1. 10 Feb, 2020 23 commits
  2. 09 Feb, 2020 10 commits
  3. 08 Feb, 2020 3 commits
    • Gabi Melman's avatar
      Merge pull request #1423 from dominicpoeschko/patch-1 · d4ce9386
      Gabi Melman authored
      Properly handling SPDLOG_PREVENT_CHILD_FD
    • dominic's avatar
      Properly handling SPDLOG_PREVENT_CHILD_FD · 033fe9f1
      dominic authored
      Removed check for posix version so that missing O_CLOEXEC leads to
      compiler error.
      Removed extra function since it hat no real purpose anymore.
      Error behavior between Windows and Unix now equivalent.
    • dominicpoeschko's avatar
      additional log overload · 25b10dc2
      dominicpoeschko authored
      calling log with a string_view as msg called
       template<typename... Args>
          void log(source_loc loc, level::level_enum lvl, string_view_t fmt, const Args &... args)
      instead of
      template<class T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_convertible<const T &, spdlog::string_view_t>::value, T>::type * = nullptr>
          void log(source_loc loc, level::level_enum lvl, const T &msg)
      which lead to an unnecessary call to fmt::format
  4. 07 Feb, 2020 4 commits