Commit 9744a727 authored by aligungr's avatar aligungr

UE SRA dev.

parent 25fc5487
......@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ void NasMm::receiveSecurityModeCommand(const nas::SecurityModeCommand &msg)
nsCtx->ciphering = msg.selectedNasSecurityAlgorithms.ciphering;
m_logger->debug("Derived NAS keys integrity[%s] ciphering[%s]", nsCtx->keys.kNasInt.toHexString().c_str(),
// m_logger->debug("Derived NAS keys integrity[%s] ciphering[%s]", nsCtx->keys.kNasInt.toHexString().c_str(),
// nsCtx->keys.kNasEnc.toHexString().c_str());
m_logger->debug("Selected integrity[%d] ciphering[%d]", (int)nsCtx->integrity, (int)nsCtx->ciphering);
// The UE shall in addition reset the uplink NAS COUNT counter if a) the SECURITY MODE COMMAND message is received
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