Commit b88c7846 authored by gabime's avatar gabime

Improved circular_q move

parent 31020f9e
......@@ -88,13 +88,19 @@ public:
void copy_moveable(circular_q &&other) SPDLOG_NOEXCEPT
// copy from other&& and reset it to disabled state
void copy_moveable(circular_q &&other) SPDLOG_NOEXCEPT
max_items_ = other.max_items_;
head_ = other.head_;
tail_ = other.tail_;
overrun_counter_ = other.overrun_counter_, v_ = std::move(other.v_);
other.max_items_ = 0; // disable other
overrun_counter_ = other.overrun_counter_;
v_ = std::move(other.v_);
// put &&other in disabled, but valid state
other.max_items_ = 0;
other.head_ = other.tail_ = 0;
other.overrun_counter_ = 0;
} // namespace details
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