Commit 372c93c9 authored by aligungr's avatar aligungr

Security mode command procedure improvement

parent 92cee686
......@@ -188,6 +188,13 @@ void NasMm::receiveSecurityModeCommand(const nas::SecurityModeCommand &msg)
if (msg.abba.has_value())
nsCtx->keys.abba = msg.abba->rawData.copy();
// Handle horizontal derivation
if (msg.additional5gSecurityInformation.has_value() &&
msg.additional5gSecurityInformation->hdp == nas::EHorizontalDerivationParameter::REQUIRED)
// Assign selected algorithms to security context, and derive NAS keys
nsCtx->integrity = msg.selectedNasSecurityAlgorithms.integrity;
nsCtx->ciphering = msg.selectedNasSecurityAlgorithms.ciphering;
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