Commit 4a34cd06 authored by gabime's avatar gabime

Optimized nano seconds formatting

parent 11d83515
......@@ -50,8 +50,7 @@ void bench_formatters()
for(auto &flag:all_flags)
auto pattern = std::string("%") + flag;
benchmark::RegisterBenchmark(pattern.c_str(), bench_formatter, pattern);
benchmark::RegisterBenchmark(pattern.c_str(), bench_formatter, pattern)->Iterations(2500000);
// complex patterns
......@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ void bench_formatters()
for(auto &pattern:patterns)
benchmark::RegisterBenchmark(pattern.c_str(), bench_formatter, pattern);
benchmark::RegisterBenchmark(pattern.c_str(), bench_formatter, pattern)->Iterations(2500000);
......@@ -110,6 +110,19 @@ inline void pad6(size_t n, fmt::basic_memory_buffer<char, Buffer_Size> &dest)
pad3(static_cast<int>(n % 1000), dest);
template<size_t Buffer_Size>
inline void pad9(size_t n, fmt::basic_memory_buffer<char, Buffer_Size> &dest)
if (n > 99999999)
append_int(n, dest);
pad6(static_cast<int>(n / 1000), dest);
pad3(static_cast<int>(n % 1000), dest);
// return fraction of a second of the given time_point.
// e.g.
// fraction<std::milliseconds>(tp) -> will return the millis part of the second
......@@ -486,7 +486,8 @@ public:
scoped_pad p(field_size, padinfo_, dest);
auto ns = fmt_helper::time_fraction<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(msg.time);
fmt::format_to(dest, "{:09}", ns.count());
fmt_helper::pad9(static_cast<size_t>(ns.count()), dest);
......@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@ void test_pad6(std::size_t n, const char *expected)
REQUIRE(fmt::to_string(buf) == expected);
void test_pad9(std::size_t n, const char *expected)
fmt::memory_buffer buf;
spdlog::details::fmt_helper::pad9(n, buf);
REQUIRE(fmt::to_string(buf) == expected);
TEST_CASE("pad2", "[fmt_helper]")
test_pad2(0, "00");
......@@ -52,3 +59,19 @@ TEST_CASE("pad6", "[fmt_helper]")
test_pad6(12345, "012345");
test_pad6(123456, "123456");
TEST_CASE("pad9", "[fmt_helper]")
test_pad9(3, "000000003");
test_pad9(23, "000000023");
test_pad9(123, "000000123");
test_pad9(1234, "000001234");
test_pad9(12345, "000012345");
test_pad9(123456, "000123456");
test_pad9(1234567, "001234567");
test_pad9(12345678, "012345678");
test_pad9(123456789, "123456789");
test_pad9(1234567891, "1234567891");
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