9 +1252,9 @@ std::string path_join(const char *base_path, size_t base_pathlen,
for (; first != last && *first == '/'; ++first)
if (rel_querylen) {
if (!rel_query.empty()) {
res += '?';
res.append(rel_query, rel_querylen);
res.append(std::begin(rel_query), std::end(rel_query));
return res;
......@@ -1480,15 +1478,14 @@ int get_pure_path_component(const char **base, size_t *baselen,
int construct_push_component(std::string &scheme, std::string &authority,
std::string &path, const char *base,
size_t baselen, const char *uri, size_t len) {
std::string &path, const StringRef &base,
const StringRef &uri) {
int rv;
const char *rel, *relq = nullptr;
size_t rellen, relqlen = 0;
StringRef rel, relq;
http_parser_url u{};
rv = http_parser_parse_url(uri, len, 0, &u);
rv = http_parser_parse_url(uri.c_str(), uri.size(), 0, &u);
if (rv != 0) {
if (uri[0] == '/') {
......@@ -1496,22 +1493,20 @@ int construct_push_component(std::string &scheme, std::string &authority,
// treat link_url as relative URI.
auto end = std::find(uri, uri + len, '#');
auto q = std::find(uri, end, '?');
auto end = std::find(std::begin(uri), std::end(uri), '#');
auto q = std::find(std::begin(uri), end, '?');
rel = uri;
rellen = q - uri;
rel = StringRef{std::begin(uri), q};
if (q != end) {
relq = q + 1;
relqlen = end - relq;
relq = StringRef{q + 1, std::end(uri)};
} else {
if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_SCHEMA)) {
http2::copy_url_component(scheme, &u, UF_SCHEMA, uri);
http2::copy_url_component(scheme, &u, UF_SCHEMA, uri.c_str());
if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_HOST)) {
http2::copy_url_component(authority, &u, UF_HOST, uri);
http2::copy_url_component(authority, &u, UF_HOST, uri.c_str());
if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_PORT)) {
authority += ':';
authority += util::utos(u.port);
......@@ -1520,22 +1515,18 @@ int construct_push_component(std::string &scheme, std::string &authority,
if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_PATH)) {
auto &f = u.field_data[UF_PATH];
rel = uri +;
rellen = f.len;
rel = StringRef{uri.c_str() +, f.len};
} else {
rel = "/";
rellen = 1;
rel = StringRef::from_lit("/");
if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_QUERY)) {
auto &f = u.field_data[UF_QUERY];
relq = uri +;
relqlen = f.len;
relq = StringRef{uri.c_str() +, f.len};
path =
http2::path_join(base, baselen, nullptr, 0, rel, rellen, relq, relqlen);
path = http2::path_join(base, StringRef{}, rel, relq);
return 0;
......@@ -297,16 +297,13 @@ struct LinkHeader {
// is ignored during parsing.
std::vector<LinkHeader> parse_link_header(const char *src, size_t len);
// Constructs path by combining base path |base_path| of length
// |base_pathlen| with another path |rel_path| of length
// |rel_pathlen|. The base path and another path can have optional
// Constructs path by combining base path |base_path| with another
// path |rel_path|. The base path and another path can have optional
// query component. This function assumes |base_path| is normalized.
// In other words, it does not contain ".." or "." path components
// and starts with "/" if it is not empty.
std::string path_join(const char *base_path, size_t base_pathlen,
const char *base_query, size_t base_querylen,
const char *rel_path, size_t rel_pathlen,
const char *rel_query, size_t rel_querylen);
std::string path_join(const StringRef &base, const StringRef &base_query,
const StringRef &rel_path, const StringRef &rel_query);
// true if response has body, taking into account the request method
// and status code.
......@@ -359,8 +356,7 @@ std::string normalize_path(InputIt first, InputIt last) {
result.append(first, last);
return path_join(nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, result.c_str(), result.size(),
nullptr, 0);
return path_join(StringRef{}, StringRef{}, StringRef{result}, StringRef{});
template <typename InputIt>
......@@ -384,14 +380,14 @@ std::string rewrite_clean_path(InputIt first, InputIt last) {
int get_pure_path_component(const char **base, size_t *baselen,
const std::string &uri);
// Deduces scheme, authority and path from given |uri| of length
// |len|, and stores them in |scheme|, |authority|, and |path|
// respectively. If |uri| is relative path, path resolution is taken
// palce using path given in |base| of length |baselen|. This
// function returns 0 if it succeeds, or -1.
// Deduces scheme, authority and path from given |uri|, and stores
// them in |scheme|, |authority|, and |path| respectively. If |uri|
// is relative path, path resolution takes place using path given in
// |base| of length |baselen|. This function returns 0 if it
// succeeds, or -1.
int construct_push_component(std::string &scheme, std::string &authority,
std::string &path, const char *base,
size_t baselen, const char *uri, size_t len);
std::string &path, const StringRef &base,
const StringRef &uri);
} // namespace http2
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1755,9 +1755,8 @@ int Http2Upstream::prepare_push_promise(Downstream *downstream) {
const std::string *scheme_ptr, *authority_ptr;
std::string scheme, authority, path;
rv = http2::construct_push_component(scheme, authority, path, base,
baselen, link.uri.c_str(),
rv = http2::construct_push_component(scheme, authority, path,
StringRef{base, baselen}, link.uri);
if (rv != 0) {
......@@ -1872,8 +1871,8 @@ int Http2Upstream::initiate_push(Downstream *downstream, const char *uri,
const std::string *scheme_ptr, *authority_ptr;
std::string scheme, authority, path;
rv = http2::construct_push_component(scheme, authority, path, base, baselen,
uri, len);
rv = http2::construct_push_component(
scheme, authority, path, StringRef{base, baselen}, StringRef{uri, len});
if (rv != 0) {
return -1;
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