*`choco install llvm` (or install the `C++ Clang tools for Windows` optional package from the Visual Studio 2019 installer)
*`choco install make` (or if you have MinGW, it comes bundled)
1. Ensure that `Clang` and `make` are in your system path.
2. Using Git Bash, clone the repo to your preferred location.
3. Cd into the cloned directory and run `npm install`
5. Run `make`
6. Your `repo/build` directory should now have `libllhttp.a` and `libllhttp.so` static and dynamic libraries.
7. When building your executable, you can link to these libraries. Make sure to set the build folder as an include path when building so you can reference the declarations in `repo/build/llhttp.h`.
### A simple example on linking with the library:
Assuming you have an executable `main.cpp` in your current working directory, you would run: `clang++ -Os -g3 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -I/path/to/llhttp/build main.cpp /path/to/llhttp/build/libllhttp.a -o main.exe`.
If you are getting `unresolved external symbol` linker errors you are likely attempting to build `llhttp.c` without linking it with object files from `api.c` and `http.c`.