Commit ae9d88db authored by gabi's avatar gabi

small updates

parent e5f47904
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
console->info("Starting bench with", howmany, "iterations..");
auto bench = c11log::create<sinks::rotating_file_sink_st>("bench", "myrotating", "txt", 1024 * 1024 * 5, 3, 0);
auto bench = c11log::create<sinks::rotating_file_sink_st>("bench", "myrotating", "txt", 1024 * 1024 * 1, 3, 0);
//auto bench = c11log::create<sinks::simple_file_sink_st>("bench", "simplelog.txt", 1);
//auto bench = c11log::create<sinks::null_sink_st>("bench");
#pragma once
// base sink templated over a mutex (either dummy or realy)
// concrete implementation should only overrid the _sink_it method.
// all locking is taken care of here so no locking needed by the implementors..
......@@ -86,20 +86,18 @@ private:
// Rotate files:
// log.txt -> log.1.txt
// ..
// log.n.txt -> log.n+1.txt
// log.1.txt -> log2.txt
// log.2.txt -> log3.txt
// log.3.txt -> delete
void _rotate()
//Remove oldest file
for (auto i = _max_files; i > 0; --i)
std::string src = _calc_filename(_base_filename, i - 1, _extension);
std::string target = _calc_filename(_base_filename, i, _extension);
if (i == _max_files)
std::rename(src.c_str(), target.c_str());
}, 0, _extension));
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