Commit faca4d44 authored by Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa's avatar Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

Updated NEWS for 0.2.1 release

parent b06fa25a
spdylay 0.2.0 spdylay 0.2.1
============= =============
Release Note Release Note
------------ ------------
This release adds several new APIs. The spdylay_gzip API is suitable This release fixes the bug that closing a stream causes memory leak
for inflating compressed entity body from the remote endpoint. The and it also makes some other streams disappear.
spdylay_submit_window_update() is added to send WINDOW_UPDATE frame by
the application. The spdylay_session_set_option() is a new function
to set options to the library. Currently,
SPDYLAY_OPT_NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE option is available. If it is set,
the library does not send WINDOW_UPDATE automatically. The application
should send WINDOW_UPDATE using spdylay_submit_window_update(). The
spdylay_strerror() is added and it returns string describing the given
error code. The following new callback functions are added:
spdylay_on_unknown_ctrl_recv_callback and
spdylay_on_ctrl_recv_parse_error_callbacks. They are useful for
debugging and logging errors.
Some changes are made to exsiting interfaces. The status_code The delta_window_size given in spdylay_submit_window_update() is now
argument was added to spdylay_on_invalid_ctrl_recv_callback. not bounded by internal received data size. The application is now
FRAME_TOO_LARGE was renamed as SPDYLAY_FRAME_TOO_LARGE. responsible to keep the resulting window size under the maximum value
described in the SPDY/3 specification.
spdylay_data_source_read_callback can now return The SPDY client spdycat gets new option -a and -s. The -a option
SPDYLAY_ERR_TEMPORAL_CALLBACK_FAILURE to signal stream error. makes spdycat download assets such as CSS and images linked from the
Previously, this function can only return SPDYLAY_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE downloaded resource. The -s option shows statistics such as elapsed
on error, which signals session error. time from the handshake.
Since SPDY/3 is now becoming mainline protocol,
spdylay_select_next_protocol() now prefers spdy/3 to spdy/2.
Some bug fixes are made in flow control and handling max concurrent
For example programs, the usage output was cleaned up. The -w option
is added to spdycat. This option sets the initial window size bits.
spdycat and spdyd prefer spdy/3 to spdy/2 from this release.
The pkg-config file now includes zlib in Requires.private.
Changes Changes
------- -------
* Renamed index in spdylay_get_credential_cert prototype to idx This * Made spdylay_submit_window_update() not be bounded by
is because compiler may warn that name `index` shadows global recv_window_size. Current SPDY/3 spec does not clearly prohibit to
declaration if the application code uses the prototype argument send delta_window_size which makes resulting window size more than
names as is. initial window size. For this reason, spdylay_submit_window_update()
can send delta_window_size in [1, (1 << 31)-1], inclusive, without
* Bumped up the library version to 1.0.0 because of the API changes. bounded by stream's recv_window_size. Of course, the application is
now responsible to keep the resulting window size <= (1 << 31)-1.
* Prefer spdy/3 to spdy/2 in spdyd
* Prefer spdy/3 to spdy/2 in spdylay_select_next_protocol()
* spdylay_data_source_read_callback can now return
existing SPDYLAY_ERR_CALLBACK_FAILURE signals session error.
* Renamed error as error_code in spdylay_on_ctrl_not_send_callback
* Bring back deferred DATA to the outbound queue when SETTINGS with
INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE is received and the window size becomes
* Fixed the bug that spdylay_recv does not return SPDYLAY_ERR_EOF.
* Added status_code argument to spdylay_on_invalid_ctrl_recv_callback
* Added spdylay_strerror() public API. It returns string describing
the given error code.
* Added spdylay_on_unknown_ctrl_recv_callback. This callback function
is invoked when the unknown frame type is received. Added debug
output using this callback to spdycat.
* Added spdylay_on_ctrl_recv_parse_error_callback. This callback
function is invoked when the received frame data could not be parsed
correctly. Added debug output using this callback to spdycat.
* Added spdylay_submit_window_update() public API.
* Added spdylay_session_set_option() public API. Currently, spdylay_submit_window_update() now returns
SPDYLAY_OPT_NO_AUTO_WINDOW_UPDATE option is available. If it is set, SPDYLAY_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if delta_window_size is 0 or negative.
the library does not send WINDOW_UPDATE automatically. The
application should send WINDOW_UPDATE using
* Added -w, --window-bits option to spdycat. This option sets the * Included README.rst in the manual.
initial window size bits.
* Having the number of server and client streams be limited separately * Added -s, --stat option to print statistics. Print, for each
using SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS stream, time delta from SSL/TLS handshake and each SYN_STREAM. The
time deltas are measured after SYN_REPLY received and all data
received. For example, the following output:
* Use local_settings' INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE when deciding to send SYN_REPLY: X(Y)
* Added spdylay_gzip API. They are suitable for inflating compressed means SYN_REPLY was received X ms after SSL/TLS handshake and Y ms
entity body from the remote endpoint. after the corresponding SYN_STREAM was sent.
* Added SPDY client example written in C. * Added -a, --get-asserts option to spdycat. If this option is used,
spdycat also downloads assets such as stylesheets, images and script
files linked from the downloaded resource. They are queued in the
same SPDY session.
* Added zlib to Requires.private and updated Description * Fixed the bug that erase_rotate_recur() erases parent node.
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